Step1 : Create the Element and Element links
Step2: write the fast formula
Step3: Attach the fast formula in Formula Results
Package used to call the fast formula from the backed : ff_exec
Simple Code Snippet below:
l_formula_id NUMBER;
l_element_inputs ff_exec.inputs_t;
l_element_outputs ff_exec.outputs_t;
l_in_count NUMBER;
l_out_count NUMBER;
l_pay_value NUMBER;
SELECT formula_id
INTO l_formula_id
FROM ff_formulas_f
AND p_effective_date BETWEEN effective_start_date
AND effective_end_date;
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (‘NO formula exists’);
IF l_formula_id IS NOT NULL
— Insert FND_SESSIONS row ( Optional )
INSERT INTO fnd_sessions
( session_id,
( USERENV (‘sessionid’),
— Initialize the formula.
ff_exec.init_formula (l_formula_id,
— Loop through the Input Values
FOR l_in_count IN l_element_inputs.FIRST .. l_element_inputs.LAST
— Pass The each Input value name and its Value : Eg: START_DATE and p_start_date
IF (l_element_inputs (l_in_count).NAME = ‘START_DATE’)
l_element_inputs (l_in_count).VALUE :=
fnd_date.date_to_canonical (p_start_date);
–Run The formula
ff_exec.run_formula (l_element_inputs, l_element_outputs);
— Get the Out Put Values
FOR l_out_count IN l_element_outputs.FIRST .. l_element_outputs.LAST
— Get all the Out Put Values Here L_PAY_VALUE is the out put value
IF (l_element_outputs (l_out_count).NAME = ‘L_PAY_VALUE’)
l_pay_value := l_element_outputs (l_out_count).VALUE;
RETURN (l_pay_value);
Here i am Explaining how to create Fnd Messages via E-Business suite and the implementation of message retrieval via the pl/sql API package provided with Oracle Applications.
Creating an Oracle E-Business Suite Message
To create a message in the E-Business suite message library you will need the “Application Developer” responsibility.
Navigate to Application Developer > Application > Messages. This will launch a form
Enter a unique name for your message
Select the language that your message is written in and the application that the message belongs
Enter the message text in the “Current Message Text” box.
Eg: This is my first message
Click the save icon.
Retrieving a message using PL/SQL:
In order to retrieve the message from the database we need to use a standard API’s in the FND_MESSAGE package.
An E-Business suite message should be retrieved as follows:
1. Clear the current session of any message variables that may already be set
2. Tell E-Business suite which message you wish to retrieve
3. Retrieve the actual message string
4. Clear the session (Optional)
Below is the PL/SQL Block to retrive the message
my_message VARCHAR2(100);
–Initialize Apps Session
fnd_global.apps_initialize( user_id => 1234
,resp_id => 1235
,resp_appl_id => 1236
/*–Note: You will get the uer_id, resp_id and Resp_appl_id using below Query
select fnd.user_id ,
from fnd_user fnd,
fnd_responsibility_tl fresp
where fnd.user_name = ‘OEAG’
and fresp.responsibility_name = ‘Custom HRMS
–Clear the existing session
–Tell e business suite which message you want (custom application short name/message name)
–Retrieve the message
my_message := FND_MESSAGE.GET;
–Output the message
Output for the Above Block Is : This is my first message
Using Tokens in the message:
The Oracle E-Business suite allows the substitution of tokens within a message string to enable the programmer to add dynamic content to the message at run time.
Open the E-Business Suite message create a New Message
Navigate to Application Developer > Application > Messages. This will launch a form
Enter a unique name for your message
Select the language that your message is written in and the application that the message belongs
Enter the message text in the “Current Message Text” box.
Eg: This is my second message and the Token User name is &USERNAME
Click the save icon.
Note: In order to insert a token into a message it is necessary to prefix the token with a ampersand e.g. &USERNAME
Retrieving message With Token Substitution
Here USERNAME is called as TOKEN, we will Add the value dynamically
Example Block is below:
my_message VARCHAR2(100);
–Initialize Apps Session
fnd_global.apps_initialize( user_id => 1234
,resp_id => 1235
,resp_appl_id => 1236
/*–Note: You will get the uer_id, resp_id and Resp_appl_id using below Query
select fnd.user_id ,
from fnd_user fnd,
fnd_responsibility_tl fresp
where fnd.user_name = ‘OEAG’
and fresp.responsibility_name = ‘Custom HRMS Responsibility’;
–Clear the existing session
–Tell e business suite which message you want (Application short name/message name)
–Set the username message token with the current applications user
–Retrieve the message
my_message := FND_MESSAGE.GET;
–Output the message
Out put for above block is :
Downloading and Uploading Messages using the Generic Loader
To download our example message we would use the following command at the Unix prompt on the mid-tier:
FNDLOAD apps/apps 0 Y DOWNLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/afmdmsg.lct XX_UNAME_TOKEN_MSG.ldt
To Upload our example message we would use the following command at the Unix prompt on the mid-tier:
FNDLOAD apps/apps 0 Y UPLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/afmdmsg.lct XX_UNAME_TOKEN_MSG.ldt
1. Open Period
2. Create/Reverse journal entries
3. Post Journals
4. Review
5. Revaluate/Translate
6. Consolidate
7. Review/correct balances
8. Run reports
9. Close the periods
Integration of General Ledger with other modules:
Oracle General Ledger integrates with other modules. Following is the list of modules along with the details that flow to the General Ledger.
1. Payables sends Invoices, payments, adjustments, realized gain/loss on foreign currency and invoice price variance to GL.
2. Receivables sends invoices, payments, adjustments, debit memos, credit memos, cash, charge backs and realized gain and loss on foreign currency to GL.
3. Assets sends capital and construction in process asset additions, cost adjustments, transfers, retirements, depreciation and reclassifications.
4. Purchasing sends accruals or receipts not invoiced, purchase orders, final closes and cancellations.
5. HRMS sends employee details.
6. Payroll sends salary, deductions and tax information.
7. Inventory sends cycle counts, physical inventory adjustments, receiving transactions, delivery transactions, delivery transactions, intercompany transfers, sales order issue, internal requisitions, sub-inventory transfers and Cost of Goods Sold.
TP: INV Transaction processing mode — On-line
RCV: Processing Mode — On-Line set to User & Resp.
2. Auto creates tools copy document next document form not pop-up.
PO: Display the Autocreated Document — No to Yes
PO: Display the Autocreated Quotation — No to Yes
PO: Allow Buyer Override in Autocreate Find — Yes or No
PO: Allow Category Override in Autocreate Find — Yes or No
PO: Allow Referencing CPA Under Amendment — Yes or No
PO: Allow Requisition Approval Forward Action — Yes or No
HR: Supervisor Hierarchy Usage —Use Assignment-based Supervisor Hierarchies
Use Person-based Supervisor Hierarchies
HR: Display Position Hierarchy — Yes or No
PO: Allow Requisition Approval Forward Action — Yes or No
3. Requisition Import required Internal & Purchase Requisition
PO: Legal Requisition Type — Both
PO: Restrict Requisition line modify to quantity split — No
RCV: Allow routing override — Yes
OM: Display New Order after Copy — Yes
OM: Item Change Honors Frozen Price — Yes
OM: Return Item Mismatch Action — Allow
4. Sales Order Number not automatic sequencing
Sequential Numbering — Always Used
AR:Maximum lines per AutoInvoice — 20
AR: AutoInvoice Gather Statistics — No
AR: Use Invoice Accounting For Credit Memos — Yes
eBTax: Allow Override of Customer Exemptions — Yes
WIP:Job Name Updatable — Yes to No
Drop ship
OM: Population Of Buyer Code For Dropship Lines — Order Creator (not mandatory)
Requisition import & Create release both should run at a time
PO: Release During ReqImport — Yes
Localization Profiles
Responsibility — Purchasing
JG: Application — Purchasing
JG: Product — Asia/Pacific Localizations
JG: Territory — India
JG: Company Operating Unit — Operating Unit Name
Responsibility — Inventory
JG: Application — Inventory
JG: Product — Asia/Pacific Localizations
JG: Territory — India
JG: Company Operating Unit — Operating Unit Name
Responsibility — Order Management
JG: Application — Order Management
JG: Product — Asia/Pacific Localizations
JG: Territory — India
JG: Company Operating Unit — Operating Unit Name
Any changes from SO Header level it won’t affect to line level need to set the profile – R12 Futures:-
OM: Sales Order Form:
Cascade Header Changes to Line — Automatic
QP: Item Validation Organization — IMO
OM: Item Validation Organization — IMO setting up both should Same
(then only Item should be listing in price list and modifier)
FND: Record History Enabled
FND: Diagnostics — Yes (Customer web page view record history
Personalize Self-Service Defn–>
HZ: Enable Duplicate Prevention at Party Creation — Disabled
Organization only
Organization and Person
Person only
HZ: Enable DQM Party Search — Yes
ASO : Price List Override — Yes
PO: Allow Buyer Override in Autocreate Find — Yes
Transaction type added Customer PO mandatory — Check box enabled
Organization Type
In a Human Resources responsibility, the navigation is Other Definitions > Application Utilities Lookup.
1. Define FOB: AR à Purchasing lookup à Query FOB — Add the Value
2. Define Freight carrier: Order Management à Setup à Shipping à Freight Carrier, Cost Type à Freight Carrier — Add the value
3. Define Freight Terms: Order Management à Setup à Quick Codes à Order Management à Query Freight Terms — Add the Value
AR: AutoInvoice Gather Statistics — No to Yes
( AutoInvoice Master Program concurrent error)
AR:Maximum lines per AutoInvoice worker — 10000 (null to 10000)
Credit Memo Profile
AR: Use Invoice Accounting For Credit Memos — Null to Yes
AR: Transaction Batch Source — Null to
INV: Advanced Pricing for Inter-Org Transfers — Null to Yes
INV: Advanced Pricing for Inter-Org Transfers — No
Price list security:-
Price list and Modifier need to set to Operating Unit level or Global
QP: Security Control — OFF / ON
QP: Security Default Maintain Privilege — Global
Operating Unit
UserQP: Security Default ViewOnly Privilege — Global
Operating Unit
CST: Transfer Pricing Option — No
Internal Sales Order Price Defaulted from Inventory Item cost à Sales Order à Line items à pricing tab à Calculate Price flag set Freeze price to Calculate price.
Parallel Pick Future R12
Set the profile site level to
1. WSH: Number of Pick Release Child Processes’ – 50
Consigned Inventory functionality set this Profiles
INV: Allow Expense to Asset Transfer = Yes.
Check following 2 condition for your environment.
1) OE: Autobackorder is only effective if the profile, OE: Reservation = Yes
2) only affects items in a kit, model, or ship set during Pick Release.
SELECT category_set_name, category_concat_segments, COUNT (*)
FROM mtl_category_set_valid_cats_v
WHERE (category_set_id = 1)
GROUP BY category_set_name, category_concat_segments
ORDER BY category_concat_segments
Get Number Of canceled requisition
SELECT a.AUTHORIZATION_STATUS,(a.ORG_ID),(SELECT distinct hr.per_all_people_f.first_name|| ‘ ‘|| hr.per_all_people_f.middle_names|| ‘ ‘|| hr.per_all_people_f.last_name “Employee Name”
FROM hr.per_all_people_f
where hr.per_all_people_f.PERSON_ID in
(select employee_id from fnd_user fu where fu.user_id = a.CREATED_BY)) CREATED_BY,count(SEGMENT1 )
po_requisition_headers_all a
a.creation_date BETWEEN TO_DATE(’01/01/2007′, ‘DD/MM/YYYY’)
and TO_DATE(’30/05/2007′, ‘DD/MM/YYYY’)
Number of line processed in Order Management
SELECT COUNT (line_id) “Order Line Processed”
FROM oe_order_lines_all
WHERE creation_date BETWEEN TO_DATE (:Fdate, ‘DD/MM/YYYY’)
AND TO_DATE (:tdate, ‘DD/MM/YYYY’)
AND flow_status_code = ‘CLOSED’;
To Check Item Catogry For Inventory master (No Of Segments May Varry)
SELECT ood.organization_name,
segment1|| ‘-‘|| segment2|| ‘-‘|| segment3 catgory
FROM org_organization_definitions ood,
mtl_categories_vl mcv,
mtl_category_sets mcs
WHERE mcs.structure_id = mcv.structure_id
ORDER BY ood.organization_name
Check Locators for inventory Inventory Org Wise(Number of segment may varry)
SELECT mil.segment1 loc_seg1, mil.segment11 loc_seg11, mil.segment2 loc_seg2,
mil.segment3 loc_seg3, mil.segment4 loc_seg4, mil.segment5 loc_seg5,
mil.segment6 loc_seg6,ood.ORGANIZATION_NAME,mil.SUBINVENTORY_CODE
FROM mtl_item_locations mil,org_organization_definitions ood
Display All Subinventories Setup
select msi.secondary_inventory_name, MSI.SECONDARY_INVENTORY_NAME “Subinventory”, MSI.DESCRIPTION “Description”,
MSI.DISABLE_DATE “Disable Date”, msi.PICKING_ORDER “Picking Order”,
gcc1.concatenated_segments “Material Account”,
gcc2.concatenated_segments “Material Overhead Account”,
gcc3.concatenated_segments “Resource Account”,
gcc4.concatenated_segments “Overhead Account”,
gcc5.concatenated_segments “Outside Processing Account”,
gcc6.concatenated_segments “Expense Account”,
gcc7.concatenated_segments “Encumbrance Account”,
from mtl_secondary_inventories msi,
gl_code_combinations_kfv gcc1,
gl_code_combinations_kfv gcc2,
gl_code_combinations_kfv gcc3,
gl_code_combinations_kfv gcc4,
gl_code_combinations_kfv gcc5,
gl_code_combinations_kfv gcc6,
gl_code_combinations_kfv gcc7
where msi.material_account = gcc1.CODE_COMBINATION_ID(+)
and msi.material_overhead_account = gcc2.CODE_COMBINATION_ID(+)
and msi.resource_account = gcc3.CODE_COMBINATION_ID(+)
and msi.overhead_account = gcc4.CODE_COMBINATION_ID(+)
and msi.outside_processing_account = gcc5.CODE_COMBINATION_ID(+)
and msi.expense_account = gcc6.CODE_COMBINATION_ID(+)
and msi.encumbrance_account = gcc7.CODE_COMBINATION_ID(+)
order by msi.secondary_inventory_name
To Select Unit Of measure exist in ebusiness suite
select uom_code,unit_of_measure
from mtl_units_of_measure
Query to find out Customer Master Information. Customer Name, Account Number, Adress etc.
select p.PARTY_NAME,ca.ACCOUNT_NUMBER,loc.address1,loc.address2,loc.address3,,loc.postal_code,,ca.CUST_ACCOUNT_ID
from apps.ra_customer_trx_all I,
apps.hz_cust_accounts CA,
apps.hz_parties P,
apps.hz_locations Loc,
apps.hz_cust_site_uses_all CSU,
apps.hz_cust_acct_sites_all CAS,
apps.hz_party_sites PS
and I.bill_to_site_use_id=csu.site_use_id
and cas.PARTY_SITE_ID=ps.party_site_id
and ps.location_id=loc.LOCATION_ID
Query to Find Responsibilities assigned to particular user.
SELECT b.responsibility_name NAME
FROM apps.fnd_user_resp_groups a,
apps.fnd_responsibility_vl b,
apps.fnd_user u
WHERE a.user_id = u.user_id
AND u.user_id = (select user_id from FND_USER where user_name=:User_name)
AND a.responsibility_id = b.responsibility_id
AND a.responsibility_application_id = b.application_id
AND SYSDATE BETWEEN a.start_date AND NVL (a.end_date, SYSDATE + 1)
AND b.end_date IS NULL
AND u.end_date IS NULL
Query To find the Request Run By Concurrentselect b.user_concurrent_queue_name, c.request_id
from fnd_concurrent_processes a, fnd_concurrent_queues_vl b, fnd_concurrent_requests c
where a.concurrent_queue_id = b.concurrent_queue_id
and a.concurrent_process_id = c.controlling_manager;
Query to find on Hand Quantity
select sum(transaction_quantity) from MTL_ONHAND_QUANTITIES
where inventory_item_id=9
and organization_id=188
Qunatity on order, Expected Deliverselect sum(ordered_quantity),a.SCHEDULE_SHIP_DATE
from oe_order_lines_all a
where inventory_item_id=10
and ship_from_org_id=188
Query to find Item Code, Item Description Oracle Item Master Query(select item, description from mtl_system_items_b
where inventory_item_id=&your_item
and organization_id=&organization_id) item,
Query to Find out On Hand Quantity of specific Item Oracle inventory
(select sum(transaction_quantity) from mtl_onhand_quantity_details
where inventory_item_id=&your_item
and organization_id=&organization_id) onhand,
— Qty Issued by X No clue what you want here
–Qty On Order,Expected deivery date(select sum(ordered_quantity),scheduled_ship_date from oe_order_lines_all
where inventory_item_id=&your_item
and ship_from_org_id=&organization_id
group by scheduled_ship_date) order_info,
–Toatl Received Qty
(select sum(transaction_quantity) from mtl_material_transactions
and organization_id=&organization_id
and transaction_quantity>0) tot_rec_qty,
–Total received Qty in 9 months
(select sum(transaction_quantity) from mtl_material_transactions
and organization_id=&organization_id
and transaction_quantity>0
and transaction_date between trunc(sysdate) and trunc(sysdate-270)) tot_rec_qty_9mths,
–Total issued quantity in 9 months(select sum(transaction_quantity) from mtl_material_transactions
and organization_id=&organization_id
and transaction_quantity<0 and transaction_date between trunc(sysdate) and trunc(sysdate-270)) tot_iss_qty_9mths, –Average monthly consumption
(select sum(transaction_quantity)/30 from mtl_material_transactions
and organization_id=&organization_id
and transaction_quantity<0) avg_month_consumption; Find detail of specific Applications Running in System System Administrator
FROM fnd_application_tl
WHERE application_name = ‘Purchasing’
AND rownum = 1;
Find the Request Groups and Concurrent ProgamsSELECT g.request_group_name, c.user_concurrent_program_name,
a.application_name, g.application_id, g.request_group_id,
u.unit_application_id, u.request_unit_id
FROM fnd_request_groups g,
fnd_request_group_units u,
fnd_application_tl a,
fnd_concurrent_programs_tl c
WHERE g.request_group_id = u.request_group_id
AND u.unit_application_id = a.application_id
AND u.request_unit_id = c.concurrent_program_id
–and c.USER_CONCURRENT_PROGRAM_NAME like ‘%Purchase Order%’
ORDER BY C.user_concurrent_program_name, A.application_name, g.request_group_id;
Display all categories that the Item Belongs
SELECTunique micv.CATEGORY_SET_NAME “Category Set”,
micv.CATEGORY_SET_ID “Category Set ID”,
decode( micv.CONTROL_LEVEL,
1, ‘Master’,
2, ‘Org’,
‘Other’) “Control Level”,
micv.CATEGORY_ID “Category ID”,
Another Query to Get Onhand Qty With Oranization ID, Item Code, Quantity
SELECT organization_id,
(SELECT ( msib.segment1|| ‘-‘|| msib.segment2|| ‘-‘|| msib.segment3|| ‘-‘|| msib.segment4)
FROM mtl_system_items_b msib
WHERE msib.inventory_item_id = moq.inventory_item_id
AND msib.organization_id = moq.organization_id) “Item Code”,
(SELECT description
FROM mtl_system_items_b msib
WHERE msib.inventory_item_id =
AND msib.organization_id = moq.organization_id)
“item Description”,
SUM (moq.transaction_quantity) onhandqty
FROM mtl_onhand_quantities moq
GROUP BY moq.organization_id, (moq.inventory_item_id)
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