Oracle Workflow Manager is a component of Oracle Applications Manager that allows system administrators to manage Oracle Workflow for multiple Oracle Applications instances from a single console.
Using Oracle Workflow Manager, administrators can control Workflow system services, such as notification mailers, agent listeners, and other service components, background engines, purging obsolete Workflow data, and cleanup of the Workflow control queue.
Administrators can also monitor work item processing by viewing the distribution of all work items by status and drilling down to additional information. Additionally, they can monitor event message processing for local Business Event System agents by viewing the distribution of event messages by status as well as queue propagation schedules. With this ability to monitor work items and event messages, a system administrator can identify possible bottlenecks easily.
Navigation: Applications Dashboard > (pull-down menu) Workflow Manager > (B) Go
Gathering Oracle Workflow Statistics
Some Oracle Workflow Manager graphs and lists may summarize large volumes of data, depending on the level of activity in your Oracle Applications instance. To enhance performance in displaying these statistics, Oracle Workflow Manager periodically runs concurrent programs to gather the statistics and displays the graphs
and lists based on the latest data from the concurrent programs.
1.  Workflow Agent Activity Statistics Concurrent Program (FNDWFAASTATCC) –
Gathers statistics for the Agent Activity graph in the Workflow System status page and for the agent activity list in the Agent Activity page.
2. Workflow Mailer Statistics Concurrent Program (FNDWFMLRSTATCC) –
Gathers statistics for the throughput graph in the Notification Mailer Throughput page.
3. Workflow Work Items Statistics Concurrent Program (FNDWFWITSTATCC) –
Gathers statistics for the Work Items graph in the Workflow System status page, for the Completed Work Items list in the Workflow Purge page, and for the work item lists in the Active Work Items, Deferred Work Items, Suspended Work Items, and Errored Work Items pages.
These concurrent programs are scheduled to run every 24 hours by default. They do not require any parameters. You can optionally cancel the default scheduled requests and run the programs with a different schedule if you want to gather statistics at a different frequency.
Each of these graphs and lists displays the date and time when its statistics were last updated, as well as a refresh icon that you can select to refresh the statistics immediately if necessary. However, note that if your Oracle Applications instance contains very large volumes of workflow data, you may encounter delays or page timeouts when refreshing the data.
Note: Oracle Workflow Manager statistics that typically represent smaller volumes of data, such as work item details and work item activity details, are queried directly rather than through the concurrent programs.
A system administrator is involved in setting up an Oracle Applications installation, controlling access, and ensuring smooth ongoing operation. The tasks involved in these functions are described in the Oracle Applications System Administrator’s Documentation Set, in these three volumes:

  • Security
  • Configuration
  • Maintenance

This Maintenance volume describes maintenance tasks for an Oracle Applications installation, as well as tasks you might perform on a frequent basis. Managing Concurrent Processing and Concurrent Programs.
Monitoring an Applications System Using Oracle Applications Manager
Oracle Applications Manager allows you to monitor many components of your applications system, such as database status, system activity, forms sessions and processes, and applications usage.
In addition, the OAM console can provide information on system alerts, metrics, and logs that can help you diagnose potential problems. For example, configuration issues,overdue routine maintenance tasks, and invalid data can cause serious problems requiring either an automated response or manual intervention.

Oracle Workflow Manager

Oracle Workflow Manager is a component of Oracle Applications Manager that allows system administrators to manage Oracle Workflow for multiple Oracle Applications instances.
Using Oracle Workflow Manager, administrators can control Workflow system services, such as notification mailers, agent listeners, and other service components, background engines, purging obsolete Workflow data, and cleanup of the Workflow control queue.
Administrators can also monitor work item processing by viewing the distribution of all work items by status and drilling down to additional information. Additionally, they can monitor event message processing for local Business Event System agents by viewing the distribution of event messages by status as well as queue propagation schedules. With this ability to monitor work items and event messages, a system administrator can identify possible bottlenecks easily.

The Oracle Applications Tablespace Model (OATM) uses twelve consolidated tablespaces^(including three system tablespaces: temporary, system and undo segments) and provides support for locally managed tablespaces. OATM was introduced in Release 11i.10. In prior 11i releases of the E-Business Suite, each product was allocated two tablespaces, one for data and one for indexes.
The Migration Utility is a menu-based PERL program and a series of sizing estimate reports that enables conversion of E-Business Suite applications schemas either in a single comprehensive migration or a phased, schema-by-schema migration. In general Oracle recommends performing a single comprehensive migration, however this requires a sufficient amount of down time and disk space. Oracle does not support partial migration of tablespaces. You must still migrate all schemas when performing a phased schema-by-schema migration.
With OATM, each database object is mapped to a tablespace based on its Input/Output characteristics, which include object size, life span, access methods and locking granularity. This model allows for easier maintenance, and reduced space usage for the E-Business Suite.
Migrating database objects to OATM provides the following benefits:

  1. Fewer and more consolidated tablespaces
  2. Locally Managed Tablespaces
  3. Accounts for the I/O characteristics of an object
  4. Reclaims space after migration
  5. Real Application Cluster (RAC) Support

The advantages of OATM’s product tablespaces are best understood in terms of the tablespace model that preceded it. This model contained two tablespaces for each Oracle Applications product. One tablespace was allocated for tables and one for indexes. In this model, the standard naming convention for tablespaces contained the product’s Oracle schema name with a suffix of either “D” for “Data” tablespaces or “X” for “Index” tablespaces. For example, the tablespaces APD and APX were the default tablespaces for Oracle Payables tables and indexes, respectively.
In contrast to the previous tablespace model, OATM contains nine default tablespaces for applications objects in addition to Undo, Temp and System database tablespaces. Indexes on transaction tables are held in a separate tablespace dedicated for transaction table indexes whereas all other indexes are held in the same tablespace as the parent/base table.
All Oracle Applications product schemas now have a default tablespace set to point to the TRANSACTION_TABLES tablespace type for data objects and the TRANSACTION_INDEXES tablespace type for index objects.
^A tablespace is a database storage unit that groups related logical structures together. The database data files are stored in tablespaces.

Given the increased attention and scrutiny your investors are applying to the supply chain’s impact on a company’s financial performance, you need a yardstick to clearly measure your Supply Chain performance. One of the most followed and detailed performance metrics are encompassed in the Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) model. The SCOR model provides an industry-standard approach to analyze, design, and implement changes to improve performance throughout five integrated supply chain processes — plan, source, make, deliver and return

Assess supply resources; aggregate and prioritize demand requirements; plan inventory for Distribution, production, and material requirements; and plan rough-cut capacity
Receive, inspect, store, hold, issue, and authorize payment for raw materials and purchased finished goods
Request and receive material; manufacture and test product

Execute order management processes; generate quotations; configure product; create and maintain a customer database; maintain a product/price database; manage accounts receivable, credits, collections, and invoicing; execute warehouse processes, including pick, pack, and configure; create customer-specific packaging/labeling; consolidate orders; ship products; manage transportation processes and import/export

Process defective, warranty, and excess returns, including authorization, scheduling, inspection, transfer, warranty administration, receiving and verifying defective products, disposition, and replacement

When individuals or business buy products or equipments, manufacturers provide free warranty coverage for certain period of time. Oracle Applications provides a functionality to create warranty contracts on each serviceable products shipped from the manufacturer. 
To achieve the above functionality, you need to setup on the below:
1. Define Coverage (Service Contracts)
2. Mark the finished product as Install base trackeable & Enabled contract coverage (Inventory)
3. Define warranty item with warranty period (Inventory)
4. Include warranty item in the Finished Product Bill of Material (BOM)

Once you ship the finished product, it would create an item instance and subsequently create a warranty contract

Related Profile Options
OKS: Consolidate Warranty for Multiple Orders
Determines if an order for products with warranties, sold in Order Management, should be consolidated when the service contract is created. Similar warranties are grouped on a single contract rather than creating separate contracts
OKS: Contracts Validation Source
Allows the user to define the organization information that should be referenced when automatically creating a contract