This article lists the Order to Cash Flow in R12, with technical flow of data as taught in our FocusThread trainings.

1. Order Entry

This is first stage, When the order is entered in the system, it creates a record in order headers and Order Lines table.

Enter header details: Once you enter details on the order header and save it or move it to lines, record goes to one table oe_order_headers_all flow_status_code = ENTERED, booked_flag = N), Primary key=HEADER_ID

No record exist in any other table for this order till now.

Enter Line details for this order: Enter different item numbers, quantity and other details in line tab. When the record gets saved, it goes to one table. Order header details will be linked with line details by order HEADER_ID. oe_order_lines_all (flow_status_code = ENTERED, booked_flag = N, open_flag = Y) Primary key= LINE_ID

2.Order Booking
This is next stage, when Order is booked then the Flow status changed from Entered to Booked. At this stage, these below table get affected.

oe_order_headers_alL (flow_status_code as BOOKED, booked_flag updated to Y)
oe_order_lines_all (flow_status_code as AWAITING_SHIPPING, booked_flag updated Y)
wsh_delivery_details (DELIVERY_DETAIL_ID is assigned here, released_status ‘R’ ready to release, LINE_ID comes as SOURCE_LINE_ID)
wsh_delivery_assignments (DELIVERY_ASSIGNMENT_ID is assigned for DELIVERY_DETAIL_ID present in wsh_delivery_details, DELIVERY_ID remains blank till this stage)

*In shipping transaction form order status remains “Ready to Release”.

At the same time, Demand interface program runs in background And insert into inventory tables mtl_demand, here LINE_ID come as a reference in DEMAND_SOURCE_LINE

3. Reservation

This step is required for doing reservations SCHEDULE ORDER PROGRAM runs in the background and quantities are reserved. Once this program get successfully get completed, the mtl_demand and mtl_reservations table get updated. LINE_ID gets updated in DEMAND_SOURCE_LINE_ID in both the tables.

4. Pick Release
Pick Release is the process of putting reservation on on-hand quantity available in the inventory and pick them for particular sales order.

Pick release can be done from ‘Release Sales Order’ form or ‘Pick release SRS’ program can be scheduled in background. In both of these cases all lines of the order gets pick released depending on the Picking rule used. If specific line/s needs to be pick release it can be done from ‘Shipping Transaction form. For this case Pick Release is done from ‘Release Sales Order’ form with Pick Confirm=NO.
Once pick release is done these are the tables get affected:

If step 3 is not done then MTL_RESERVATIONS gets updated now.
wsh_new_deliveries (one record gets inserted with SOURCE_HEADER_ID= order header ID, status_code=OP =>open)
wsh_delivery_assignments (DELIVERY_ID gets assigned which comes from wsh_new_deliveries)
wsh_delivery_details (released_status ‘S’ ‘submitted for release’)
(move order tables. Here request is generated to move item from Source (RM or FG) sub-inventory to staging sub-inventory)
Mtl_material_transactions_temp (link to above tables through move_order_header_id/line_id, this table holds the record temporally)
MTL_SERIAL_NUMBERS_TEMP (if item is serial controlled at receipt then record goes in this table)

*In shipping transaction form order status remains “Released to Warehouse” and all the material still remains in source sub-inventory. We need to do Move Order Transaction for this order. Till this no material transaction has been posted to MTL_MATERIAL_TRANSACTIONS

5.Pick Confirm/ Move Order Transaction

Items are transferred from source sub-inventory to staging Sub-inventory. Here material transaction occurs.

Order line status becomes ‘Picked’ on Sales Order and ‘Staged/Pick Confirmed’ on Shipping Transaction Form.

MTL_MATERIAL_TRANSACTIONS_TEMP (Record gets deleted from here and gets posted to MTL_MATERIAL_TRANSACTIONS)
oe_order_lines_all (flow_status_code ‘PICKED’ )
wsh_delivery_details (released_status becomes ‘Y’ => ‘Released’ )
MTL_SERIAL_NUMBERS_TEMP (record gets inserted after putting details for the item which are serial controlled at ‘Sales order issue’)
MTL_SERIAL_NUMBERS (record gets inserted after putting details for the item which are serial controlled at ‘Sales order issue’)

* This step can be eliminated if we set Pick Confirm=YES at the time of Pick Release

6.Ship Confirm
Here ship confirm interface program runs in background. Data removed from wsh_new_deliveries.

The items on the delivery gets shipped to customer at this stage.

oe_order_lines_all (flow_status_code ‘shipped’)
wsh_delivery_details (released_status ‘C’ ‘Shipped’, SERIAL_NUMBER if quantity is ONE)
WSH_SERIAL_NUMBERS (records gets inserted with the DELIVERY_DETAIL_ID reference, only in case of shipped quantity is two or more)
mtl_material_TRANSACTIONS (linked through Transaction source header id)
Data deleted from mtl_demand, MTL_reservations
Item deducted from MTL_ONHAND_QUANTITIES
MTL_SERIAL_NUMBERS_TEMP (records gets deleted from this table)
MTL_SERIAL_NUMBERS (Serial number stauts gets updated CURRENT_STATUS=4 , ‘Issued out of store’)

7.Enter Invoice
After shipping the order the order lines gets eligible to get transfered to RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL. Workflow background engine picks those records and post it to RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL. This is also called Receivables interface, that mean information moved to accounting area for invoicing details. Invoicing workflow activity transfers shipped item information to Oracle Receivables. At the same time records also goes in the table RA_INTERFACE_SALESCREDITS_ALL which hold details of sales credit for the particular order.

ra_interface_lines_all (interface table into which the data is transferred from order management) Then Autoinvoice program imports data from this table which get affected into this stage are receivables base table. At the same time records goes in

ra_customer_trx_all (cust_trx_id is primary key to link it to trx_lines table and trx_number is the invoice number)
ra_customer_trx_lines_all (line_attribute_1 and line_attribute_6 are linked to order number and line_id of the orders)

8.Complete Line

In this stage order line level table get updated with Flow status and open flag.
oe_order_lines_all (flow_status_code ‘shipped’, open_flag “N”)

9.Close Order
This is last step of Order Processing. In this stage only oe_order_lines_all table get updated. These are the table get affected in this step.

oe_order_lines_all (flow_status_code ‘closed’, open_flag “N”)

In this stage order line level table get updated with Flow status and open flag.
oe_order_lines_all (flow_status_code ‘shipped’, open_flag “N”)

9.Close Order
This is last step of Order Processing. In this stage only oe_order_lines_all table get updated. These are the table get affected in this step.

oe_order_lines_all (flow_status_code ‘closed’, open_flag “N”)


DFF: Descriptive Flex Field
Descriptive Flex Fields are used to gather additional information about your business entities beyond the information required by oracle Applications. In other words “a mechanism that lets you creates new fields in screens that are delivered by Oracle but Hidden to store your business information”.

KFF: Key Flex Field
Key Flex Fields are used to define your own structure for many of the identifiers required by Oracle Applications and drive reporting i.e. General Ledger (Accounting Flexfield), Assets (Asset key Flexfield, Location Flexfield, Category Flexfield), Inventory (Item Category, system Items, Sales Order, item Catalogs), HR (People Group Flexfield, Job Code Flexfield) etc…

Value Sets
Is a set of values or list of values attached with fields to restrict user to enter free text.

Legal Entity:
The business units where fiscal or tax reports are prepared. In other words A legal entity represents the designated legal employer for all employment-related activities. The legal authorities in a country recognize this organization as a separate employer.

Operating Unit:
The level at which Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) transaction data is secured.

An Organization may be a physical site or it can represent a collection of sites sharing certain characteristics.

Multi Org
Multi-Org is a server-side (applications and database) enhancement that enables multiple business units in an enterprise to use a single installation of Oracle Applications products while keeping transaction data separate and secure.

An invoice or bill is a commercial document issued by a seller to the buyer, indicating the products, quantities, and agreed prices for products or services the seller has provided the buyer. An invoice indicates the buyer must pay the seller, according to the payment terms.

A receipt is a written acknowledgement that a specified article or sum of money has been received as an exchange for goods or services. The receipt acts as the title to the property obtained in the exchange.

A customer is the buyer or user of the paid products of an individual or organization.

A vendor, or a supplier, is a supply chain management term meaning anyone who provides goods or services to a company. A vendor often manufactures inventoriable items, and sells those items to a customer.

In Apps the buyer is the person who creates documents like Purchase Order, Request for Quotations etc. buyer is the entity that decides to obtain the product. A buyer’s primary responsibility is obtaining the highest quality goods at the lowest cost. This usually requires research, writing requests for bids, proposals or quotes, and evaluation information received.

Purchase Order
A purchase order (PO) is a commercial document issued by a buyer to a seller, indicating types, quantities, and agreed prices for products or services the seller will provide to the buyer. Sending a PO to a supplier constitutes a legal offer to buy products or services. Acceptance of a PO by a seller usually forms a one-off contract between the buyer and seller, so no contract exists until the PO is accepted

A requisition is an Electronic or Printed formal written request for something,

Sales Order:
The sales order, sometimes abbreviated as SO, is an order received by a business from a customer. A sales order may be for products and/or services.

Packing Slip:
Shipping document that accompanies delivery packages, usually inside an attached shipping pouch or inside the package itself

Back Order
A distribution term that refers to the status of items on a purchase order in the event that some or all of the inventory required to fulfill the order is insufficient to satisfy demand. This differs from a forward order where stock is available but delivery is postponed for another reason.

Convert Number into Words

select ename,sal,to_char(to_date(sal,’J’), ‘JSP’) as converted_form
from scott.emp


To Find Duplicate Item Category Code

SELECT category_set_name, category_concat_segments, COUNT (*)
FROM mtl_category_set_valid_cats_v
WHERE (category_set_id = 1)
GROUP BY category_set_name, category_concat_segments
ORDER BY category_concat_segments

Get Number Of canceled requisition

SELECT a.AUTHORIZATION_STATUS,(a.ORG_ID),(SELECT distinct hr.per_all_people_f.first_name|| ‘ ‘|| hr.per_all_people_f.middle_names|| ‘ ‘|| hr.per_all_people_f.last_name “Employee Name”
FROM hr.per_all_people_f
where hr.per_all_people_f.PERSON_ID in
(select employee_id from fnd_user fu where fu.user_id = a.CREATED_BY)) CREATED_BY,count(SEGMENT1 )
po_requisition_headers_all a
a.creation_date BETWEEN TO_DATE(’01/01/2007′, ‘DD/MM/YYYY’)
and TO_DATE(’30/05/2007′, ‘DD/MM/YYYY’)

Number of line processed in Order Management

SELECT COUNT (line_id) “Order Line Processed”
FROM oe_order_lines_all
WHERE creation_date BETWEEN TO_DATE (:Fdate, ‘DD/MM/YYYY’)
AND TO_DATE (:tdate, ‘DD/MM/YYYY’)
AND flow_status_code = ‘CLOSED’;

To Check Item Catogry For Inventory master (No Of Segments May Varry)

SELECT ood.organization_name,
segment1|| ‘-‘|| segment2|| ‘-‘|| segment3 catgory
FROM org_organization_definitions ood,
mtl_categories_vl mcv,
mtl_category_sets mcs
WHERE mcs.structure_id = mcv.structure_id
ORDER BY ood.organization_name

Check Locators for inventory Inventory Org Wise(Number of segment may varry)

SELECT mil.segment1 loc_seg1, mil.segment11 loc_seg11, mil.segment2 loc_seg2,
mil.segment3 loc_seg3, mil.segment4 loc_seg4, mil.segment5 loc_seg5,
mil.segment6 loc_seg6,ood.ORGANIZATION_NAME,mil.SUBINVENTORY_CODE
FROM mtl_item_locations mil,org_organization_definitions ood

Display All Subinventories Setup

select msi.secondary_inventory_name, MSI.SECONDARY_INVENTORY_NAME “Subinventory”, MSI.DESCRIPTION “Description”,
MSI.DISABLE_DATE “Disable Date”, msi.PICKING_ORDER “Picking Order”,
gcc1.concatenated_segments “Material Account”,
gcc2.concatenated_segments “Material Overhead Account”,
gcc3.concatenated_segments “Resource Account”,
gcc4.concatenated_segments “Overhead Account”,
gcc5.concatenated_segments “Outside Processing Account”,
gcc6.concatenated_segments “Expense Account”,
gcc7.concatenated_segments “Encumbrance Account”,
from mtl_secondary_inventories msi,
gl_code_combinations_kfv gcc1,
gl_code_combinations_kfv gcc2,
gl_code_combinations_kfv gcc3,
gl_code_combinations_kfv gcc4,
gl_code_combinations_kfv gcc5,
gl_code_combinations_kfv gcc6,
gl_code_combinations_kfv gcc7
where msi.material_account = gcc1.CODE_COMBINATION_ID(+)
and msi.material_overhead_account = gcc2.CODE_COMBINATION_ID(+)
and msi.resource_account = gcc3.CODE_COMBINATION_ID(+)
and msi.overhead_account = gcc4.CODE_COMBINATION_ID(+)
and msi.outside_processing_account = gcc5.CODE_COMBINATION_ID(+)
and msi.expense_account = gcc6.CODE_COMBINATION_ID(+)
and msi.encumbrance_account = gcc7.CODE_COMBINATION_ID(+)
order by msi.secondary_inventory_name

To Select Unit Of measure exist in ebusiness suite

select uom_code,unit_of_measure
from mtl_units_of_measure

Query to find out Customer Master Information. Customer Name, Account Number, Adress etc.

select p.PARTY_NAME,ca.ACCOUNT_NUMBER,loc.address1,loc.address2,loc.address3,,loc.postal_code,,ca.CUST_ACCOUNT_ID
from apps.ra_customer_trx_all I,
apps.hz_cust_accounts CA,
apps.hz_parties P,
apps.hz_locations Loc,
apps.hz_cust_site_uses_all CSU,
apps.hz_cust_acct_sites_all CAS,
apps.hz_party_sites PS
and I.bill_to_site_use_id=csu.site_use_id
and cas.PARTY_SITE_ID=ps.party_site_id
and ps.location_id=loc.LOCATION_ID

Query to Find Responsibilities assigned to particular user.

SELECT b.responsibility_name NAME
FROM apps.fnd_user_resp_groups a,
apps.fnd_responsibility_vl b,
apps.fnd_user u
WHERE a.user_id = u.user_id
AND u.user_id = (select user_id from FND_USER where user_name=:User_name)
AND a.responsibility_id = b.responsibility_id
AND a.responsibility_application_id = b.application_id
AND SYSDATE BETWEEN a.start_date AND NVL (a.end_date, SYSDATE + 1)
AND b.end_date IS NULL
AND u.end_date IS NULL

Query To find the Request Run By Concurrentselect b.user_concurrent_queue_name, c.request_id
from fnd_concurrent_processes a, fnd_concurrent_queues_vl b, fnd_concurrent_requests c
where a.concurrent_queue_id = b.concurrent_queue_id
and a.concurrent_process_id = c.controlling_manager;

Query to find on Hand Quantity

select sum(transaction_quantity) from MTL_ONHAND_QUANTITIES
where inventory_item_id=9
and organization_id=188

Qunatity on order, Expected Deliverselect sum(ordered_quantity),a.SCHEDULE_SHIP_DATE
from oe_order_lines_all a
where inventory_item_id=10
and ship_from_org_id=188

Query to find Item Code, Item Description Oracle Item Master Query(select item, description from mtl_system_items_b
where inventory_item_id=&your_item
and organization_id=&organization_id) item,

Query to Find out On Hand Quantity of specific Item Oracle inventory
(select sum(transaction_quantity) from mtl_onhand_quantity_details
where inventory_item_id=&your_item
and organization_id=&organization_id) onhand,
— Qty Issued by X No clue what you want here
–Qty On Order,Expected deivery date(select sum(ordered_quantity),scheduled_ship_date from oe_order_lines_all
where inventory_item_id=&your_item
and ship_from_org_id=&organization_id
group by scheduled_ship_date) order_info,
–Toatl Received Qty
(select sum(transaction_quantity) from mtl_material_transactions
and organization_id=&organization_id
and transaction_quantity>0) tot_rec_qty,
–Total received Qty in 9 months
(select sum(transaction_quantity) from mtl_material_transactions
and organization_id=&organization_id
and transaction_quantity>0
and transaction_date between trunc(sysdate) and trunc(sysdate-270)) tot_rec_qty_9mths,
–Total issued quantity in 9 months(select sum(transaction_quantity) from mtl_material_transactions
and organization_id=&organization_id
and transaction_quantity<0 and transaction_date between trunc(sysdate) and trunc(sysdate-270)) tot_iss_qty_9mths, –Average monthly consumption
(select sum(transaction_quantity)/30 from mtl_material_transactions
and organization_id=&organization_id
and transaction_quantity<0) avg_month_consumption; Find detail of specific Applications Running in System System Administrator

FROM fnd_application_tl
WHERE application_name = ‘Purchasing’
AND rownum = 1;

Find the Request Groups and Concurrent ProgamsSELECT g.request_group_name, c.user_concurrent_program_name,
a.application_name, g.application_id, g.request_group_id,
u.unit_application_id, u.request_unit_id
FROM fnd_request_groups g,
fnd_request_group_units u,
fnd_application_tl a,
fnd_concurrent_programs_tl c
WHERE g.request_group_id = u.request_group_id
AND u.unit_application_id = a.application_id
AND u.request_unit_id = c.concurrent_program_id
–and c.USER_CONCURRENT_PROGRAM_NAME like ‘%Purchase Order%’
ORDER BY C.user_concurrent_program_name, A.application_name, g.request_group_id;

Display all categories that the Item Belongs
SELECTunique micv.CATEGORY_SET_NAME “Category Set”,
micv.CATEGORY_SET_ID “Category Set ID”,
decode( micv.CONTROL_LEVEL,
1, ‘Master’,
2, ‘Org’,
‘Other’) “Control Level”,
micv.CATEGORY_ID “Category ID”,

Another Query to Get Onhand Qty With Oranization ID, Item Code,  Quantity
SELECT organization_id,
(SELECT ( msib.segment1|| ‘-‘|| msib.segment2|| ‘-‘|| msib.segment3|| ‘-‘|| msib.segment4)
FROM mtl_system_items_b msib
WHERE msib.inventory_item_id = moq.inventory_item_id
AND msib.organization_id = moq.organization_id) “Item Code”,
(SELECT description
FROM mtl_system_items_b msib
WHERE msib.inventory_item_id =
AND msib.organization_id = moq.organization_id)
“item Description”,
SUM (moq.transaction_quantity) onhandqty
FROM mtl_onhand_quantities moq
GROUP BY moq.organization_id, (moq.inventory_item_id)

Transfer Price is the price at which an item is transferred from one operating unit to another operating unit. Transfer price is also usually called as “Arm’s length Price” and is generally guided by the originating country’s accounting standards.
Logic for transfer price determination for shipping flows is explained in Figure . However, for procuring flow, you can specify whether the transfer price is same as the PO price in intercompany transaction flow. This means that an operating unit sells at the same price at which it procured the item to another operating unit. If you specify that the transfer price is not same as the PO price in the intercompany transaction flow, then system uses the same logic as depicted in . For procuring flow, you specify the pricing option (transfer price or PO price) separately for asset and expense items.

You can make use of the external API feature of the intercompany invoicing to develop your own custom logic for determining transfer price. For example, if you want to use the cost price as the transfer price, then build your custom logic to fetch the cost price. The name of the external API is MTL_INTERCOMPANY_INVOICES.get_transfer_price and the name of the file is INVICIVB.pls located at $INV_TOP/patch/115/sql. Ensure that the API returns transfer price along with currency code.
Please ensure that the transfer price is not 0. Oracle expects that the transfer price should be greater than 0. You will be able to create an intercompany AR invoice but will not be able to create an intercompany AP invoice resulting in intercompany reconciliation discrepancy. You need to set the profile “QP: Security Control” to ‘Off’, to generate logical transactions and for raising the intercompany AR invoice.