Oracle Purchasing Tables


Understanding the Matching Tables

Payables uses several of Oracle Purchasing tables for matching. To implement matching in Payables, you need to load these tables with the data from your non-Oracle purchasing application.

    • PO_LINES
    • PO_RELEASES (Blanket Purchase Orders)

AutoInstall automatically installs these and other necessary Oracle Purchasing application tables when you install Payables.


Each record in this table represents a purchase order, which is an order for goods or services from a single supplier. Each purchase order may have multiple lines (PO_LINES). In addition, each blanket purchase order may have multiple blanket releases (PO_RELEASES), which release an amount from the blanket.


Each record in this table represents a purchase order line, which identifies the items and unit price for the goods ordered on a purchase order. Each purchase order line may have multiple shipments (PO_LINE_LOCATIONS).


Each record in this table represents a purchase order shipment, which identifies the quantity of an item shipped to a buyer location by the supplier. Each purchase order shipment may have multiple accounting distributions (PO_DISTRIBUTIONS).


Each record in this table/view represents a purchase order distribution, which identifies the account charged for the items on a purchase order shipment.


Each record in this table represents a blanket release for a purchase order. A blanket release may create multiple shipments.


Each purchase order shipment can be matched to multiple invoices (AP_INVOICES), and a single invoice may be matched to multiple purchase order shipments. When you match an invoice to a purchase order shipment, Payables creates an invoice distribution (AP_INVOICE_DISTRIBUTIONS) from each purchase order distribution on the shipment. When you match an invoice to a single purchase order distribution, Payables creates a single invoice distribution from the purchase order distribution.

Table Descriptions

The following section describes the tables and the columns that Payables supports for matching to purchase orders from your non-Oracle purchase system. We describe how the columns are used and, if a column is required, the values you must load to successfully perform matching. For a complete description of the tables, please consult the Payables Applications Technical Reference Manual.

Attention: You must populate all NOT NULL columns in the purchasing tables.



Enter the ID for the agent who created the purchase order. This value is used by the following reports in Payables: Merge Suppliers, Matching Agent Notice and Receiving Hold Requestor Notice.


Enter BLANKET or STANDARD (Lookup Type: PO TYPE) to identify the type of purchase order.


Enter the ID for the payment terms of the purchase order. Payables uses this value during matching to warn you if the payment terms on the purchase order do not match the payment terms on the invoice being matched to the purchase order. If you choose to leave this column empty, Payables will not warn you if the purchase order and invoice payment terms differ.


Enter a QuickCode (QuickCode Type: FREIGHT TERMS) to identify the freight terms for the purchase order. See: QuickCodes.


Enter the currency code for the purchase order. You can obtain a list of valid codes from FND_CURRENCIES.CURRENCY_CODE. The currency code for the invoice you want to match to this purchase order must be the same as the code you enter here.

PO_RELEASES (Blanket releases)



Enter the ID for the line type of the purchase order line. You can obtain a list of valid IDs from PO_LINE_TYPES.LINE_TYPE_ID.


Do not enter a value in this column. Payables does not allow you to record purchase order lines with Items unless you install Oracle Purchasing.


Enter a description for your purchase order line. You can use this column to record information about the item on the purchase order line. Payables displays this description in the Purchase Order Shipments zone during matching.


Enter the income tax type for the purchase order line, if the supplier for the purchase order is a 1099 supplier. Payables assigns this type as the default income tax type for each invoice distribution created by matching to this purchase order line. If you leave the column empty, Payables uses the income tax type for the supplier as the default. You can obtain a list of valid types from AP_INCOME_TAX_TYPES.INCOME_TAX_TYPE.



Enter the quantity of goods ordered for the purchase order shipment. Payables uses this amount to match against if you are using 2-way matching. Payables verifies that this quantity matches the invoice quantity within defined tolerance levels and places the invoice on hold if it doesn’t match. In addition, if the quantity of the invoice is greater than the shipment quantity, your Payables warns you during invoice entry that the match will result in an overbill.


Enter the quantity of goods received/accepted if you are using 3-way/4-way matching. Payables verifies that the quantity matches the invoice quantity within defined tolerance levels and places the invoice on hold if it doesn’t match.


Do not enter a value in this column, unless you have already matched an invoice to this purchase order shipment. When a match successfully completes (invoice is approved), Payables updates this column with the quantity you specified during matching.


Only enter a value in this column if you have cancelled a portion of the purchase order shipment in your non-Oracle purchasing system. The amount you enter reduces the amount that Payables considers to be the outstanding quantity ordered. Payables displays a warning if you try to match to a shipment which has been cancelled. When you cancel a shipment, Oracle Purchasing sets the PO_LINE_LOCATIONS.QUANTITY_CANCELLED to:

    • QUANTITY – QUANTITY_RECEIVED if receipt is required
    • QUANTITY – QUANTITY_BILLED if receipt is not required.

Attention: Approval does all quantity checks assuming the QUANTITY is the actual QUANTITY minus the QUANTITY_CANCELLED.


Payables displays this value in the matching zones, but does not validate the column. You can enter any value into this column; however, you should use the same value that you use in your non-Oracle purchasing system.


Enter Y or N to indicate the purchase order shipment is subject to tax. If you enter Y, enter a value in the TAX_NAME column. During Approval, Payables verifies that the tax name for the purchase order shipment matches the tax name on the invoice and places a Tax Difference hold on the invoice if the tax names don’t match.


Enter the tax name used to verify that the tax names on the invoice and purchase order shipment match. You do not need to enter a value if you enter N in the TAXABLE_FLAG column. You can obtain a list of valid tax names from AP_TAX_CODES.NAME.


Enter BLANKET, STANDARD, or SCHEDULED (Lookup Type: SHIPMENT TYPE) to identify the type of purchase order shipment.


Do not enter a value in this column if you want to match an invoice to this purchase order shipment. If you enter the values CLOSED, FINALLY CLOSED, or CLOSED FOR INVOICE in the column, Payables warns you that you are matching to a closed purchase order.

PO_DISTRIBUTIONS (Account distribution)

Payables uses a view (PO_DISTRIBUTIONS_AP_V) to this table to perform purchase order distribution matching.


Enter the set of books ID for your purchase order distribution. The ID you enter must be for the set of books you define in the Set of Books window.


Enter the Accounting Flexfield ID for the expense account you want to charge for the goods on the purchase order distribution.


Enter the amount of goods charged to the Accounting Flexfield for this purchase order distribution.

Attention: NOTE: Payables does not validate the following, but assumes it to be true:


Payables sometimes prorates the PO_DISTRIBUTION.QUANTITY_ORDERED using the PO_LINES_LOCATIONS.QUANTITY as the total.


Enter the same Accounting Flexfield ID you entered for the CODE_COMBINATION_ID. Payables allows you to record budget, accrual, and variance (price and exchange rate) amounts for your purchase order distributions, but requires you to charge these amounts to the same expense account for the distribution.


Do not enter a value in this column, unless you have already matched an invoice distribution to this purchase order distribution. When a match successfully completes (invoice is approved), Payables updates this column with the quantity you specified during matching.


Enter a value in this column only if you have cancelled a portion of the purchase order distribution in your non-Oracle purchasing system. The amount you enter reduces the amount that Payables considers to be the outstanding quantity ordered. Payables displays a warning if you try to match to a shipment which has been cancelled.

Attention: Approval does all quantity checks assuming the quantity for the distribution is QUANTITY_ORDERED minus QUANTITY_CANCELLED.


Do not enter a value in this column, unless you have already matched an invoice to this purchase order shipment. When a match successfully completes (invoice is approved), Payables updates this column with the amount of the quantity you specified during matching multiplied by the unit price.

Oracle Projects Columns

Enter project information from Oracle Projects if you want to associate the invoice distribution (created through matching) with a project in Oracle Projects. Payables transfers the information into the AP_INVOICE_DISTRIBUTIONS table and uses it to create the default Accounting Flexfield for the invoice distribution. 

Matching to Purchase Orders

Perform the following steps to match invoices to purchase order information from your non-Oracle purchasing system:

Create Flat File with Purchasing Information

To load invoice information into Payables via SQL*Loader, first create a program that produces a flat file containing the information from your non-Oracle purchasing system for the purchase orders you want to match to invoices.

Load Information into Purchasing Tables

Use SQL*Loader to load the required information into the purchasing tables. You will need to create a SQL*Loader control file to format the information you want to load. The file you write will vary greatly depending on the nature and format of the flat file you use. Your control file must populate the purchasing tables as indicated in the previous table descriptions. See also: SQL*Loader (ORACLE8 Server Utilities Guide).

Enter Invoices

You match invoices to purchase order shipments during invoice entry. This online function links an invoice in the database to one or more purchase order shipments you choose. You cannot pay or post an invoice until Approval approves the invoice. You can match any type of invoice to a purchase order, including credit and debit memos.

Match to Purchase Order Shipments and distributions

When you match during invoice entry, you indicate whether you want to match to the purchase order shipment or to specific invoice distributions. You then choose the shipment or distribution you want to match to, and the quantity and price you are matching. Then Payables performs the following for each matched shipment:

    • Create one or more AP_INVOICE_DISTRIBUTIONS which record the QUANTITY_INVOICED, UNIT_PRICE, and PO_DISTRIBUTION_ID, in addition to other payables information.

Match to Credit and Debit Memos

Payables lets you enter a credit or debit memo (with a negative amount) and match to a purchase order. You would enter a negative quantity in the Quantity Invoiced field in the Purchase Order Shipment Match zone, thereby matching this credit invoice to one or no purchase order shipment lines. Payables then decreases the quantity billed against the purchase order shipment line(s). When you match a credit invoice to a purchase order shipment line, Payables:

    • Reopens closed shipment lines (sets PO_LINE_LOCATIONS.CLOSED_CODE to NULL)

Attention: Payables does not update any receiving information. You must install Oracle Purchasing if you want to enter or update receiving information for a purchase order

Close a Purchase Order Shipment

Invoice entry closes a purchase order shipment (sets CLOSED_CODE in PO_LINE_LOCATIONS to ‘CLOSED’) when:

    • QUANTITY_BILLED equals or exceeds QUANTITY_ORDERED (two-way matching), or
    • QUANTITY_ORDERED is less than or equal to QUANTITY_RECEIVED and QUANTITY_RECEIVED is less than or equal to QUANTITY_BILLED

Final Close

Payables does not support finally closing a purchase order if you do not install Oracle Purchasing with Payables. Final close allows you to match an invoice to a purchase order and permanently close the purchase order when you approve the invoice. 

Online Review of Purchasing Information

Without an Oracle Purchasing application, Payables does not allow you to review purchasing information, such as purchase order header and line information, online in the Invoice Workbench.

Using Approval

Approval is the Payables feature that performs two-, three-, or four-way matching. An invoice must pass Approval before you can pay or post the invoice. Approval reviews each invoice and places one or more matching holds on the invoice if the invoice does not meet your matching criteria. It also releases any existing matching holds if you adjust your invoice or purchase order to meet your matching criteria and current information on order, receipt and acceptance prices and quantities. You must submit Approval for all invoices, not just matched invoices, since it also checks for distribution variances, tax variances, and exchange rate information. You can submit Approval online for an invoice or in batch for a group of invoices. See also: Approval.

2-way, 3-way, and 4-way Matching

When you match to a purchase order, Payables automatically checks that the total of PO_DISTRIBUTIONS.QUANTITY_ORDERED = AP_INVOICE_DISTRIBUTIONS.QUANTITY_INVOICED (2-way matching). Payables only checks QUANTITY_RECEIVED (3-way matching) if the RECEIPT_REQUIRED_FLAG is set to Y and only checks QUANTITY_ACCEPTED (4-way matching) if the INSPECTION_REQUIRED_FLAG is set to Y.

Tax Matching

Payables only checks for tax name matching if the Payables option Validate PO Tax Name is enabled and the invoice has distributions with tax names.

Matching Tolerance

You can define percentage and amount tolerances for Matching quantities and price. Payables places a matching hold on an invoice only if the invoice quantity or price is greater than the purchasing quantity or price by more than your tolerance.

Matching Holds

When you submit Approval, Payables places a matching hold on a matched invoice (by inserting one or more rows in AP_HOLDS, one row for each type of hold for each invoice distribution) if:

    • TAXABLE_FLAG = NO in PO_LINE_LOCATIONS, but there IS tax recorded on the invoice (TAX DIFFERENCE Hold)

Using Encumbrance Accounting with Purchasing

Payables supports using encumbrance accounting with a non-Oracle purchasing system. To use encumbrance accounting, however, you must initially record the encumbered amount for the purchase order to which you want to match an invoice. Then, when Approval approves the invoice, if there is a variance between the invoice and its matched purchase order within the tolerances you define, Payables automatically creates an encumbrance journal entry for the amount of the variance. Payables always creates encumbrance journal entries in detail.

Attention: Approval uses the Payables table, AP_TRANSFER_ENCUMBRANCE, if you enable encumbrance accounting. Payables never drops this table, but deletes the appropriate lines from this table at the beginning of the program each time you submit Approval.

With an Oracle Purchasing application installed, Payables allows you to record these variance encumbrance journal entries to a separate variance account. With a non-Oracle purchasing system, Payables requires you to record the variance amount to the same Accounting Flexfield as the expense Accounting Flexfield for the purchase order distribution.
When you post the invoice to your general ledger, Payables relieves both the original encumbrance journal entries that you created when you encumbered the purchase order and the encumbrance journal entries it automatically created for the variance. Payables then creates actual journal entries for your invoice transaction. Your variance encumbrance journal entries and your actual journal entries update your account balances only when you post the journal entries in your general ledger.

Budgetary Control

The budgetary control feature does not use purchasing information unless you install Oracle Purchasing.

Encumbrance Entries in Payables

If you enable Budgetary Control for a set of books in Oracle General Ledger, you can reserve funds, or encumber them, when you expect an expense so you can avoid overspending a budget and to predict cash outflow. If you enable the PO Encumbrance Financials option, Purchasing and Payables create encumbrances and unencumbrances against the budgets you define in General Ledger. The following equation always holds true:

      Funds Available = Budget – Actuals – Encumbrances

The encumbrances Purchasing and Payables create depends on whether the invoice is purchase order matched, and what accrual method you use in Purchasing:

    • Unmatched Invoice: If you enable the PO Encumbrance Financials option and you enter an unmatched invoice, Payables creates an encumbrance for the expense during Approval, and reverses this encumbrance during posting.
    • Matched Invoice, Receipt Accrual: If you use the On Receipt Accrual Method in Purchasing, Purchasing creates an encumbrance for the goods received at the time of receipt, then reverses that encumbrance when it records the actual expense at the time of delivery of goods. When the invoice is matched to a purchase order and approved in Payables, it is not necessary for Payables to record an encumbrance for the expense. However, Payables will create an encumbrance for an invoice price variance or exchange rate variance, if they exist. Payables does not currently create encumbrances for Quantity variances when you accrue on receipt.
    • Matched Invoice, Period End: If you use the Period End Accrual method for your expense items in Purchasing, Purchasing creates an encumbrance for the goods received at the time of delivery. When the invoice is matched to a purchase order and approved in Payables, it is not necessary for Payables to record an encumbrance for the expense. However, Payables will create an encumbrance for a quantity variance, invoice price variance, or exchange rate variance, if any exist.

Payables reverses all remaining encumbrances for an invoice during Posting, when it records the actual invoice expense. The chart below shows when Payables creates encumbrance entries under the two different Accrual Methods.

Encumbrance with Combined Basis Accounting

If you use the combined basis accounting method, Payables posts encumbrance entries to your primary, accrual set of books only.

Encumbrance with Cash Basis Accounting

If you use the cash basis accounting method, Payables relieves encumbrance entries when you post payments. Payables prorates your encumbrance reversal based on the amount of your invoice payment. 

Purging Purchasing Information

Payables does not allow you to purge purchasing information if you do not have an Oracle Purchasing application installed. When you match an invoice to a purchase order from a non-Oracle purchasing system, you will not be able to purge the invoice because Payables requires that all objects, including matched purchase orders, associated with an invoice must be purgeable before you can purge the invoice.
select prh.segment1 “PO Requisition Number”,
       pha.segment1 “PO Number”,
       aps.SEGMENT1 “Supplier Number”,
       rsh.receipt_num “PO Receipt Number”,
  from po_requisition_headers_all prh,
       po_requisition_lines_all prl,
       po_req_distributions_all prd,
       po_headers_all pha,
       po_lines_all pla,
       po_distributions_all pda,
       po_line_locations_all plla,
       ap_suppliers aps,
       ap_supplier_sites_all apss,
       ap_supplier_contacts apsc,
       rcv_transactions rt,
       rcv_shipment_headers rsh,
       rcv_shipment_lines rsl,
       ap_invoices_all aia,
       ap_invoice_lines_all aila,
       ap_invoice_distributions_all aida,
       ap_invoice_payments_all aipa,
       ap_checks_all aca,
       xla.xla_transaction_entities xte,
       xla_events xe,
       xla_ae_headers xah,
       xla_ae_lines xal,
       xla_distribution_links xdl,
       gl_import_references gir,
       gl_je_batches gjb,
       gl_je_headers gjh,
       gl_je_lines gjl
 where prh.segment1 = :RequitionNumber –Right click :RequitionNumber from Toad Enable Prompt For Substitution Variables
   and aps.vendor_id = pha.vendor_id
   and apss.vendor_id = aps.vendor_id
   and apss.vendor_site_id (+) = pha.vendor_site_id
   and apss.vendor_site_id  = aca.vendor_site_id
   and apsc.vendor_site_id = apss.vendor_site_id
   and apsc.vendor_contact_id = pha.vendor_contact_id
   and prl.requisition_header_id = prh.requisition_header_id
   and prd.requisition_line_id = prl.requisition_line_id
   and pda.req_distribution_id = prd.distribution_id
   and pla.po_header_id = pda.po_header_id
   and pla.po_line_id = pda.po_line_id
   and pha.po_header_id = pla.po_header_id
   and pha.org_id = 204
   and plla.po_header_id = pla.po_header_id
   and plla.po_line_id = pla.po_line_id
   and rt.transaction_type = ‘DELIVER’
   and rt.po_header_id = pha.po_header_id
   and rt.po_line_id = pla.po_line_id
   and rsh.shipment_header_id = rt.shipment_header_id  
   and rsl.shipment_header_id = rsh.shipment_header_id
   and rsl.shipment_line_id = rt.shipment_line_id
   and aila.po_header_id = pha.po_header_id
   and aila.po_line_id = pla.po_line_id
   and aia.invoice_id = aila.invoice_id
   and aida.invoice_id = aila.invoice_id
   and aida.invoice_line_number = aila.line_number
   and aipa.invoice_id = aia.invoice_id
   and aca.check_id = aipa.check_id
   and xte.entity_code = ‘AP_PAYMENTS’
   and xte.transaction_number = aca.check_number
   and xte.source_id_int_1 = aipa.check_id
   and xte.security_id_int_1 = aia.org_id
   and xe.entity_id = xte.entity_id
   and xah.event_id = xe.event_id
   and xal.ae_header_id = xah.ae_header_id
   and xal.ae_line_num = aida.invoice_line_number
   and xdl.ae_header_id = xah.ae_header_id
   and xdl.ae_line_num = xal.ae_line_num
   and xdl.applied_to_dist_id_num_1 = aida.invoice_distribution_id
   and gir.reference_5 = xte.entity_id  — Entity Id
   and gir.reference_6 = to_char(xe.event_id) –Event Id
   and gir.reference_7 = to_char (xah.ae_header_id) — AE Header Id
   and gir.gl_sl_link_id = xal.gl_sl_link_id
   –and gir.created_by = 1318
   and gjb.je_batch_id = gir.je_batch_id
   and gjh.je_batch_id=gjb.je_batch_id
   and gjh.je_header_id = gir.je_header_id
   and gjl.je_header_id=gjh.je_header_id
   and gjl.je_line_num= gir.je_line_num
select ooha.order_number,ooha.org_id,
       hp.party_name “Customer Name”,
       hcasab.orig_system_reference      BILL_TO_ORIG_REF,
       hpsb.status                       BILL_TO_STATUS,
       ‘ADDRESS1 – ‘||bill_loc.address1||’,’||CHR(10)|| ‘ADDRESS2 – ‘||bill_loc.address2||’,’||CHR(10)||
       ‘ADDRESS3 – ‘||bill_loc.address3||’,’||CHR(10)|| ‘CITY     – ‘||||’,’||CHR(10)||
       ‘POSTAL CD- ‘||bill_loc.postal_code||’,’||CHR(10)|| ‘COUNTRY  – ‘||  BILL_TO_ADDRESS,
       hcasas.orig_system_reference      SHIP_TO_ORIG_REF,
       hpss.status SHIP_TO_STATUS,
       ‘ADDRESS1 – ‘||ship_loc.address1||’,’||CHR(10)|| ‘ADDRESS2 – ‘||ship_loc.address2||’,’||CHR(10)||
       ‘ADDRESS3 – ‘||ship_loc.address3||’,’||CHR(10)|| ‘CITY     – ‘||||’,’||CHR(10)||
       ‘POSTAL CD- ‘||ship_loc.postal_code||’,’||CHR(10)|| ‘COUNTRY  – ‘||  SHIP_TO_ADDRESS,
       msib.description item_description, delivery_number,
       rct.trx_number “AR Invoice Number”,
       acr.receipt_number “AR Receipt Number”,
  from oe_order_headers_all ooha,
       oe_order_lines_all oola,
       hz_parties hp,
       hz_cust_accounts hca,
       hz_party_sites hpss,
       hz_party_sites hpsb,
       hz_locations bill_loc,
       hz_locations ship_loc,
       hz_cust_acct_sites_all hcasab,
       hz_cust_acct_sites_all hcasas,
       hz_cust_site_uses_all hzsuab,
       hz_cust_site_uses_all hzsuas,
       mtl_system_items_b msib,
       wsh_delivery_details wdd,
       wsh_new_deliveries wnd,
       wsh_delivery_assignments wda,
       ra_customer_trx_all rct,
       ra_customer_trx_lines_all rctl,
       ra_cust_trx_line_gl_dist_all rctld,        
       ar_cash_receipts_all acr,
       xla.xla_transaction_entities xte,
       xla_events xe,
       xla_ae_headers xah,
       xla_ae_lines xal,
       xla_distribution_links xdl,
       gl_import_references gir,
       gl_je_batches gjb,
       gl_je_headers gjh,
       gl_je_lines gjl
 where ooha.order_number = :SalesOrderNumber –Right click :RequitionNumber from Toad Enable Prompt For Substitution Variables
   and ooha.org_id = 204
   and hca.cust_account_id    = ooha.sold_to_org_id
   and hp.party_id            = hca.party_id
   and hpss.party_id            = hca.party_id
   and hpsb.party_id            = hca.party_id
   and bill_loc.location_id = hpss.location_id
   and ship_loc.location_id = hpsb.location_id
   AND hcasas.cust_account_id  = hca.cust_account_id
   AND hcasab.cust_account_id  = hca.cust_account_id
   AND hcasas.party_site_id    = hpss.party_site_id
   AND hcasab.party_site_id    = hpsb.party_site_id
   and hzsuas.cust_acct_site_id = hcasas.cust_acct_site_id
   and hzsuab.cust_acct_site_id = hcasab.cust_acct_site_id
   and hzsuas.site_use_id = ooha.ship_to_org_id
   and hzsuab.site_use_id = ooha.invoice_to_org_id            
   and wda.delivery_id        = wnd.delivery_id(+)
   and wdd.delivery_detail_id = wda.delivery_detail_id
   and wdd.source_header_id   = ooha.header_id
   and wdd.source_line_id     = oola.line_id
   and wdd.organization_id    = msib.organization_id(+)
   and wdd.inventory_item_id  =msib.inventory_item_id(+)
   and rct.interface_header_attribute1 = to_char(ooha.order_number)
   and rct.org_id = ooha.org_id
   and rctl.customer_trx_id = rct.customer_trx_id
   and rctl.sales_order = to_char(ooha.order_number)
   and rctld.customer_trx_id = rct.customer_trx_id
   and rctld.customer_trx_line_id = rctl.customer_trx_line_id
   and acr.receipt_number = ‘G-1001’
   and acr.pay_from_customer = rct.sold_to_customer_id
   and acr.org_id = ooha.org_id
   and acr.customer_site_use_id = rct.bill_to_site_use_id
   and xte.transaction_number = acr.receipt_number
   and xte.entity_code = ‘RECEIPTS’
   and xe.entity_id = xte.entity_id  
   and xah.event_id = xe.event_id
   and xal.ae_header_id = xah.ae_header_id
   and xal.accounting_class_code = ‘CASH’
   and xdl.ae_header_id = xah.ae_header_id
   and xdl.ae_line_num = xal.ae_line_num
   –and xdl.source_distribution_id_num_1
   and gir.reference_5 = xte.entity_id  — Entity Id
   and gir.reference_6 = to_char(xe.event_id) –Event Id
   and gir.reference_7 = to_char (xah.ae_header_id) — AE Header Id
   and gir.gl_sl_link_id = xal.gl_sl_link_id
   and gir.created_by = 1318
   and gjb.je_batch_id = gir.je_batch_id
   and gjh.je_batch_id=gjb.je_batch_id
   and gjh.je_header_id = gir.je_header_id
   and gjl.je_header_id=gjh.je_header_id
   and gjl.je_line_num= gir.je_line_num

 E-commerce site like ebay, and which are very common place in advance countries like USA, UK & Singapore where people can sell or buy there product. Have you ever think ,what is similar situation in real world , when the the word ‘drop shipment’ comes to your mind. ……a business situation when the retailer or trader has no stock himself, instead giving customer details directly to the seller, and then saler than fills the order and send it to customer directly.How its sounds…
In other words, Drop Shipment is a process where the customer places a purchase order on a company and this company instructs its supplier to directly ship the items to the customer. A Drop Shipment occurs when a customer order is sourced from and delivered by a supplier.Order Management sends information to the Purchasing Application to create that PO, and then when that PO is received (to indicate shipment from the supplier to your customer), the order line is automatically updated to indicate that it was fulfilled. In this process, the company running Order Management is modeled as the company to whom the end customer places the original order.
We need to make sure these are attribute setup Correctly:
Item Attributes
Purchased : Enabled
Purchasable : Enabled
Transactable : Enabled
Stockable : Optional
Reservable : Optional
Inventory Item : Optional
Customer Ordered : Enabled
Customer Order Enabled : Enabled
Internal Ordered : Disabled
OE Transactable : Enabled
Shippable : Optional
And We do set up for Order Source Type as External.
Drop Shipment Setup checklist
Ensure you have created your Order Management Transaction Types and linked your Transaction Types to order and line workflows that support drop shipments.
Ensure the Oracle Workflow Background Engine is running.
Ensure all Drop ship locations you will use to perform drop shipments have the Ship To Site and Receiving Site defined.
Ensure you have defined the Internal Ship To Locations for your drop shipment customers (Oracle Receivables Standard Customer window, Business Purpose Details Tab).
Ensure your standard items have an associated List Price defined within your PO Inventory organization (Oracle Payables Financial Options window, Supplier-Purchasing Tab).
Drop Shipment – Process Steps
Create a Sales Order with line where the line source is External
Book and Schedule the Sales Order
Run Requisition Import Process
Now the line status will be in Awaiting Receipt
Login to the Receiving Organization (Purchasing) who has been setup as an Approver
Run Requisition Import
Create Purchase Order from the Requisition
Approve the PO
Receive the full quantity
Run Auto Invoice
Verify Invoice in Sales Order
Check the details here .

Things not to forget in a Drop Shipment

Release 11i/12 does not support Drop Shipment across operating units.
Blanket PO’s will not used with Drop Shipment , the reason the PO must be created when OM notifies PO that a Drop Ship order has been created.
You can’t cancelled Drop Shipments once Oracle Purchasing obtains the receipt.
Standard Items can be used for Drop Shipment.
In 11i, PTO’s and ATO’s cannot be drop shipped

Difference between “Internal” and “External” Drop-Ship

In Oracle Context External Drop-Shipping means your Oracle Order Management uses purchase orders to outside suppliers that are automatically generated from sales orders for goods supplied directly from the supplier. The “external ” supplier ships the goods directly to the 3rd Party customer and confirms the shipment through the use of an Advanced Shipment Notice(ASN). Note:Oracle uses this ASN to record a receiving transaction into inventory followed by an immediate logical shipping transaction. From these transactions, conveyance of title takes place and the customer can be invoiced and the supplier’s invoice can be processed. where as “Internal” context Drop-Shipping functions in a similar fashion. The key difference is that no inventory transactions take place on the books of the selling operating unit; transfer of ownership of the goods from shipper to seller to customer with the only physical movement of the goods being out of the shipping organization.

Parallel Pick Release

Parallel pick release enables multiple pick release processes to run simultaneously as child processes through the Pick Release SRS Parameters window and Release Sales Orders window through the concurrent mode. Parallel pick release is available when pick releasing from the Tools menu on the Shipping Transactions form through the concurrent mode.
Parallel pick release enables you to set a default number of child processes by defining the profile option: WSH: Number of Pick Release Child Processes.
Ship sets and ship models are processed first during pick release. They are included as part of the child processes.
Parallel pick release can be run from the Shipping Transactions form Tools menu. It cannot, however, be executed from the Shipping Transactions form action Launch Pick Release. Parallel pick release does not run when Pick Release is executed Online.


This table stores invoice, debit memo, commitment, and credit memo header information. Each row includes general invoice information such as customer, transaction type, and printing instructions. You need one row for each invoice, debit memo, commitment, and credit memo you create in Oracle Receivables. Invoices, debit memos, credit memos, and commitments are all distinguished by their transaction types stored in RA_CUST_TRX_TYPES_ALL.
If you entered a credit memo, PREVIOUS_CUSTOMER_TRX_ID stores the customer transaction identifier of the invoice you credited. In the case of on account credits, which are not related to any invoice at creation, PREVIOUS_CUSTOMER_TRX_ID is null. If you created an invoice against a commitment, Oracle Receivables stores the customer transaction identifier of the commitment in INITIAL_CUSTOMER_TRX_ID, otherwise it is null. COMPLETE_FLAG stores ’Y’ for Yes and ’N’ for No to indicate if your invoice is complete. When you complete an invoice, Oracle Receivables creates your payment schedules and updates any commitments against this invoice. Before an invoice can be completed, it must have at least one invoice line, revenue records must exist for each line and add up to the line amount, and a sales tax record must exist for each line. Required Columns:SOLD_TO_CUSTOMER_ID,SOLD_TO_SITE_USE_ID,BILL_TO_CUSTOMER_ID,BILL_TO_SITE_USE_ID,SHIP_TO_SITE_USE_ID,PRINTING_OPTION,PRINTING_PENDING,TERM_ID,REMIT_TO_ADDRESS_ID,PRIMARY_SALES_REP_ID, and INVOICE_CURRENCY_CODE are required even though they are null allowed. The primary key for this table is CUSTOMER_TRX_ID.


This table stores information about invoice, debit memo, credit memo, and commitment lines. For example, an invoice can have one line for Product A and another line for Product B. You need one row for each line. Invoice, debit memo, credit memo, and commitment lines are distinguished by the transaction type of the corresponding RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_ALL record.Also, credit memos are required to have a value in PREVIOUS_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINE_ID, except on account credits which are not related to specific invoices/invoice lines at creation time, will not have values in this column. QUANTITY_ORDERED stores the amount of product ordered. QUANTITY_INVOICED stores the amount of product invoiced. For invoices entered through the window, QUANTITY_ORDERED and QUANTITY_INVOICED must be the same. For invoices imported through AutoInvoice, QUANTITY_ORDERED and QUANTITY_INVOICED can be different. If you enter a credit memo, QUANTITY_CREDITED stores the amount of product credited. UOM_CODE stores the unit of measure code as defined in MTL_UNITS_OF_MEASURE. UNIT_STANDARD_PRICE stores the list price per unit for this transaction line. UNIT_SELLING_PRICE stores the selling price per unit for this transaction line. For transactions imported through AutoInvoice, UNIT_STANDARD_PRICE and UNIT_SELLING_PRICE can be different. DESCRIPTION, TAXING_RULE, QUANTITY_ORDERED, UNIT_STANDARD_PRICE,UOM_CODE, and UNIT_SELLING_PRICE are required even though they are null allowed. LINE_TYPE differentiates between the different types of lines that are stored in this table. LINE points to regular invoice lines that normally refer to an item. TAX signifies that this is a tax line. The column LINK_TO_CUST_TRX_LINE_ID references another row in this table that is the invoice line associated with the row of type TAX. FREIGHT works the same way as TAX but there you can have at most one FREIGHT type l ine per invoice line of type LINE. You can also have one line of type FREIGHT that has a null LINK_TO_CUST_TRX_LINE_ID (and this is referred to as header level freight). CHARGES works just like the LINE type. A line_type of ’CB’ is created for a Chargeback line. For every row in this table that belongs to a complete transaction (where RA_CUSTOMER_TRX.COMPLETE_FLAG = Y), there must be at least one row in the table RA_CUST_TRX_LINE_GL_DIST (which stores accounting information), even for non–postable transactions. The primary key for this table is CUSTOMER_TRX_LINE_ID.


This table stores the accounting records for revenue, unearned revenue and unbilled receivables for each invoice or credit memo line. Each row includes the GL account and the amount of the accounting entry. The AMOUNT column in this table is required even though it is null allowed. You need one row for each accounting distribution. You must have at least one (but you can have multiple) accounting distributions for each invoice or credit memo line. Oracle Receivables uses this information to post the proper amounts to your general ledger. If your invoice or credit memo has a transaction type where Post to GL is set to No, Oracle Receivables assigns Null to GL_DATE. If your AutoAccounting is unable to complete your general ledger default accounts using the AutoAccounting rules you define, incomplete general ledger accounts are stored in CONCATENATED_SEGMENTS. If you are importing a transaction through AutoInvoice and the general ledger date of your transaction is in a closed accounting period, AutoInvoice uses the general ledger date of the first open accounting period and stores the original general ledger date in ORIGINAL_GL_DATE. ACCOUNT_CLASS defines which type of distribution row you are on. The ACCOUNT_CLASS REC represents the receivable account and is for the total amount of the invoice. There can be at most two REC rows. One that has a ACCOUNT_SET_FLAG set to Y and the other has ACCOUNT_SET_FLAG set to N. Use LATEST_REC_FLAG to join to the later of the two rows. ACCOUNT_SET_FLAG is Y if this row is part of an account set. An account set is a set of rows that represent a model distribution. Account sets are used for invoices with rules. The rows represent how the actual distribution rows should be created and what percentage of the actual distribution should be allocated to each account. For invoices with rules, the distributions are not created when the invoice is initially created. Instead, the invoices are created when the Revenue Recognition program is run. The primary key for this table is CUST_TRX_LINE_GL_DIST_ID.


This table stores all transactions except adjustments and miscellaneous cash receipts. Oracle Receivables updates this table when activity occurs against an invoice, debit memo, chargeback, credit memo, on account credit, or receipt. Oracle Receivables groups different transactions bythe column CLASS. These classes include invoice (INV), debit memos(DM), guarantees (GUAR), credit memos (CM), deposits (DEP),chargebacks (CB), and receipts (PMT). Transaction classes determine which columns in this table Oracle Receivables updates when a transaction occurs, and whether a transaction relates to either the RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_ALL table or the AR_CASH_RECEIPTS_ALLtable. AR_PAYMENT_SCHEDULES_ALL joins to the RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_ALL table for non–payment transaction entries such as the creation of credit memos, debit memos, invoices, chargebacks, or deposits. AR_PAYMENT_SCHEDULES_ALL uses the foreign key CUSTOMER_TRX_ID to join to the RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_ALL table for these transactions. AR_PAYMENT_SCHEDULES_ALL joins to the AR_CASH_RECEIPTS_ALL table for invoice–related payment transactions using the foreign key CASH_RECEIPT_ID. When a receiptis applied, Oracle Receivables updates AMOUNT_APPLIED, STATUS and AMOUNT_DUE_REMAINING. STATUS changes from ’OP’ to ’CL’for any transaction that has an AMOUNT_DUE_REMAINING value of 0(Zero). ACTUAL_DATE_CLOSED and GL_DATE_CLOSED are populated with the date of the latest transaction. For a receipt, the amount due remaining includes on account and unapplied amounts. Oracle Receivables stores debit items such as invoices, debit memos, chargebacks, deposits, and guarantees as positive numbers in the AMOUNT_DUE_REMAINING and AMOUNT_DUE_ORIGINAL columns. Credit items such as credit memos and receipts are stored as negative numbers. In Release 10, receipts can be confirmed or not confirmed as designated by the CONFIRMED_FLAG column. The sum of the AMOUNT_DUE_REMAINING column for a customer for all confirmed payment schedules reflects the current customer balance. If this amount is negative, then this column indicates the credit balance amount currently available for this customer. For invoices with split terms, one record is created in RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_ALL and one record is stored in AR_PAYMENT_SCHEDULES_ALL for each installment. In AR_PAYMENT_SCHEDULES_ALL, DUE_DATE and AMOUNT_DUE_REMAINING can differ for each installment of a split term invoice. Each installment is differentiated by the TERMS_SEQUENCE_NUMBER column. If you create a debit memo reversal when you reverse a receipt, Oracle Receivables creates a new payment schedule record for the debit memo and fills in REVERSED_CASH_RECEIPT_ID with the CASH_RECEIPT_ID of the receipt that was reversed. Oracle Receivables creates a new payment schedule record when you create a chargeback in the Receipts window. ASSOCIATED_CASH_RECEIPT_ID is the cash receipt of the payment you entered when you created the chargeback in this window. GL_DATE_CLOSED indicates the general ledger date on which your transaction was closed. This column identifies which transactions Oracle Receivables selects when it displays current and overdue debit items in the aging reports. The aging reports also utilize the current balances in AMOUNT_DUE_REMAINING to display outstanding amounts for current and overdue debit items. ACTUAL_DATE_CLOSED gives the date on which you applied a payment or credit to an open transaction that set AMOUNT_DUE_REMAINING to 0 for that transaction. Oracle Receivables uses ACTUAL_DATE_CLOSED to determine which transactions to include when you print statements. The primary key for this table is PAYMENT_SCHEDULE_ID, which identifies the transaction that created the row.
This table links accounting information with your Receivables Activities. Possible types of activities include Adjustment, Miscellaneous Cash, and Finance Charges. If your type is Miscellaneous Cash, you can associate either a distribution set or a standard accounting flexfield to your Receivables Activity. Oracle Receivables uses one row for each activity. You use your receivables activities to speed receipt entry and generate finance charges. The other types of activities that were valid in release 9 and no longer valid in Release 10 were converted (as part of the upgrade) such that the actual accounting flexfield CODE_COMBINATION_ID is stored in the table instead of the RECEIVABLES_TRX_ID. In Release 9, all of these references were in AR_BATCH_SOURCES; they are now in AR_RECEIPT_METHOD_ACCOUNTS_ALL. The primary key for this table is RECEIVABLES_TRX_ID.


This table stores all accounting entries for your cash and credit memo applications. Each row includes the amount applied, status, and accounting flexfield information. Possible statuses of your applications include APP, UNAPP, ACC, and UNID. You use this information to determine the applications of your payments or credit memos. CONFIRMED_FLAG is a denormalization from AR_CASH_RECEIPTS_ALL.If the cash receipt is not confirmed, the applications of that receipt are not reflected in the payment schedule of the transaction it is applied against. There are two kinds of applications: CASH and CM (for credit memo applications). This is stored in the column APPLICATION_TYPE. CASH applications represent applications of a cash receipt. When a cash receipt is initially created, a row is created in this table that has a status of UNAPP for the amount of the cash receipt. Each subsequent application creates two rows – one with a status of APP for the amount being applied to the invoice and one with status UNAPP for the negative of the amount being applied. Ifyou reverse a cash application, a row with status APP with the inverse amount of the original application (i.e. the negative of the original application amount) is created. The corresponding UNAPP rows is alsocreated which will have a positive amount (the same amount as the application being reversed). For example: UNAPP 100 creation of a$100 cash receipt APP 60 application of $60 of this cash receipt UNAPP –60 this row takes away (debits) unapplied APP –60 reversal of the $60 application UNAPP 60 this rows puts back(credits) unapplied The sum of the AMOUNT_APPLIED column for CASH applications should always equal the amount of the cash receipt. CM applications, on the other hand, do not have rows of status UNAPP. They only use rows with a status of APP. CASH_RECEIPT_ID stores the cash receipt identifier of the receipt you entered. Oracle Receivables concurrently creates a record of this receipt in the AR_CASH_RECEIPTS_ALL table.This column is null for a credit memo application. CODE_COMBINATION_ID stores valid Accounting Flexfield segment value combinations that will be credited in the General Ledger when this application is posted. A negative value in AMOUNT_APPLIED becomes a debit. The STATUS of a receivable application determines which flexfield account Oracle Receivables uses. For example, if you enter a cash receipt of $500 as Unidentified, Oracle Receivables creates a record in theAR_RECEIVABLE_APPLICATIONS_ALL table with AMOUNT_APPLIED = 500 and STATUS = ’UNID’. Oracle Receivables uses the foreign key CODE_COMBINATION_ID to associate this payment with the Unidentified flexfield account. CUSTOMER_TRX_ID, CASH_RECEIPT_ID, and PAYMENT_SCHEDULE_ID identify the transaction that you are actually applying. APPLIED_CUSTOMER_TRX_ID and APPLIED_PAYMENT_SCHEDULE_ID identify the invoice or credit memo that receives the application. For example, if you apply a receipt against an invoice, Oracle Receivables creates a record in the AR_RECEIVABLE_APPLICATIONS_ALL table. The CASH_RECEIPT_ID and the PAYMENT_SCHEDULE_ID of this record identify the receipt you are applying. APPLIED_PAYMENT_SCHEDULE_ID and APPLIED_CUSTOMER_TRX_ID for this record belong to the invoice that is receiving the application. If you apply a credit memo against the invoice, Oracle Receivables creates a record in the AR_RECEIVABLE_APPLICATIONS_ALL table that has theCUSTOMER_TRX_ID and the PAYMENT_SCHEDULE_ID of the credit memo you are applying. The APPLIED_PAYMENT_SCHEDULE_ID and the APPLIED_CUSTOMER_TRX_ID of this record belong to the invoice that is receiving the application. If you combine an on account credit and a receipt, Oracle Receivables creates a record in the AR_RECEIVABLE_APPLICATIONS_ALL table. The PAYMENT_SCHEDULE_ID and the CASH_RECEIPT_ID of this record identify the receipt. The APPLIED_PAYMENT_SCHEDULE_ID and the APPLIED_CUSTOMER_TRX_ID of this record identify the on account credit that you are combining with the receipt. The primary key for this table is RECEIVABLE_APPLICATION_ID, which uniquely identifies the transaction that created the row.

Look these table also