SELECT   fcr.phase_code,
         DECODE (fcr.phase_code,’C’, ‘Completed’, ‘P’, ‘Pending’, ‘R’, ‘Running’, ‘I’, ‘Inactive’, fcr.phase_code) phase,
         DECODE (fcr.status_code,’A’, ‘Waiting’,
                                ‘B’, ‘Resuming’,
                                ‘C’, ‘Normal’,
                                ‘D’, ‘Cancelled’,
                                ‘E’, ‘Error’,
                                ‘F’, ‘Scheduled’,
                                ‘G’, ‘Warning’,
                                ‘H’, ‘On Hold’,
                                ‘I’, ‘Normal’,
                                ‘M’, ‘No Manager’,
                                ‘Q’, ‘Standby’,
                                ‘R’, ‘Normal’,
                                ‘S’, ‘Suspended’,
                                ‘T’, ‘Terminating’,
                                ‘U’, ‘Disabled’,
                                ‘W’, ‘Paused’,
                                ‘X’, ‘Terminated’,
                                ‘Z’, ‘Waiting’,
                                fcr.status_code) status,
         fat.description, frt.responsibility_name, fu.user_name,
         fu.description, fcpt.user_concurrent_program_name, fcpt.description,
         fcr.request_id, fcr.request_date, fcr.priority, fcr.requested_start_date, fcr.hold_flag,
         fcr.number_of_arguments, fcr.number_of_copies, fcr.save_output_flag,
         fcr.printer, fcr.parent_request_id, fcr.description,
         fcr.resubmit_time, fcr.resubmit_end_date, fcr.argument_text,
         fcr.argument1, fcr.argument2, fcr.argument3, fcr.argument4,
         fcr.argument5, fcr.argument6, fcr.argument7, fcr.argument8,
         fcr.argument9 org, fcr.argument10, fcr.argument11, fcr.argument12,
         fcr.argument13, fcr.argument14, fcr.argument15, fcr.argument16,
         fcr.argument17, fcr.argument18, fcr.argument19, fcr.argument20,
         fcr.argument21, fcr.argument22, fcr.argument23, fcr.argument24,
         fcr.argument25, fcr.output_file_type, fcr.cancel_or_hold,
         fcr.completion_code, fcr.ofile_size, fcr.lfile_size,
         fcr.logfile_name, fcr.logfile_node_name, fcr.outfile_name,
    FROM fnd_concurrent_requests fcr,
         fnd_user fu,
         fnd_responsibility_tl frt,
         fnd_application_tl fat,
         fnd_concurrent_programs_tl fcpt
   WHERE (fu.user_id = fcr.requested_by)
     AND (fat.application_id = fcr.program_application_id)
     AND (fcr.concurrent_program_id = fcpt.concurrent_program_id)
     AND (fcr.responsibility_id = frt.responsibility_id)
     AND fat.LANGUAGE = ‘US’
     AND frt.LANGUAGE = ‘US’
     AND fcpt.LANGUAGE = ‘US’
     AND fcr.request_id = NVL (:request_id, fcr.request_id)
ORDER BY fcr.request_date DESC
This is an anonymous PL/SQL block to reset your application password through back end.

This Code is tested in R12.1.3 Instance.

v_flag BOOLEAN;
v_flag := fnd_user_pkg.ChangePassword(‘ORACLEERP’,’learn123#’);

l_person_org_manager_warning VARCHAR2 (200);
hr_person_api.delete_person(p_validate => FALSE,
p_effective_date => SYSDATE,
p_person_id => :person_id,
p_perform_predel_validation => FALSE,
p_person_org_manager_warning => l_person_org_manager_warning

Before purging the person from Oracle HRMS we need to make sure that the employee and fnd_user link is been deleted and also the person should not have an active payroll.
If the employee has an active payroll then we cannot purge the record. The alternative way is to either end date the employee using the termination screen or you need to change the person from ‘Employee’ to ‘Applicant’ and then use the above API again to purge the record.