Move Order:

Move orders are requests for the movement of material within a single organization. They allow planners and facility managers to request the movement of material within a warehouse or facility for purposes like replenishment, material storage relocations, and quality handling. We can generate move orders either manually or automatically depending on the source type we use. Move orders are restricted to transactions within an organization.

Move Order source types

There are three Move Order source types:
A. Move Order RequisitionGenerated by:
* Manually generated request inside Inventory

The requisition is a manually generated request for a Move Order. May optionally utilize the approval processing – the requisition can optionally go through an Oracle Workflow approval process before it becomes a Move Order. If no approval process is used, the requisition becomes a move order immediately.

B. Replenishment Move Order

Generated by:
* Kanban Cards when pull sequence calls for subinventory transfer (intra-org Kanbans)
* Min Max Planning Report planned at the Subinventory Level

* Replenishment Counts

Replenishment Move Orders are pre-approved and ready to be transacted.

C. Wave Pick Move Order

Generated by:
* Sales Order picking
* Internal Sales Order picking

The Order Management pick release process generates move orders to bring material from its source location in Inventory to a staging location, which is defined as a subinventory. In other words, a subinventory transfer. Pick Wave Move Orders are pre-approved and ready to transact. Pick slips can also be generated for these Move Orders from Inventory with the release of the Oracle Order Management module.

Tables used to store the details about move order process

1) MTL_TXN_REQUEST_HEADERS: Move order headers, this stores the move order number in column (REQUEST_NUMBER). It has a status, but this is not used as much as the lines status to drive functionality.
2) MTL_TXN_REQUEST_LINES: Move order lines, this is the one that drives most queries and status checks for the move order as each line can be transacted individually.
3) MTL_MATERIAL_TRANSACTIONS_TEMP: Pending material transactions table also called the transaction temporary table, this holds allocations that act like reservations on inventory. An allocation is where you pick a specific item in inventory down to the lot, locator, serial, revision to move, but you do not actually perform the move yet.
4) MTL_MATERIAL_TRANSACTIONS : Finally the Material Transactions will get into this table.

R12 – Sample Script to Create Move Order Using INV_MOVE_ORDER_PUB.
x_return_status VARCHAR2 (1);
x_msg_data VARCHAR2 (4000);
x_msg_count NUMBER;
l_user_id NUMBER;
l_resp_id NUMBER;
l_appl_id NUMBER;
l_hdr_rec inv_move_order_pub.trohdr_rec_type:= inv_move_order_pub.g_miss_trohdr_rec;
x_hdr_rec inv_move_order_pub.trohdr_rec_type:= inv_move_order_pub.g_miss_trohdr_rec;
l_line_tbl inv_move_order_pub.trolin_tbl_type:= inv_move_order_pub.g_miss_trolin_tbl;
x_line_tbl inv_move_order_pub.trolin_tbl_type:= inv_move_order_pub.g_miss_trolin_tbl;
x_hdr_val_rec inv_move_order_pub.trohdr_val_rec_type;
x_line_val_tbl inv_move_order_pub.trolin_val_tbl_type;
v_msg_index_out NUMBER;
l_rsr_type inv_reservation_global.mtl_reservation_tbl_type;
l_code_combination_id gl_code_combinations.code_combination_id%type;

CURSOR c_itm_onhand IS

SELECT a.organization_id, c.operating_unit org_id,
SUM (a.primary_transaction_quantity) total_onhand
FROM mtl_onhand_quantities_detail a,
mtl_system_items_kfv b,
org_organization_definitions c,
mtl_lot_numbers d
WHERE a.inventory_item_id = b.inventory_item_id
AND a.lot_number = d.lot_number
AND a.inventory_item_id = d.inventory_item_id
AND a.organization_id = b.organization_id
AND a.organization_id = c.organization_id
AND a.organization_id = d.organization_id
AND b.concatenated_segments = ‘RC0805FR-0768KL^YAGEO’
AND a.lot_number = ‘A6680983’
AND c.organization_code = ‘A66’
GROUP BY a.organization_id,c.operating_unit,
a.inventory_item_id, b.concatenated_segments,
a.subinventory_code, a.lot_number;


SELECT user_id
INTO l_user_id
FROM fnd_user
WHERE user_name = ‘A42485’;

SELECT responsibility_id, application_id
INTO l_resp_id, l_appl_id
FROM fnd_responsibility_vl
WHERE responsibility_name = ‘Inventory’;

fnd_global.apps_initialize (l_user_id, l_resp_id, l_appl_id);

FOR i IN c_itm_onhand LOOP
mo_global.set_policy_context (‘S’, i.org_id);
inv_globals.set_org_id (i.organization_id);
mo_global.init (‘INV’);

select code_combination_id
into l_code_combination_id
from gl_code_combinations_kfv
where concatenated_segments = ‘6420-00000-0000-999999-91000-0000-00000-0-0’;

l_hdr_rec.date_required := SYSDATE;
l_hdr_rec.header_status := inv_globals.g_to_status_preapproved;
l_hdr_rec.organization_id := i.organization_id;
l_hdr_rec.status_date := SYSDATE;
l_hdr_rec.transaction_type_id := inv_globals.g_type_transfer_order_issue;
l_hdr_rec.move_order_type := inv_globals.g_move_order_requisition;
l_hdr_rec.db_flag := fnd_api.g_true;
l_hdr_rec.operation := inv_globals.g_opr_create;
l_hdr_rec.description := ‘Test Move Order One’;
l_hdr_rec.to_account_id := l_code_combination_id;
l_hdr_rec.from_subinventory_code := i.subinventory_code;
l_line_tbl (1).date_required := SYSDATE;
l_line_tbl (1).inventory_item_id := i.inventory_item_id;
l_line_tbl (1).line_id := fnd_api.g_miss_num;
l_line_tbl (1).line_number := 1;
l_line_tbl (1).line_status := inv_globals.g_to_status_preapproved;
l_line_tbl (1).transaction_type_id := inv_globals.g_type_transfer_order_issue;
l_line_tbl (1).organization_id := i.organization_id;
l_line_tbl (1).quantity := 5000;
l_line_tbl (1).status_date := SYSDATE;
l_line_tbl (1).uom_code := ‘EA’;
l_line_tbl (1).db_flag := fnd_api.g_true;
l_line_tbl (1).operation := inv_globals.g_opr_create;
l_line_tbl (1).from_subinventory_code := i.subinventory_code;
l_line_tbl (1).to_account_id := l_code_combination_id;
l_line_tbl (1).lot_number := i.lot_number;

DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (‘Calling INV_MOVE_ORDER_PUB to Create MO’);
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (‘===================================’);

(p_api_version_number => 1.0,
p_init_msg_list => fnd_api.g_false,
p_return_values => fnd_api.g_false,
p_commit => fnd_api.g_false,
x_return_status => x_return_status,
x_msg_count => x_msg_count,
x_msg_data => x_msg_data,
p_trohdr_rec => l_hdr_rec,
p_trolin_tbl => l_line_tbl,
x_trohdr_rec => x_hdr_rec,
x_trohdr_val_rec => x_hdr_val_rec,
x_trolin_tbl => x_line_tbl,
x_trolin_val_tbl => x_line_val_tbl);
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (x_return_status);
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (x_msg_count);
IF x_return_status = ‘S’

DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (‘Move Order Successfully Created’);

DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (‘Move Order Number is :=> ‘);
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (x_hdr_rec.request_number);
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (‘Move Order Creation Failed Due to Following Reasons’);
IF x_msg_count > 0
FOR v_index IN 1 .. x_msg_count
fnd_msg_pub.get (p_msg_index => v_index,
p_encoded => ‘F’,
p_data => x_msg_data,
p_msg_index_out => v_msg_index_out
x_msg_data := SUBSTR (x_msg_data, 1, 200);
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (x_msg_data);
Sample DBMS Output: –
Calling INV_MOVE_ORDER_PUB to Create MO
Move Order Successfully Created
Move Order Number is :=> 332557
Sometimes while working on a support projects, we used to have access to the read only responsibilities ,or though we have given the access to the super users initially, but those accesses might have revoked after system went live. But in test environment, we may require those accesses back so as to fix the bugs or to test the functionality.
The removing of end date from a responsibility which is already assigned to a user, can be done using fnd_user_resp_groups_api API.

Sample Procedure for removing end date from Responsibilities given to Users:

p_user_name VARCHAR2 (50) := ‘A42485’;
p_resp_name VARCHAR2 (50) := ‘Order Management Super User’;
v_user_id NUMBER (10) := 0;
v_responsibility_id NUMBER (10) := 0;
v_application_id NUMBER (10) := 0;


SELECT user_id
INTO v_user_id
FROM fnd_user
WHERE UPPER (user_name) = UPPER (p_user_name);
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (‘User not found’);
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (‘Error finding User.’);

SELECT application_id, responsibility_id
INTO v_application_id, v_responsibility_id
FROM fnd_responsibility_vl
WHERE UPPER (responsibility_name) = UPPER (p_resp_name);
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (‘Responsibility not found.’);
(‘More than one responsibility found with this name.’);
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (‘Error finding responsibility.’);


DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (‘Initializing The Application’);

fnd_global.apps_initialize (user_id => v_user_id,
resp_id => v_responsibility_id,
resp_appl_id => v_application_id

(‘Calling FND_USER_RESP_GROUPS_API API To Insert/Update Resp’);

(user_id => v_user_id,
responsibility_id => v_responsibility_id,
responsibility_application_id => v_application_id,
security_group_id => 0,
start_date => SYSDATE,
end_date => NULL,
description => NULL

(‘The End Date has been removed from responsibility’);

DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (‘Error calling the API’);

For partial shipment of the sales order, we need to call the WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS_PUB.Update_Shipping_Attributes API to update the corresponding delivery details to ship all/entered quantity in the delivery details.

— OM – Script to Ship Partial Quantities in a SO using WSH_DELIVERY_PUB API —


p_sales_order NUMBER := 10014445;
p_line_number NUMBER := 1.1;
p_org_id NUMBER := 308;
l_shipped_quantity NUMBER := 5;
p_api_version_number NUMBER := 1.0;
init_msg_list VARCHAR2 (200);
l_commit VARCHAR2 (30);
x_msg_details VARCHAR2 (3000);
x_msg_summary VARCHAR2 (3000);
x_return_status VARCHAR2 (3);
x_msg_count NUMBER;
x_msg_data VARCHAR2 (3000);
p_validation_level NUMBER;
v_errbuf VARCHAR2 (2000);
v_retcode VARCHAR2 (20);
v_released_status wsh_delivery_details.released_status%TYPE;
v_inv_interfaced_flag wsh_delivery_details.inv_interfaced_flag%TYPE;
v_oe_interfaced_flag wsh_delivery_details.oe_interfaced_flag%TYPE;
v_source_code wsh_delivery_details.source_code%TYPE;
v_pending_interface_flag wsh_trip_stops.pending_interface_flag%TYPE;
l_changed_attributes wsh_delivery_details_pub.changedattributetabtype;
l_source_code VARCHAR2 (30) := ‘OE’;
— Parameters for WSH_DELIVERIES_PUB
p_delivery_name VARCHAR2 (30);
p_action_code VARCHAR2 (15);
p_asg_trip_id NUMBER;
p_asg_trip_name VARCHAR2 (30);
p_asg_pickup_stop_id NUMBER;
p_asg_pickup_loc_id NUMBER;
p_asg_pickup_loc_code VARCHAR2 (30);
p_asg_pickup_arr_date DATE;
p_asg_pickup_dep_date DATE;
p_asg_dropoff_stop_id NUMBER;
p_asg_dropoff_loc_id NUMBER;
p_asg_dropoff_loc_code VARCHAR2 (30);
p_asg_dropoff_arr_date DATE;
p_asg_dropoff_dep_date DATE;
p_sc_action_flag VARCHAR2 (10);
p_sc_intransit_flag VARCHAR2 (10);
p_sc_close_trip_flag VARCHAR2 (10);
p_sc_create_bol_flag VARCHAR2 (10);
p_sc_stage_del_flag VARCHAR2 (10);
p_sc_trip_ship_method VARCHAR2 (30);
p_sc_actual_dep_date VARCHAR2 (30);
p_sc_report_set_id NUMBER;
p_sc_report_set_name VARCHAR2 (60);
p_sc_defer_interface_flag VARCHAR2 (60);
p_sc_send_945_flag VARCHAR2 (60);
p_sc_rule_id NUMBER;
p_sc_rule_name VARCHAR2 (60);
p_wv_override_flag VARCHAR2 (10);
p_asg_pickup_stop_seq NUMBER;
p_asg_dropoff_stop_seq NUMBER;
x_trip_id VARCHAR2 (30);
x_trip_name VARCHAR2 (30);
fail_api EXCEPTION;
x_debug_file VARCHAR2 (100);
l_ship_method_code VARCHAR2 (100);
l_user_id NUMBER;
l_resp_id NUMBER;
l_appl_id NUMBER;

CURSOR c_ord_details

SELECT DISTINCT det.source_header_number sales_order, det.org_id,
det.source_line_number, det.source_header_id,
det.source_line_id, det.source_header_type_name,
det.inventory_item_id, det.requested_quantity,
(SELECT concatenated_segments
FROM mtl_system_items_kfv
WHERE inventory_item_id =
AND organization_id = det.organization_id)
det.organization_id, det.src_requested_quantity,
det.shipped_quantity, del.delivery_id,
del.status_code delivery_status_code,
det.released_status pick_release_status,
det.oe_interfaced_flag, det.inv_interfaced_flag
FROM wsh_delivery_details det,
wsh_delivery_assignments asn,
wsh_new_deliveries del
WHERE 1 = 1
AND det.delivery_detail_id = asn.delivery_detail_id
AND asn.delivery_id = del.delivery_id(+)
AND det.source_header_number = p_sales_order
AND det.source_line_number = p_line_number
AND det.org_id = p_org_id
AND shipped_quantity IS NULL
AND NVL (del.status_code, ‘OP’) <> ‘CL’
AND det.released_status = ‘Y’;

— Initializing the Applications

SELECT user_id
INTO l_user_id
FROM fnd_user
WHERE user_name = ‘A42485’;

SELECT responsibility_id, application_id
INTO l_resp_id, l_appl_id
FROM fnd_responsibility_vl
WHERE responsibility_name = ‘Order Management Super User’;

fnd_global.apps_initialize (l_user_id, l_resp_id, l_appl_id);

FOR i IN c_ord_details
(‘Initializing the Application for Shipping Transactions’);
— Mandatory initialization for R12
mo_global.set_policy_context (‘S’, i.org_id);
mo_global.init (‘ONT’);
— Ship Confirming
p_delivery_name := TO_CHAR (i.delivery_id);

(‘Before Shipping, Calling WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS_PUB API to Update Shipping Attributes’
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (‘=============================================’);
l_changed_attributes (1).delivery_detail_id := i.delivery_detail_id;
l_changed_attributes (1).shipped_quantity := l_shipped_quantity;
(p_api_version_number => 1.0,
p_init_msg_list => init_msg_list,
p_commit => l_commit,
x_return_status => x_return_status,
x_msg_count => x_msg_count,
x_msg_data => x_msg_data,
p_changed_attributes => l_changed_attributes,
p_source_code => l_source_code

IF (x_return_status <> wsh_util_core.g_ret_sts_success)
RAISE fail_api;
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (‘Failed to Update the Shipping Attributes’);
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (‘Successfully Updated the Shipping Attributes’);

SELECT shipping_method_code
INTO l_ship_method_code
FROM oe_order_headers_all
WHERE order_number = i.sales_order AND org_id = i.org_id;
l_ship_method_code := NULL;

p_action_code := ‘CONFIRM’; — The action code for ship confirm
p_sc_action_flag := ‘S’; — Ship entered quantity.
p_sc_intransit_flag := ‘Y’;
–In transit flag is set to ‘Y’ closes the pickup stop and sets the delivery in transit.
p_sc_close_trip_flag := ‘Y’; — Close the trip after ship confirm
p_sc_trip_ship_method := l_ship_method_code; — The ship method code
p_sc_defer_interface_flag := ‘Y’;
p_sc_stage_del_flag := ‘Y’;
p_sc_create_bol_flag := ‘N’;
p_wv_override_flag := ‘N’;

— API Call for Ship Confirmation
(‘Calling WSH_DELIVERIES_PUB to Perform Ship Confirmation’);
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (‘=============================================’);

(p_api_version_number => 1.0,
p_init_msg_list => init_msg_list,
x_return_status => x_return_status,
x_msg_count => x_msg_count,
x_msg_data => x_msg_data,
p_action_code => p_action_code,
p_delivery_id => i.delivery_id,
p_delivery_name => p_delivery_name,
p_asg_trip_id => p_asg_trip_id,
p_asg_trip_name => p_asg_trip_name,
p_asg_pickup_stop_id => p_asg_pickup_stop_id,
p_asg_pickup_loc_id => p_asg_pickup_loc_id,
p_asg_pickup_stop_seq => p_asg_pickup_stop_seq,
p_asg_pickup_loc_code => p_asg_pickup_loc_code,
p_asg_pickup_arr_date => p_asg_pickup_arr_date,
p_asg_pickup_dep_date => p_asg_pickup_dep_date,
p_asg_dropoff_stop_id => p_asg_dropoff_stop_id,
p_asg_dropoff_loc_id => p_asg_dropoff_loc_id,
p_asg_dropoff_stop_seq => p_asg_dropoff_stop_seq,
p_asg_dropoff_loc_code => p_asg_dropoff_loc_code,
p_asg_dropoff_arr_date => p_asg_dropoff_arr_date,
p_asg_dropoff_dep_date => p_asg_dropoff_dep_date,
p_sc_action_flag => p_sc_action_flag,
p_sc_intransit_flag => p_sc_intransit_flag,
p_sc_close_trip_flag => p_sc_close_trip_flag,
p_sc_create_bol_flag => p_sc_create_bol_flag,
p_sc_stage_del_flag => p_sc_stage_del_flag,
p_sc_trip_ship_method => p_sc_trip_ship_method,
p_sc_actual_dep_date => p_sc_actual_dep_date,
p_sc_report_set_id => p_sc_report_set_id,
p_sc_report_set_name => p_sc_report_set_name,
p_sc_defer_interface_flag => p_sc_defer_interface_flag,
p_sc_send_945_flag => p_sc_send_945_flag,
p_sc_rule_id => p_sc_rule_id,
p_sc_rule_name => p_sc_rule_name,
p_wv_override_flag => p_wv_override_flag,
x_trip_id => x_trip_id,
x_trip_name => x_trip_name

IF (x_return_status <> wsh_util_core.g_ret_sts_success)
(‘Ship confirm has not been Completed For SO => ‘);
RAISE fail_api;
(‘Ship confirm Successfully Completed For SO => ‘);

(‘Checking the Delivery Status after delivery action API Call’);
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (‘==========================================’);

SELECT wdd.source_code, wdd.released_status,
wdd.inv_interfaced_flag, wdd.oe_interfaced_flag,
INTO v_source_code, v_released_status,
v_inv_interfaced_flag, v_oe_interfaced_flag,
FROM wsh_trips wtr,
wsh_trip_stops wts,
wsh_delivery_legs wlg,
wsh_new_deliveries wnd,
wsh_delivery_assignments wda,
wsh_delivery_details wdd
WHERE wtr.trip_id = wts.trip_id
AND wts.stop_id = wlg.pick_up_stop_id
AND wts.pending_interface_flag = ‘Y’
AND wdd.inv_interfaced_flag <> ‘Y’
AND wlg.delivery_id = wnd.delivery_id
AND wnd.delivery_id = wda.delivery_id
AND wda.delivery_detail_id = wdd.delivery_detail_id
AND wnd.delivery_id = p_delivery_name
AND wdd.source_line_id = i.source_line_id;

IF ( v_source_code = ‘OE’
AND v_released_status = ‘C’
AND v_inv_interfaced_flag <> ‘Y’
AND v_oe_interfaced_flag <> ‘Y’
AND v_pending_interface_flag = ‘Y’

(‘The Delivery has been Shipped & the Next Step is – Run Interface’
— API Call for Submitting Interface Trip Stop

(errbuf => v_errbuf,
retcode => v_retcode,
p_mode => ‘ALL’,
p_stop_id => NULL,
p_delivery_id => p_delivery_name,
p_log_level => 0,
p_batch_id => NULL,
p_trip_type => NULL,
p_organization_id => i.organization_id,
p_num_requests => 1,
p_stops_per_batch => 1

DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (‘The Delivery has not Shipped Properly’);

WHEN fail_api

DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (‘==============’);
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (‘Error Details If Any’);
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (‘==============’);

wsh_util_core.get_messages (p_init_msg_list => ‘Y’,
x_summary => x_msg_summary,
x_details => x_msg_details,
x_count => x_msg_count

IF x_msg_count > 1
x_msg_data := x_msg_summary x_msg_details;
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (x_msg_data);
x_msg_data := x_msg_summary x_msg_details;
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (x_msg_data);


In Oracle Quality module, the Quality Element ‘Revision’ on Enter Quality Results window has no list of values after R12 upgrade, where it was available in 11i. The users who want to capture the ‘Revision’ for an item on quality plans have no option to select the list of values for Revision. 
According to Oracle, this is expected functionality in R12. The Item revision collection element would be enabled and editable only for a Revision controlled Item. 
The behavior in 11.5.10 was a bug because of which even though the revision field was grayed out, the user could still enter Revision values by invoking the LOV. This was fixed in R12.
The following are the three possible options available to resolve the issue:

Srl# Option Remarks
1 Activate “Revision Control Code” for the items in question:
All items for which Revision needs to be captured in the Quality Collection Plan’s results, using an LOV, we need to active the Revision Control code for the items in inventory.
The drawback of this option is that all material transactions would mandate the entry of Revision of the item, which makes it very cumbersome for the Inventory and other modules’ users.
Hence, may not be a viable option
2 Go with the new functionality suggested by Oracle This also may not be a good option if users need to capture the Revision of items on QC plans
3 Creation of a new Quality Collection Element that has the capability of accepting Revision of items;
In this option, the “Revision Control” code for items need not be activated.
This workaround would enable the users to capture Revision of items during the entry of Quality Results.
This option is explained in detail in the subsequent section.

Solution for Option 3: Create new collection Element

  1. Create a new collection element with SQL Validation statement to populate the LOV. The following screen shot show the details of the new custom collection element to be created
     Navigation:  Quality Setup Collection Elements

The “select” statement to fetch the item’s revisions within the LOV is as under: 
2.   Identify all the QA Plans that use the standard / seeded QA element “Revision” for all the inventory organizations 
3.   Add the new custom QA element to all the QA Plans (stored in the table QA_PLAN_CHARS) identified in step 2. This could be programmatically done using an open API

4.  Using standard APIs, copy the existing data present in the “Revision” column of QA_RESULTS table into the column of newly added “custom revision” of the same table. Once the change is activated, the data captured under the new “custom revision” column would be stored in one of the custom (user-defined) columns titled CHARACTER1 through CHARACTER100. 

5.   Finally, once the copying of the Revision data is completed into the QA_RESULTS table (via Oracle APIs), nullify the data in “Revision” column
6.   Modification of Reports: All reports (Oracle Reports / SQL / Discoverer based) that were referring to “Revision” column should now be referring to the custom / user-defined columns defined for the new “custom revision” QA collection element.
When we enter transactions in Purchasing, the accounting entries will get generated with respect to the following accounts.

1. When Creating a receipt:
Inventory Receiving A/C DR
Accrual Account CR

2. At the time of Receiving transactions:
Asset clearing A/c or Inventory valuation a/c DR
Inventory Receiving A/c CR

3. When a Payables invoice matched with PO:
Accrual A/C DR
Liability A/c

4. when asset addition done:
Asset A/c DR
Asset Clearing A/c CR(Asset item)
expense a/c DR
inventory Valuation A/C(Inventory item)

When we enter transactions in Payables, the accounting entries will get generated with respect to the following accounts.

1. Invoice: When we create accounting for an invoice, the accounting will be generated with respect to the following accounts.

Item Expense A/C      DR
Liability  A/C             CR

2. Payment: There are two stages in which the accounting may generate, based on the accounting option that we setup in Payables.
> Direct Pay-No Clearance: In this stage, there will be no clearance process separately and the cash account will get credited directly.

Liability  A/C    DR
Cash  A/C         CR

> Pay and Clear: In this stage, the payment and clearance process will have separate accounting entries.

At the time of Payment:

Liability A/C               DR
Cash Clearing A/C      CR

At the time of Clearance:

Cash Clearing A/C    DR
Cash A/C                  CR

 When we enter transactions in Receivables, the accounting entries will get generated with respect to the following accounts.

1. Accounting for invoice:
Receivables A/C DR
Revenue Account Cr

2. Credit memo:
Revenue Dr
Receivables A/C CR

3. Receipts:
Cash A/C DR
Receivables A/c CR