Item attributes are information about an item, such as order cost, lead time, and revision control.
Item Defining Attributes – An item defining attribute identifies the nature of an item. What designates an item as an “engineering item” is the attribute Engineering Item, but what controls the functionality of the item are the collection of
attributes that describe it. You can buy an engineering item if you want to; simply set Engineering Item, Purchased, and Purchasable to Yes.
The following table presents item defining attributes:

When you set an item defining attribute to Yes, the item is automatically assigned to the default category set of the corresponding functional area. For example, if you set Inventory Item to Yes, the item is automatically assigned to the default category set for the inventory functional area.
Item Status attributes are item attributes that enable key functionality for each item.
Status attributes enable and disable the functionality of an item over time. Each status attribute allows you to enable the item for a particular use. For example, if you set the status attribute Purchasable to Yes, you can put the item on a purchase order. The status attributes are related to the item defining attributes. You cannot enable a status attribute if you do not set the corresponding item defining attribute to Yes.
The following table presents status attributes:

An item status Codes
is defined by selecting the value check boxes for the status attributes.
Item Status Codes may be used to set or update the default values for certain item attributes.  They can be used to control the functionality of an item.  When you update the values for a status, all items that use that status will be updated also.
The Item Status Code controls certain item attributes designated as status attributes.  Each status attribute has a Status Setting option.   The option determines whether a status attribute value is set by the status code and is not updateable, defaulted and updateable, or not used when you define an item

Pending Status:
You can assign one or more pending statuses for an item, to be implemented on future dates. These statuses become effective on their assigned effective dates. You can also view the history of an item status.
(N) Items—>Master Items (M)—>Tools -> Pending Status

You can submit the Update item statuses with the Pending statuses of the concurrent program to update the status of all items with Pending statuses and current effective dates. When you submit this concurrent program, change its parameters so that it resubmits itself periodically, automatically updating item statuses to a Pending status, as effective dates become current. Pending statuses are used in the product development cycle.

Item Attribute Control determines whether you have centralized (Master level) or decentralized (Organization level) control of item attributes. Both status attributes and item status can be controlled at the item level or organization levels.

You can choose the status setting level of each status attribute in the Item Attribute Controls window. The status setting level determines whether you can update the value of each status attribute within an item status.
Sets Value: The status that you assign to the item loads a non updatable value into the status attribute. You can update the status attribute by changing the status that you assigned to your item.
Defaults Value: The status that you assign to the item loads a default value into the status attribute. You can update the status attribute as you define your item.
Not Used: The status that you assign to the item does not determine the value of the status attribute. You can enable or disable the status attribute as you define your item.
Status Setting Level Consideration: You have the flexibility to change individual status attribute settings. Using meaningful status codes gives you control over item usage.

Templates are defined sets of attributes that you can use over and over to create many similar items. Templates make initial item definition easier. Oracle recommends that you use templates—either those Oracle provides or those you define—when you define your items.
Finished Good
ATO Item
ATO Model
ATO Option Class
PTO Model
PTO Option Class
Phantom Item
Outside Processing Item
Planning Item

  • You can also define your own templates using the Item Templates window. Note that the window does not validate any of the template attributes. In other words, you can define a template with contradictory attributes. Only when you use a template to define an item does Inventory verify that the attributes are valid for a given item.
  • If an attribute is not updatable for an item, the value from the template is not applied. If a combination of attributes is invalid a warning appears when you save the item.
  • You can enable or disable the attribute value for each attribute in a template. When you use a template, it applies only the enabled attributes for that particular template
  • You can apply the same or different templates to an item multiple times. The more recent attribute values (from the last template applied) override previous values unless the previous value is not updatable (for example, the Primary Unit of Measure, which is never updatable). For example, you define a new item and apply a template that has the Primary Unit of Measure = EACH and Cycle Count Enabled = YES. Next, you apply a new template with Primary Unit of Measure = DOZ, Cycle Count Enabled = NO, and Carrying Cost Percent = 3. The attribute values are now: Primary Unit of Measure EACH, Cycle Count Enabled NO, and Carrying Cost Percent 3 
You define items in one organization. To distinguish it from others, we call it the Item Master organization. Other organizations (child organizations) refer to the Item Master for item definition. After you define an item in the Item Master, you can assign it to any number of other organizations.
There is no functional or technical difference between the Item Master organization and other organizations. However, for simplicity, Oracle recommends that you limit the Item Master to just an item definition organization.
Oracle also recommends that you do not define multiple item masters. This can make item definition and maintenance confusing. In addition, multiple item masters are distinct entities, with no relationship to each other. You cannot associate items in one item master organization with another item master organization. You cannot copy items across item
master organizations.
To create the item master:
1. Use the Organization window to create the organization you want to use as the Item Master.
2. Use the Organization Parameters window to specify that organization as the Item Master. This is also where you assign child organizations to the Item Master. The item master organization uses itself as the Item Master.

An item is a part or service that you purchase, sell, plan, manufacture, stock, distribute, or prototype. The following Oracle Applications use items:
• Oracle Inventory
• Oracle Purchasing
• Oracle Order Entry

• Oracle Cost Management
• Oracle Bills of Material
• Oracle Work in Process
• Oracle Master Scheduling/MRP
• Oracle Receivables
• Oracle Payables
• Oracle Services
• Oracle Engineering

• Oracle Quality
• Oracle Sales and Marketing

Below diagram describes the basic work that needs to be done before an item is ready to be used in inventory for transaction purpose.


Oracle Inventory is one of Oracle’s enterprise applications products. Oracle Inventory enables companies to satisfy business needs such as these:
• Defining part numbers
• Modeling organization structures
• Tracking perpetual inventory
• Maintaining accurate on-hand balances
• Planning material replenishment’s
• Forecasting anticipated demand