Table Or View:  Table 
Important columns: 

INVOICE_ID – NUMBER : Unique internal Identifier for this record. Generated using a database sequence.
VENDOR_ID – NUMBER  : The unique internal identifier of the supplier to which the invoice belongs. Foreign key to the AP_SUPPLIERS table.
INVOICE_NUM : Invoice number for an invoice. This number entered will be unique per supplier and operating unit.
SET_OF_BOOKS_ID : Ledger unique identifier
INVOICE_CURRENCY_CODE : Currency code of the invoice. Foreign key to the FND_CURRENCIES table.
PAYMENT_CURRENCY_CODE : Currency code of payment. If the Invoice Currency is not a fixed-rate currency, then the Payment Currency will be the same as the INVOICE_CURRENCY_CODE. For fixed-rate currency such as euro or another EMU currency it can be different to  INVOICE_CURRENCY_CODE
PAYMENT_CROSS_RATE NUMBER : Yes Exchange rate between invoice and payment. The value is always 1 unless they are associated fixed-rate currencies such as euro or another EMU currency.
DOC_SEQUENCE_ID NUMBER :  Unique Sequence identifier assigned to an invoice, based on the document category of the invoice. Foreign key to the DOC_SEQUENCE_ID of the AP_DOC_SEQUENCE_AUDIT table.
DOC_SEQUENCE_VALUE NUMBER : Sequence name assigned to an invoice, based on the document category of the invoice. Foreign key to the DOC_SEQUENCE_VALUE of the AP_DOC_SEQUENCE_AUDIT table


This table corresponds to the Invoices header block of Invoice workbench. AP_INVOICES_ALL holds information of all AP invoices whether it is a manually entered, imported, created from other products like Oracle Loans, Oracle Projects, iSupplier Portal, Refunds from Oracle Receivables etc. This table holds all type of invoices, which includes Standard, Prepayments, Credit Memo, Debit Memo, Mixed invoice, Withholding invoice, Interest Invoice, Retainage invoices, Payment Requests etc., An invoice can also have one or more scheduled payments. There will be one row for each invoice you enter.
An invoice can have one or more invoice lines and each line can have one or more invoice distributions.
An invoice of type EXPENSE REPORT must relate to a row in AP_EXPENSE_REPORT_HEADERS_ALL unless the record has been purged from AP_EXPENSE_REPORT_HEADERS_ALL.
Oracle Payables application uses the INTEREST type invoice for interest that it calculates on invoices that are overdue. Oracle Payables application links the interest invoice to the original invoice by inserting the INVOICE_ID in the AP_INVOICE_RELATIONSHIPS table.
The accounting code combinations stored in this table is meta data for creating accounting entries in Subledger Accounting. Payables provides the code combinations stored in this table to Subledger Accounting as a source for accounting attributes for deriving the accounting code combinations. Subledger Accounting generates the final accounting entries that are posted to General Ledger. The accounting code combination used in the final accounting entries can be same as that stored in AP_INVOICES_ALL table or can be different depending on the rules setup in Subledger Accounting. The XLA_AE_HEADERS and XLA_AE_LINES tables in Subledger Accounting stores the accounting entries posted to General Ledger.


Table Or View: Table
Important columns: 
  1. INVOICE_ID : Invoice identifier
  2. LINE_LOCATION_ID :  Purchase order line location identifier
  3. HOLD_LOOKUP_CODE : Name of hold code
  4. HELD_BY : User that placed hold on invoice
  5. HOLD_DATE : Date user placed hold on invoice
  6. HOLD_REASON : Reason for hold being placed on invoice
  7. RELEASE_LOOKUP_CODE : Name of release code
  8. RELEASE_REASON : Reason for release being placed on invoice
  9. LINE_NUMBER : Invoice line number of the applied hold
  10. HOLD_ID : Hold identifier

WF_STATUS :  Holds resolution workflow status


AP_HOLDS_ALL contains information about holds that you or your Oracle Payables application place on an invoice. For non-matching holds, there is one row for each hold placed on an invoice. For matching holds, there is one row for each hold placed on an invoice-shipment match. An invoice may have one or more corresponding rows in this table. Your Oracle Payables application does not pay invoices that have one or more unreleased holds recorded in this table.
This table holds information referenced by the Invoice Holds window.
In the strictest sense, AP_HOLDS_ALL has no primary key. It is possible for your Oracle Payables application to place a certain type of hold on an invoice, then release it, then place another hold of the same type (if data changes before each submission of Payables Invoice Validation), which would result in a duplicate primary key. But for practical purposes, the primary key is a concatenation of INVOICE_ID, LINE_LOCATION_ID, and HOLD_LOOKUP_CODE.


Table Or View: Table
Important columns: 

INVOICE_ID : Unique identifier for this invoice within this batch. Same value should be populated in invoice’s lines in the AP_INVOICE_LINES_INTERFACE table to identify the data as belonging to the same invoice.
INVOICE_NUM :  Enter the invoice number that needs to be assigned to the invoice created in Payables from this record. The number must be unique for the supplier. If no value is populated in this column, then during import, Payables uses the system date at the time of import as a default.
PO_NUMBER : Purchase order number from PO_HEADERS.SEGMENT1. This column needs to be populated if invoice to be matched with an purchase order.
VENDOR_ID NUMBER : Unique identifier for a supplier. Validated against (PO_VENDORS.VENDOR_ID). Supplier of the invoice to be derived by value in one of the following columns in this table: VENDOR_ID, VENDOR_NUM, VENDOR_NAME, VENDOR_SITE_ID or PO_NUMBER.


This is the open interface table for importing AP Invoices from external sources and stores header information about invoices. Invoice data comes from sources including: EDI invoices from suppliers that are loaded through Oracle e-Commerce Gateway, supplier invoices that are transferred through the Oracle XML Gateway, invoices that are loaded using Oracle SQL*Loader, lease invoices from Oracle Property Manager, Disbursements from Oracle loans, lease payments from Oracle Assets, credit card transaction data that are loaded using the Credit Card Invoice Interface Summary, Expense Report invoices from Oracle Internet Expenses, Payment Requests from Receivables, and invoices that are entered through the Invoice Gateway. There is one row for each invoice you import. Oracle Payables application uses this information to create invoice header information when Payables Open Interface program is submitted.
Data in the AP_INVOICES_INTERFACE table used in conjunction with AP_INVOICE_LINES_INTERFACE table to create Payables Invoice, Invoice lines, Distributions and Schedule payments.
Data in this table can be viewed and edited using ‘Open Interface Invoices’ window.
The Payables Open Interface program validates each record in this interface table selected for import, and if the record contains valid data then the program creates a Payables Invoice.


Table Or View: Table
Important columns: 

INVOICE_ID : Invoice identifier.Validated against AP_INVOICES_INTERFACE.INVOICE_ID
INVOICE_LINE_ID :  Invoice line identifier
LINE_NUMBER : Invoice line number
LINE_TYPE_LOOKUP_CODE : Type of invoice line (Item, Freight, Tax, Miscellaneous)
LINE_GROUP_NUMBER NUMBER : Value to identify each item line to which you want to prorate


This is the lines interface table for the AP Invoice Open  Interface. Use it in conjunction with AP_INVOICE_INTERFACE table.
AP_INVOICE_LINES_INTERFACE stores information used to create one or more invoice distributions. Note that one row in this table may create, during the import process, more than one invoice distribution. For example, if you enter a Tax line in this table and prorate it across multiple Item lines, during Open Interface Import the system may create multiple Tax invoice distributions based on the single Tax line in this table.

Shared entities can be referenced by multiple products. These entities allow you to define broad-level structures that help you to include members when implementing the E-business suite. Which business unit will own specific data in a shared entity is at the discretion of the compnay. Employee data is always owned by human resources, provided the E-business suite is installed.

Step 1: Develop the Organization Structure
A successful implementation of Multiple Organization support in Oracle Applications depends primarily on defining your organizational structure in the multi-level hierarchy used by Oracle Applications. The levels are:
• Business groups
• Primary ledgers (as defined in Accounting Setup Manager)
• Legal entities
• Operating units
• Inventory organizations
Step 2: Define Accounting Setups
Use the Accounting Setup Manager in Oracle General Ledger to define accounting setups that include the following common financial components:
One or more legal entities (optional)
Primary ledger
  • Reporting Currencies (optional)
  • Balancing segment value assignments (optional)
  • Subledger Accounting Options

Operating Units (available if legal entities are assigned)
  • Intercompany Accounts (available if legal entities are assigned)
  • Intracompany Balancing Rules (optional)

Sequencing (optional)
Secondary Ledger (optional)

To use multiple organizations, you must define an accounting setup with at least one legal entity, a primary ledger that will record the accounting for the legal entity, and an operating unit that is assigned to the primary ledger and a default legal context (legal entity). It is also recommended that balancing segment values be assigned to the legal entity to help you identify legal entity transactions during transaction processing and reporting and to take advantage of Intercompany Accounting.
Note: If your enterprise structure requires that you define a business group, you should define accounting setups before business groups.
Installation step 1.1 – Create legal entity
Once the installation of R12 is complete, log into the system with user id and password as sysadmin/sysadmin and create the user who ‘ll handel the Accounting part. Assign Grants Accounting Super User to the user

Go to the grants accouting super user responsibility and define a new legal entity.
Navigation : Grants accouting super user ->Set up -> Financials -> Accounting setup manager -> Accouting setups

Installation step 1.2 – Accounting Setup

Installation step 1.2.1 – Chart of Account

Lets define a six segment chart of account as shown below

Navigation : Grants accouting super user ->Set up -> Financials -> Flexfields-> Key ->Segments

 Installation step 1.2.1 – Calendar

Oracle Puchasing:
1. Requisitions Open Interface
2. Purchasing Documents Open Interface
3. Cancel PO APIs
4. Receiving Open Interface
Oracle Inventory:
1. Open Transaction Interface
2.1 Customer Item Interface
2.2 Open Item Interface
2.3 Cycle Count Open Interface
3.1 Open Replenishment Interface
3.2 Reservations Open Interface
3.3 Move Orders Open Interface
1.    Order Import
2.    Process Order API
3.    RLM Open Interfaces
Actions, APIs, and Parameters: Descriptions of the APIs used for various functions and the API parameters.
Application Parameter Initialization: Description of the application parameter initialization call.
Trip API: Create and update trip records and perform actions on trips.
Stop API: Create and update stop records and perform actions on stops.
Deliveries API: Create and update trip stop records and perform actions on trip stops.
Delivery Details API: Assign and unassign delivery details to and from deliveries, split a delivery detail, update a delivery detail with new
information, and create trips and deliveries for multiple delivery lines.
Container API: Create container records, update container records, autopack containers, perform actions on containers.
Freight Cost APIs: Create freight cost records, update freight cost records, validate freight cost types, delete freight cost records.
Open Transaction Interface
Oracle Inventory provides an open interface for you to load transactions from external applications and feeder systems. These transactions could include sales order shipment transactions from an Order Management system other than Oracle Order Management, or they could be simple material issues, receipts, or transfers loaded from data collection devices. The following transaction types are supported by this interface:
• Inventory issues and receipts (including user-defined transaction types)
• Subinventory transfers
• Direct interorganization transfers
• Intransit shipments
• WIP component issues and returns
• WIP assembly completions and returns
• Sales order shipments
• Inventory average cost updates
• LPN Pack
• Unpack
• Split Transactions
• Inventory Lot Split/ Merge/ Translate Transactions
This interface is also used as an integration point with Oracle Order Management for shipment transactions. Oracle Order Management’s Inventory Interface program populates the interface tables with transactions submitted through the Confirm
Shipments window.
You must write the load program that inserts a single row for each transaction into the MTL_TRANSACTIONS_INTERFACE table. For material movement of items that are under lot or serial control, you must also insert rows into MTL_TRANSACTION_LOTS_INTERFACE and MTL_SERIAL_NUMBERS_INTERFACE respectively. If you insert WIP
assembly/completion transactions that complete or return job assemblies, you must also insert rows into the CST_COMP_SNAP_ INTERFACE table if the organization referenced uses average costing. The system uses this information to calculate completion cost.
There are two modes you can use to process your transactions through the interface. In the first processing mode, you populate the interface table only. Then the Transaction Manager polls the interface table asynchronously looking for transactions to process, groups the transaction rows, and launches a Transaction Worker to process each group.
In the second processing mode, you insert the rows in the interface table and call a Transaction Worker directly, passing the group identifier of the interfaced transactions as a parameter so that the worker can recognize which subset of transactions to process.
The Transaction Worker calls the Transaction Validator, which validates the row, updates the error code and explanation if a validation or processing error occurs, and derives or defaults any additional columns. Next, the Transaction Processor records the transaction details in the transaction history table along with relevant current cost information. All material movement transactions update inventory perpetual balances for the issue, receipt, or transfer locations. Once the transaction has been successfully processed, the corresponding row is deleted from the interface table. Finally, the transaction is costed by the transaction cost processor, which runs periodically, picking up all transactions from the history table that have not yet been marked as costed.
Open Replenishment Interface
Oracle Inventory provides an open interface for you to easily load replenishment requests from external systems such as a barcode application. Such requests may be in the form of stock-take counts or requisition requests for subinventories in which you do not track quantities.
Cycle Count Entries Interface
You can import cycle count entries from an external system into Oracle Inventory using the Cycle Count Entries Interface. This interface validates all data that you import into Oracle Inventory. It also performs foreign key validation and checks for attribute inter-dependencies, acceptable values, and value ranges. The interface ensures that the imported cycle count entries contain the same detail as items entered manually using the Cycle Count Entries window. Errors detected during validation are written to the Cycle Count Interface Errors table.
Kanban Application Program Interface
The Kanban API is a public API that allows you to update the supply status of kanban cards. To accomplish this task, you use the public procedure update_card_supply_status
Item Open Interface
You can import items from any source into Oracle Inventory and Oracle Engineering using the Item Open Interface. With this interface, you can convert inventory items from another inventory system, migrate assembly and component items from a legacy manufacturing system, convert purchased items from a custom purchasing system, and import new items from a product data management package. The Item Open Interface validates your data, ensuring that your imported items contain the same item detail as items that you enter manually in the Master Item window.
You can also import item category assignments. This can be done simultaneously with a process of importing items, or as a separate task of importing item category assignments only. For this purpose, the Inventory menu contains the Import submenu with the Import Items and Import Item Category Assignments menu entries.
Receiving Open Interface
You use the Receiving Open Interface to process and validate receipt data that comes from sources other than the Receipts window in Oracle Purchasing. These sources include:
• Receipt information from other Oracle applications or legacy systems
• Brocades and other receiving information from scanners and radio frequency devices
• Advance Shipment Notices (ASNs) from suppliers
The Receiving Open Interface maintains the integrity of the new data as well as the receipt data that resides in Oracle Purchasing.
The Receiving Open Interface does not support:
• Movement statistics
• Dynamic locators

Bills of Materials Open Interfaces
Open Move Transaction Interface
You can load Move transaction information into the Open Move Transaction Interface from a variety of sources, including external data collection devices such as bar code readers, automated test equipment, cell controllers, and other manufacturing execution systems. You then use the interface to load these transactions into Oracle Work in Process. All transactions are validated and invalid transactions are marked, so that you can correct and resubmit them.
Open Resource Transaction Interface
You can use external data collection devices such as bar code readers, payroll systems, and time card entry forms to collect resource and overhead transaction data, then load the data into the Open Resource Transaction Interface for Oracle Work in Process to process.
Work Order Interface
The Work Order Interface enables you to import Discrete job and Repetitive schedule header information, and Discrete job operations, material, resource, and scheduling information from any source, using a single process.
You can import:
• Planned orders for new Discrete jobs,
• Discrete job operations, components, resources, resource usage, and scheduling details
• Update and reschedule recommendations for existing Discrete jobs
• Suggested Repetitive schedules Work in Process then uses this information to automatically create new Discrete jobs
and pending Repetitive Schedules, or to update existing Discrete jobs.
Open Forecast Interface
You can import forecasts from any source using the Open Forecast Interface table. Oracle Master Scheduling/MRP automatically validates and implements imported forecasts as new forecasts in Oracle Master Scheduling/MRP.
Cost Management
Periodic Cost Open Interface
The Oracle Periodic Cost Open Interface provides an open interface for you to easily load periodic item costs from external applications or legacy systems and migrate them into the Oracle Cost Management Application. This interface should only be used to bring in periodic costs for the first opened periodic period. It cannot be used for subsequent periods. Costs in subsequent periods are calculated by the system.
Cost Import Interface
The Oracle Cost Import Interface enables you to import costs for items from legacy systems, and import new cost information for existing items. Importing resource costs and resource overhead rates is also supported. You will also be able to replace existing cost information with the new cost information. However, updating of existing costs is not supported. Importing costs into frozen cost type is also not supported. The item costs will have to be imported into another cost type and then the cost update may be run to update the frozen cost type
Order Import
Pricing Open interface
Pick release