Note: Some Companies also providing the Free Vision instance, check below link.
Solution Beacon, LLC is a leading provider of expert-level resources for the most widely used Enterprise Management Systems and Technologies. Use Solution Beacon vision Instance freely for your own Practice in 11i and R12 Apps.

For 11i Instance: (Updated 24-OCT-2013)
Release (a510vis5)
For R12 Instance: (Updated 24-OCT-2013)
Release 12.1.3 Vision (vis1213)
Note: R12.1.3 User Id/Password Not Available now! Try below method to register your own id.
If you want to separate account for yours, try below steps:
Step 1: Go to the following Link for 11i new user creation:
Step 2: Enter First Name,Last Name,Email Address(Email address should be Valid),Oracle CSI* ( Just Simply enter any eight digit number which you mostly like.) Now there is no validation in CSI number.
Step 3: Submit, Your Userid and password will be sent to your Email Id.
Note: Solution beacon not providing back-end access to Oracle Apps Instance. If you need, you must have your own instance.
Drop a message, if you are facing any problem in that.. Hope this helps… 🙂
Thank you
Thank you for the information it is really helpful
Thank You Sir…it is really very helpful.
God Bless You in every walk of your life
Thank You is really very helpful for all the beginners like me.
May God Bless you in every walk of your life..
please also upload some Oracle ebookss..
many thanks.
Thanks for your valuable comment. Please Subscribe our blog to get updates in future..
Happy Learning.
Thank you
Thanks for ur valuable post
Thanks for valuable information..
But I am not able to login using this credentials, aftering entering credentials when redirected from login page it is showing some error..
What error you are getting?
Happy Learning.
i have created my account but it is showing error
Please tell me what error you are getting?..
Happy Learning.
whenevr i try to open any form..its showng error
"You don't have permission to access /dev60cgi/oracle/apps/fnd/formsClient/FormsLauncher.class on this server."
Which OS & Browser You are using?
Happy Learning.
Thanks a lot. It is really very very helpful for beginners like us. Thanks once again.
Hi cannot use the instance as they are asking for CSI number.Please Help.
Thank you.
i want to practices oracle payroll and writing some plsql queries..
can i access this instance/application data base ??
if yes then how can i access please let me know.
Just Enter Any 8 digit number.. It will work. try it.
Happy Learning.
You need to install your own vision instance to access backend details, you can't access backend of solutionbeacon.
If you need to install EBS, do let me know.
Happy Learning.
Not able to login in R12
Hi Mondal,
If you are trying to login 'oeag01', which is removed in R12.1.3 So I Created new user in the Same name. Please Login now and tell me whether it is working from your side. If you facing any other issue in login, do let me know.
Happy Learning.
I have my credentials but still I am unable to access it. Every time it gives the below error.
You don't have permission to access /dev60cgi/oracle/apps/fnd/formsClient/FormsLauncher.class on this server.
And asks to install Oracle JInitiator Plugin. I have already installed it but still no luck.
windows 7 and google crome..i have tried oninternet explorer too..but getting same error.
Hi Divya,
Use IE 6/7/8 for accessing Apps. Uninstall already installed one and reset the IE, do the process again.(Open the Apps Page now).
Happy Learning.
hey can you please give me access to this block
[email protected] is my Id . thanks
Hi Imran,
That blog is not ready now.. We are working with adding Contents Once its ready i will message you.. Thanks for Spending your in my blog..
Happy Learning.
hi how are u all???
when i login came some files all files has same (undifined) name and it's not able to open or anything what i have to do after i login
Can you show me the screen shot of your error message?
Happy learning.
"java(tm) is out of date" coming not open the form pls check it once
Which version of Oracle Apps you are opening? and Which browser you are using?
Happy Learning.
I am getting below error while login in 11i instance.Pls help
You don't have permission to access /dev60cgi/oracle/apps/fnd/formsClient/FormsLauncher.class on this server.
Hi Rajiv,
Please don't use Chrome or Other browsers, use IE 6/7/8 browser version.
Happy Learning.
Hello ,
I have tried with your credentials to get login first it shows me that need to install Jinitiator n i done it but i never get access to access instance ..
I'm using
windows xp -sp3 and IE 8
I'm posintg here the link what i got after error
cud you please tell me so that i can do practise
thank you so much for giving such a good information for us
Hi sam,
Reset your IE 8 Settings, and uninstall All Jinitiators u hv installed. Then Restart your System. Go to Url, and install Jinitiator now. After you installed jinitiator close IE and again open the 11i URL, it will work. Check and tell me.
Happy Learning.
Thank you so much for your guide lines ..
now I'm able to access the instance ..
now again my dumb brain raised a question over here and i feel that u never mind .. see if i want to get the .rdf , ctl or .fmb from where can i get or to see my developed files output where do i have to stores these file ..
thank you so much for giving your valuable time for getting me clear on this topic ..
Mine exception is coming…
not opening
can you please guide ??
Can you please assist me. My oracle developer forms run time is not working. This is the response
FRM-92120: Registry file is missing
Kindly assist me please
Try to change the Settings in IE. Go to IE Settings -> Security Tab-> Click Custom Level and Select Disable XSS Filter Option and Restart your browser.
Happy Learning.
Hi Velmurugan
Am using Google chrome because my IE is showing the responsibilities as undefined. Kindly assist me with the Google chrome settings.
Hi Velmurugan
My oracle jinitiator response is low
Can you please assist me?
May be you have recent java version, check your java version it should be Java 6 Update 7. Because this version is used in Solution beacon.
Uninstall all new versions of java and keep one i mentioned. Then try it.
Happy Learning.
Hey Can any one tell me how to connect to database for this Solution beacon instance….any TNSname or through any other method….Please let me know…
Thanks Ritesh
I don't think they providing a back-end access. You can install vision in your system or you can get your client database access. There is no other option is available.
Happy Learning.
Thanks Velmurugan….
How can I install vision in my system….
Any info…pls share
Hi Velmurugan
Thanks I'm using the Java 6 update 7 now but the response i get is that the oracle jinitiator is low.
Kindly assist
Please go through the menu ERP Installation link in top of this blog.
If you need any help on this, just ask me. Can you tell me your name and from?
Happy Learning.
Hi Velmurugan
Thanks for reply….
I am Ritesh and from Bangalore….
Where can i find step by step guide with screen shot for oracle R12.1.3 with latest patches available,and where can i get Redhat Enterprise Linux free download.
Thanks Ritesh
Hi Ritesh,
I have myself installed R12.1.1 by followed this below link.
For Installing R12.1.3, same steps above i mentioned in that link. But it may require some additional rpm for linux. So its better you can check with metalink note from oracle.
You can get redhat from many online torrent site. If you need any help ask me.
Happy Learning.
Thank you so much ……
i am beginning want to learning about e business suite , and dont know where to start,
thank you so much
Are you a going to learn functional or technical in oracle apps?
Join this Communities and interact with peoples.You will get an clear idea's.
Happy learning.
I am not able to connect. After submitting username and password. it show some error i.e FRM -92095 : Oracle JInitiator version too low Revert me back. ASAP
Hi Sam,
This error causing due to java version mismatch with server. So you should use same version like java 6 update 7. Check you java version is matching with one i mentioned.
Happy Learning.
Hi Velmurugan,
When trying to log in oracle applications it show password Is wrong in e biz suite. Can tell me once again username and password of it.
Hi sam,
In which user u r facing this problem?
Happy Learning.
Hi Velmurugan ,
Its working Thank you for Rply and help me alot..
Can u Plz tel me the instance password?
its not working.
I'm having troubles logging into Oracle R12. The password for username: oeag01 seems to have changed. I have my own login but all responsibilities appear as Undefined. Is there a setting I should change for this the display properly ?
I think the password is changed by someone, So again i reset the password for username oeag01 as 'oeag01@'
Happy Learning.
Hi Swapna,
I think the password is changed by someone, so i reset the password for username oeag01 as 'oeag01@'
Happy Learning.
Thank u
Thank U…..
While Booking Order I am getting following order
"ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character to number conversion error in Package ASO_ORDER_FEEDBACK_UPDATE_PVT Procedure UPDATE_NOTICE"
Hi Swapna,
This error will happen for two reasons,
1. You may entered character value instead of number.
2. It may have an issue in Solutionbeacon instance, I checked in internet and found a link in
But above solution we can't do it on our side, it has to be done by solutionbeacon peoples.
Happy Learning.
How can I Move Rdf reports from my PC to server?
You can use any ftp tools like winscp,filezilla,toad. You must have a back end application url/username/password.
And one more thing, if you need any help other than related to this post(accessing solution beacon), please ask in below groups.
Happy Learning.
Thank You
I had wrongly mentioned the Google Communities link, check the below one.
Happy Learning. — this link is not opening please helpful
any person.
Hi Saravana,
I think there is an issue in solutionbeacon. Even though the instance( also now not working, may be they doing some maintenance work.
Please try back later.
Happy Learning.
Hi Velmurugan
When i am trying to access the instance on clicking the link….
It's saying "Internet Explore Cannot Display the page", i tried several times, but same message.
Please let me know the solution or the server is down.
Hi Velmurugan
When i tried to access the R12 instance today i found that it is up.
But when i am passing the user name and password it saying login failed.
I tried with both oeag01@ and oeag01$ as password ,
and oeag01 as username.
Please let me know the solution.
Hi Ritesh,
Solution beacon did their maintenance work in R12 vision, so they removed some users.
Please check now, i have created same user.
Happy Learning.
Hi Velmurugan
Are you able to access Solution beacon R12 Instance?. I am still getting login failed error?
I could not able to login into Solution beacon R12 Instance. I tried the above login and getting " Login failed. Please verify your login information or contact the system administrator'
Hi Suresh,
Please check the above post. I have created a new username in R12.
Happy Learning.
Please check the above post. I have created a new username in R12.
Happy Learning.
Hi Velmurugan
It worked. Thank You very much!
Hi Velmurugan
Sorry to trouble u again….
Again R12 link userid and password is not working.
I think someone has again played with it.
I am passing the following userid and password…
User name: SE6064
Password: oracleerp!
Pls. look into it and update me.
Hi Ritesh,
Very Sorry. Someone is changed this one. I have already contacted solution beacon peoples. They have not responded till now. So, its better you can register your own id, using registration link i have provided.
Happy Learning.
please provide me update for username and password
Hi lyad,
Just use the above steps i have mentioned in this page to get your own user id in solution beacon.
Happy Learning.
thank you for you replay
i have problem when i do enter to system it appear error on username or password .please check if any body change password
i wait your replay
I tried to reset that user password, still it's showing old one. So i don't have choice now. So Please make your own id in solution beacon.
Happy Learning.
by solution beacon it need Oracle CSI but Unfortunately i dont have oracle CSI
what can i do .
with best regards
Give any 8 digit number, it will accept that.
Happy Learning
Do you want to see how Oracle EBS/ERP functions and/or design your solution but don't have an Oracle ERP landscape? No problem, we got you covered! Click on the link below for Vision instances and start designing!
Getting error:The requested URL /forms/frmservlet was not found on this server.
If you are using IE, then check these link.
Happy Learning.
still r12 instance not working getting login failure err
Thank you!!!!! 🙂
I have created a user for R12 n logged in n when i clicked on Sales Order in Ordermanagement responsibilty….Oracle applications window got opened but the other window to where we place an order opened with an error in it saying
FRM-92120: is missing …
Plz help me solve this problem
Eagerly waitning to start Practisinc Apps Online
And how can i practice Apps technical n work backend tables…
If you are using IE, then check these link.
For working with backend, you need to have your own instance or your client server. Solution beacon not providing backend access.
Happy Learning
In IE when i click on Sales Order I am getting no response at all that is applications window is not getting opened….n even i have changed XSS scrpit to disabled it dint work…
First reset tour browser settings, and Goto Controlpanel and uninstall all your java version's. Now again open the browser and set XSS Filter to Disable. Then try to access url from browser. let the browser to install java.
Happy Learning.
please sir any persons help us i make a report but how step / link what ever create then my report register oracle ebs which step, please u brief step by step brief me details ( start initial level ) thanks
Just go through the link. You will get an clear idea of how to create a report in apps. Reports/
Happy Learning.
how to create the user name and pass
I am trying to login, but all the time getting this window. As required i hv installed J2SE, but still getting the same. Please help.
"In order to access this application, you must install the J2SE Plugin version 1.6.0_07. To install this plugin, click here to download the oaj2se.exe executable. Once the download is complete, double-click the oaj2se.exe file to install the plugin. You will be prompted to restart your browser when the installation is complete."
Thanks & Regards,
If you wanna create solution beacon username, follow above post. Or If you wanna create apps username and password. See below link.
Happy Learning.
You should try this in Internet explorer 7 or later.
Happy Learning.
plz chk if is working
Its working fine now.
Happy Learning.
DFF is not working. I am unable to freeze many DFF.
Hi sir,
i Created a new Id and i get confirmation mail in my email i get username and password too but i cant login its showing an unexpected error has occured and later its showing Internal server error Plz let me know how to solve this error
many thanks its work gr8
Can you please provide back end also,it will help full to us?
Sorry. That is restricted by Solution beacon. You must have your own instance or your client instance to access back end.
Happy Learning
Velmurugan T please help me..i enter 8 digit for csi but register fail ..can you give me usernname and password for logging
I think there is a problem in solution beacon site, wait for some time and try again.
Happy Learning
I am getting an error on Purchase ->RFQ's and Quotations -> RFQs, "You are not set up as a worker. To access this page, you need to be worker.
How can I set up myself as a worker. Please help
Follow these steps:
Buyer Setup
1) In HRMS ‘People > Enter and maintain’,Create New Employee whose Last name must be same as User name Which we are logged in.
Go to Assignment, Enter Org,Position and Job.Save the record.
2) In Sysadmin ‘Security > User > Define’,Query for the user & enter ‘person’ field with employee name created in HRMS.Save the record.
3) In PO ’ Setup >Personal > Buyers ‘, Create new buyer for our user. Now we can create a PO
Happy Learning.
i am getting an error on PO->Setup->Personnel->employees, '' APP-PAY-06041: You cannot use the Enter Person Form because Human Resources is fully installed. Instead, use the Human Resources People Form ''.
plzzz could u give the solution?
Go to Human resources responsibility, People -> Enter and Maintain. Then create an employee.
Happy Learning
In requisition line there is a option of specifying item type,name,quantity,price etc…my question is that why RFQ is created? bcoz RFQ have also same thing whatever in requisition.
Requisition is to capture the demand for Goods or services, it may be either internal or purchase requisitions. But RFQ(Request for Quotation) is a formal request sent to the suppliers to find the pricing and other information for an item. ( Based on Requisition you can create RFQ and sent to supplier for get the best price.)
Happy Learning.
Can you please help me with beackend credentials
When i am trying to login i am getting the following error can you please guide me thru.
Internal Server Error
The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.
Please contact the server administrator, [email protected] and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.
More information about this error may be available in the server error log.
I don't see any problem in connecting to instance. Just try again.
Happy Learning.
We don't have the back end credentials, you must have your own instance or any one of your client server.
Happy Learning.
I am not able to open both the instance with the above mentioned URL!!
Please help me on this!!
Thank you,
Hi, this is really helpful to me..I was strugling for CSI number from past 6 months..Its a great help!!
I have created my user id and password but when i try to open one perticular responsibility it showing error message saying "Java Plug-in
Using JRE version 1.7.0_51-b13 Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM"
I am using windows 8 and google chrome. my Java version is 1.7.0
Please help me how to open the application.
Thank you,
First, uninstall all you existing java versions and try to access the page again. See the above discussion, some of them had same problem already and i had replied.
Happy Learning
I am able to access R12 vision instance but I need to access R12 database. How to access this r12 database from toad or sql developer
i have window7 OS and responsibilities are not open in my browsers.its asking J2SE plugin..after installing J2SE also the responsibilities are not opened .what can i do now..
I am getting error as "APP-PAY-33216: variable ben_adr_in_primary_flag not initialized at line 29 at ghr_address_ler_trigger". What is the solution?
Thank you so much for the information provided. I have followed your instructions and created login, now iam able to login but couldn't open any forms, when i open the instance it is throwing the error saying "dat file missing". (i am using windows 8 OS)
I will paste you the actual error message below:
FRM- 92120: Registry file is missing.
It would be very helpful if you can help me in resolving this issue.
Hi Sirisha,
Please refer the my previous above comments, already this issue has been solved.
How to access back-end data from my system..please give me information to access data
thanx Velmurugan T….:)
another query…how and who would approve requisition?
While go for approve it is asking for approval path.
plzee help me out…
I am getting same error. Did you get this fixed. Can you let me know the solution?
Hi Sir. For the issue of the error "In order to access this application, you must install the J2SE Plugin version 1.6.0_07 . . . " I have uninstalled and installed many updates of Java 6 and 7 attempting to resolve this issue to no avail. What am I doing wrong. It worked on my work machine (Win7/32), but not on my personal machines (Win 7/64 and Win 8.1/64) What am I missing here?
Hi Sir, i tried to register the R12 version, after submit with all details i am getting below error please advise,
Release 12.1.3 Vision User Registration Failed!
Sorry, the server encountered an unexpected problem while attempting to create your new Release 12.1.3 Vision user. Please try again later
Hello Sir, I am also getting the same error
Release 12.1.3 Vision User Registration Failed!
Sorry, the server encountered an unexpected problem while attempting to create your new Release 12.1.3 Vision user. Please try again later————-
Please help me
Hi Mustafa,
There is an issue in Solutionbeacon site. May be you try after sometime it will work.
Happy Learning
Can anyone share the login credentials for 12.1.3 instance. I don't have the CSI so unable to register.
I tried but not able to log in… Furthermore, i don have a CSI. Got to know that CSI number is nothing but to provide 8 digits of your choice. Its showing error message as "the server encountered an unexpected problem while attempting to create your new Release 12.1.3 Vision user. Please try again later" while trying to register for the first time. Plz help
Hi Aniriddha have you got access to the R12.1.3??
Hi Venkat/Velumurugan,
I need Oracle EBS R12.2 online instance. The Solution Beacon URL does not work, Biztech checks for a valid Oracle CSI no.
I had the Infosemantics access for a few days but it no longer works now.
Pls. advise.
Jairaj Nair
Hi Jairaj,
I don't see any issue in Biztech website. Today also i registered new id. Try again.
Learn by Sharing.
I am trying to access link but its not working,Please Help me
Hi Aslam,
Check this Link.
Hi Aslam,
Check this Link.
Hi .. I want to set up both db and access erp in my local system for practise.. Can you please help
Hi Ruchi,
You can install R12 in local system, by following below link.
If you need any help to follow the steps or stuck somewhere, reach me via email: [email protected]
Hi Velu.. Will the above work in Mac as well?
Hi Ruchi,
Never tried that, but I hope it will work fine. Because the above method is to install in vmware, so irrespective of Host OS(either windows or MAC) this will work fine.
I am trying to access the login page but the URL is not working,can u pls help me.
Hi Syed,
Solution beacon is no longer providing free instance, so the links above mentioned in the post won’t work.
But some other two companies providing free front end access, check below link.
Hi Velu.. Do we need valid csi number for the link you specified?
Hi Deepthi,
No need to provide valid CSI number, it will accept any 8 digit number while registration.
Solutionbeacon is no longer providing free instance for practice. Check the below link for other companies, currently providing free EBS access.
I am unable to register myself for R12 instance, its not gettiing open.
Please help.
Solutionbeacon is no longer providing free instance for practice. Check the below link for other companies, currently providing free EBS access.
i need API for resource updation
The links not working..