Training  of Account Payables -> Account Payables Flow:
PO -> Receipt -> AP -> GL

Invoice ->; Payments->; Move Transactions from AP to GLIn AP there are 2 Thumb rules.

• Without supplier there is no invoice.
• Without invoice there is no payment.

How many types of Invoices and What are Invoice Types:
1. Standard: We will make all the payments based on the standard invoice. It will have the information of Invoice Number, Invoice Date, Invoice Amount, and Currency.
2. Credit Memo: We will create credit memo invoice whenever supplier is giving the discount and it will be adjusted in standard invoice. It is always negative amount.
3. Debit Memo: Sometimes Company will deduct some amount from the invoice amount. This will be adjusted in standard invoice. It is always negative amount.
4. With-Holding TAX: This type of invoice will be created to make the invoice tax to the Govt. on behalf of supplier.
5. Pre-Payment: If we want to make some payments to the supplier in advance then we create the Pre-Payment invoice.
6. PO Default: If we want to make the invoice as per the PO then we create PO default. We will give Po Number. System will pick up the complete PO information.
7. Mixed: Includes both positive and negative amount. We can match this invoice with PO’s and other invoices.
8. Expense Report: This will be applicable for the employees who are working in the Company where payables and internet expense and project account. Expense will be included.
9. Recurring invoice: We can enter invoice for periodic expense for which we may not receive. Invoice from supplier. To create a Recurring invoice first we will take template.
As per that we will create the invoice.Once the invoice is successfully completed, we can go for payments. It is of 3 types.

Manual Payment: Here we will be mentioning the Invoice Number, Bank Account, and Document Number, Payment Date and Currency.

Refund payment: This is used for Employee expenses and for adjusting the Supplier account,

Quick payment: In this payment, system will automatically generate checks. To print Checks there will be a concurrent program for each check format.Once the payment was done, we will move all the transactions to GL.

Wo is Suppliers:
Set up suppliers in the Suppliers window to record information about individuals and companies from whom you purchase goods and services. You can also enter employees whom you reimburse for expense reports. When you enter a supplier that does business from multiple locations, you store supplier information only once, and enter supplier sites for each location. You can designate supplier sites as pay sites, purchasing sites, RFQ only sites, or procurement card sites. For example, for a single supplier, you can buy from several different sites and send payments to several different sites. Most supplier information automatically defaults to all supplier sites to facilitate supplier site entry. However, you can override these defaults and have unique information for each site. The system uses information you enter for suppliers and supplier sites to enter default values when you later enter transactions for a supplier site. Most information you enter in the Suppliers window is used only to enter defaults in the Supplier Sites window. When the system enters that information in a later transaction, it only uses supplier site information as a default, even if the supplier site value is null and the supplier has a value. If you update information at the supplier level, existing supplier sites are not updated. When you enter a supplier, you can also record information for your own reference, such as names of contacts or the customer number your supplier has assigned to you.

What is Invoices:
Invoice Type (LOV): The type of invoice. Standard and Credit are the only invoice types you can enter in this window. If you do not enter a value for this field then a value will be assigned during import based on the amount of the invoice.

Standard: A trade invoice you receive from a supplier. The amount of a Standard invoice must be zero or greater.

Credit: Credit Memo. A negative amount invoice you receive from a supplier representing a credit for goods or services purchased. Note that in the Invoice Gateway you can match a credit memo to a purchase order to perform a price correction, but you cannot match a credit memo to an invoice. If you want to match to an invoice, then use the Invoice Workbench.

Debit Memo: Negative amount invoice created by you and sent to a supplier to notify the supplier of a credit you are recording. Usually send with a note explaining the debit memo. Purchase Order Matched Invoices: You can match Payables invoices to purchase orders to ensure that you pay only for the goods that you have ordered, or you can match to purchase order receipts to ensure that you pay only for goods that you have received. Purchase order matched invoices are invoices that you match to any of the following:
• Purchase order shipments
• Purchase order receipts
• Purchase order receipt lines
• Purchase order distributions

Foreign Currency Invoices: When you enter an invoice in a currency other than your functional currency, Payables uses an exchange rate to convert the invoice and invoice distributions into your functional currency for creating journal entries. You define your functional currency during setup for your set of books.
Mixed Invoices: Mixed Invoices are invoices or credit/debit memos for which you can perform both positive and negative matching to purchase orders and to other invoices. For example, you can enter an invoice for –$100 with Invoice Type Mixed. You can match to an invoice for $–200, and match to a purchase order for $100.

Prepayments:A prepayment is a type of invoice you enter to make an advance payment to a supplier or employee. For example, you need to pay a deposit on a lease, or pay an employee an advance for travel expenses. You can later apply the prepayment to one or more invoices or expense reports you receive from the supplier or employee to offset the amount paid to them. The supplier might send an invoice that references a prepayment. The supplier has reduced the invoice amount by the amount of the prepayment and associated tax. You can use the Prepayment on Invoice feature to enter the invoice.
You can enter two types of prepayments:
Temporary prepayments can be applied to invoices or expense reports you receive. For example, you use a Temporary prepayment to pay a hotel a catering deposit. When the hotel’s invoice arrives, apply the prepayment to the invoice to reduce the invoice amount you pay.
Permanent prepayments cannot be applied to invoices. For example you use a Permanent prepayment to pay a lease deposit for which you do not expect to be invoiced.

What are types of Matching? 

2–way matching: The process of verifying that purchase order and invoice information matches within accepted tolerance levels.
Payables use the following criteria to verify two–way matching:

Invoice price <= Order price
Quantity billed <= Quantity ordered

3–way matching: The process of verifying that purchase order, invoice, and receiving information matches within accepted tolerance levels. Payables use the following criteria to verify three–way matching:

Invoice price <= Purchase Order price
Quantity billed <= Quantity ordered
Quantity billed <= Quantity received

4–way matching: The process of verifying that purchase order, invoice, and receiving information matches within accepted tolerance levels. Payables use the following criteria to verify four–way matching:

Invoice price <= Order price
Quantity billed <= Quantity ordered
Quantity billed <= Quantity received
Quantity billed <= Quantity accepted

What is FOB (Free On Board): The point or location where the ownership title of goods is transferred from the seller to the buyer. This indicates that delivery of a shipment will be made on board or into a carrier by the shipper without charge, and is usually followed by a shipping point or destination (e.g. ’FOB Our warehouse in New York’). The FOB code is currently available only for reference purposes. Revenue and cost recognition is not currently determined by the value entered in this field. (Receivables Lookup)

What is Purge : An Oracle Receivables Process, where you identify a group of records for Receivables to delete from the database. Receivables purge each record and its related records. Receivables maintain summary data for each record it purges.

Implementing User Profiles :

You should define user profile options whenever you want your application to react in different ways for different users, depending on specific user attributes.

You can decide whether your end users can view and update options you define at the User level or you can also define the option such that your end users could not see or change its value.

Predefined User Profile Options :

Database Profile Options :

Oracle Application Object Library provides many user profile options that the Oracle System Administrator or the users can see and update.

Internally Generated Profile Options :

Oracle Application Object Library also provides a set of profile options that you can access via the user profile routines. You can retrieve values for these profile options in your forms and programs.

However, except for the profiles CONC_PRINT_OUTPUT and CONC_PRINT_STYLE, you cannot change their values. System administrators and end users cannot see the values for, nor change the values of, these profile options.

  • FND_PROFILE: User Profile APIs :

You can use the user profile routines to manipulate the option values stored in client and server user profile caches.
On the client, a single user profile cache is shared by multiple form sessions. Thus, when Form A and Form B are both running on a single client, any changes Form A makes to the client’s user profile cache affect Form B’s run–time environment, and vice versa.

On the server, each form session has its own user profile cache. Thus, even if Form A and Form B are running on the same client, they have separate server profile caches. Server profile values changed from Form A’s session do not affect Form B’s session, and vice versa.

Similarly, profile caches on the server side for concurrent programs are separate.

Also, note that the server–side profile cache accessed by these PL/SQL routines is not synchronized with the C–code cache. If you put a value using the PL/SQL routines, it will not be readable with the C–code routines.

Any changes you make to profile option values using these routines affect only the run–time environment.

The effect of these settings ends when the program ends, because the database session (which holds the profile cache) is terminated.


Summary procedure FND_PROFILE.PUT

(name IN varchar2,

value IN varchar2);

Location FNDSQF library and database (stored procedure)

Description Puts a value to the specified user profile option. If the option does not exist, you can also create it with PUT.

Arguments (input)

name The (developer) name of the profile option you want to set.

Value The value to set in the specified profile option.


Summary procedure FND_PROFILE.GET

(name IN varchar2,

value OUT varchar2);

Location FNDSQF library and database (stored procedure)

Description Gets the current value of the specified user profile option, or NULL if the profile does not exist.

Arguments (input)

name The (developer) name of the profile optionwhose value you want to retrieve.

Arguments (output)

Value The current value of the specified user profile option as last set by PUT or as defaulted in the current user’s profile.

Example FND_PROFILE.GET (’USER_ID’, user_id);


Summary function FND_PROFILE.VALUE

(name IN varchar2) return varchar2;

Location FNDSQF library and database (stored function)

Description VALUE works exactly like GET, except it returns the value of the specified profile option as a function result.

Arguments (input)

Name The (developer) name of the profile option whose value you want to retrieve.

Following scripts used to test Payable open Interface for Invoices contains Project Data:

 Query for to get PO details:
 –select * from po_headers_all  where  PO_HEADER_ID=63845
–AND segment1=’NEX060378-002′
 –select * from po_lines_all where po_header_id=63845
–select * from po_vendors where vendor_id=11813
 –select * from po_line_locations_all where po_header_id=63845
  –select *  from PO_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL
 –select * from ap_invoice_lines_interface
Query to Set Org_id: 

–select * from ap_invoices_interface where invoice_num like ‘COL%’
–select * from ap_invoice_lines_interface
— select * from  AP_TERMS

    p_invoice_id       NUMBER;
    i                  NUMBER;

Query to Generate invoice_id —

    select AP_INVOICES_INTERFACE_S.nextval
    into p_invoice_id
    from dual;

Query to  Insert an invoice header —
 insert into ap_invoices_interface(INVOICE_ID,
        VALUES  (p_invoice_id,         –INVOICE_ID,
                  ‘COL012’,              –INVOICE_NUM,
                  ‘STANDARD’,            –INVOICE_TYPE_LOOKUP_CODE,
                  sysdate,              –INVOICE_DATE,
                 ‘NEX060378-002’,                    –v_PO_NUMBER,
                11934,                 –v_VENDOR_ID, 11790
                14667,                 –v_VENDOR_SITE_ID, 14506
                10,                       –v_INVOICE_AMOUNT,  (Sanjiv Wrong Amt)10
               ‘USD’,                  — v_INVOICE_CURRENCY_CODE, usd
                –10011,                  –v_TERMS_ID, (Sanjiv)
                ‘CONVERSION’,–‘INVOICE GATEWAY’,       –v_SOURCE,
                 ‘USM’,                  — v_GROUP_ID,
               ”,                     — v_PAYMENT_METHOD_LOOKUP_CODE, CHECK
               169);                   –v_ORG_ID
    — Insert invoice line —

    for i in 1..1 loop
INSERT into ap_invoice_lines_interface (INVOICE_ID,
                        VALUES (
                                 p_invoice_id,     –v_INVOICE_ID,
                                 AP_INVOICE_LINES_INTERFACE_S.nextval,       –v_INVOICE_LINE_ID,
                                     i,               –v_LINE_NUMBER,  1
                                  ‘ITEM’,           — v_LINE_TYPE_LOOKUP_CODE,
                                   10,            –v_AMOUNT, (Sanjiv Wrong Amt, PO Line=82.27) 10
                                  sysdate,           — v_ACCOUNTING_DATE,
                                  ”,                –v_FINAL_MATCH_FLAG,
                                  63845,                –v_PO_HEADER_ID,
                                 ‘NEX060378-002’,             — v_PO_NUMBER,
                                 63846,              –v_PO_LINE_ID, (Sanjiv Wrong POLineID) 47245
                                  1,               –v_PO_LINE_NUMBER,
                                  63846,           –v_PO_LINE_LOCATION_ID, (Sanjiv Wrong POLineLocID)
                                    ”,                –v_PO_SHIPMENT_NUM,
                                  ”,                –v_INVENTORY_ITEM_ID,
                                  ”,                –v_ITEM_DESCRIPTION,
                                  1,                –v_QUANTITY_INVOICED,
                                  ”,                –v_SHIP_TO_LOCATION_CODE,
                                 ”,                 –v_UNIT_PRICE,
                                ”,                 –v_PO_RELEASE_ID,
                                ”,                 –v_RELEASE_NUM,
                                   ”,                 –v_PRICE_CORRECTION_FLAG,
                                ”,                 –v_RECEIPT_NUMBER,
                                   ”,                –v_MATCH_OPTION,
                                   ”,                 –v_RCV_TRANSACTION_ID
                                ”,           –v_DIST_CODE_COMBINATION_ID
                                64302,            –PO_DISTRIBUTION_ID = 64302
                                1,                  –PO_DISTRIBUTION_NUM
                                ”,–1087,               –PROJECT_ID, (Sanjiv Wrong ProjID) 1172 1087
                                ”,–1551,                –TASK_ID,
                                ”,–‘Awrd Ovation Point Redemption’,–EXPENDITURE_TYPE,
                                 ”,–169,                –EXPENDITURE_ORGANIZATION_ID,
                                 ”,–”,             –PA_QUANTITY, (Sanjiv Wrong Qty)10
                              ” );– sysdate );           –EXPENDITURE_ITEM_DATE
      end loop;


Queries to debugged and trace Interface errors: 

–select * from ap_invoices_interface where invoice_id=13634
–select * from ap_invoice_lines_interface where invoice_id=13634
–select * from user_errors where name like’USM%’;
— select * from pa_projects_all where project_id=1172 –1087
–select * from pa_projects_all where project_id in (select project_id from pa_tasks where task_number=’2.4′)
–select * from usm_po_codes
–select * from pa_projects_all where segment1 =’10437′

1. Report Name :- Inactive Item Report         (Inventory)
Customization :-   Add one field Transaction Qty to report
Short Name :-  INVIRSLO
Parameter :- Organization,Subinv Break Option,Category Set Name,Inactive From Date
Table :-  mtl_system_items ,
               mtl_material_transactions ,
Solution  :-    See the parameter listing which is required for the report with the help of report name and short name .
                           Then  FPT the report from apps/viappl/inv/11.5.0/reports/US to your directory.
                        Go to the data module and click on the Query In the select statement add transaction Qty from MTL_MATERIAL_TRANSACTION
                 Go the report builder navigator window ->click on the icon Layout editor.
                Go to the header section separate all the frames of header section. 
place the boilerplate text for the status.Add One  field and give the source to the field as status
                 save the report -ftp the rdf file
                 create concurrent program with required parameter as per original report  attach that program to the Oracle Payble or your responsibility group
 This Customize Inactive Items Report Shows Added Customer Status.
2. Report Name: – A02 Item Summary Listing Report (PO)
Customization: – Displays the summarized item listing with necessary information of buyer.
                          Added a group for category wise summation of list price.
Short Name: – POXSUMIT,     A02_POXSUMIT
Parameter: – Title, Active/inactive (Active, Inactive, Both)
3.Report Name: – Subinventory Quantity report:  (INV)
Customization: – Customized this report to displays  price of every item and their sub inventories with total of price.
Parameter: –
Table: – MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS            msi,  
  org_organization_definitions  ood
4. Internal Requisition  Status Report. (PO)
Customization :-   Add total for Quantity Ordered
Short Name :-POXRQSIN
Parameter :-
Table :-  po_requisition_lines ,  po_requisition_headers  ,  mtl_system_items ,  hr_employees  
Solution          :-      See the parameter listing which is required for the report with the help of report name and short name . Then  FPT the report from apps/viappl/inv/11.5.0/reports/US to your directory.
 Create one summary Column for the Quantity order for Sum  Go the report builder navigator window ->click on the icon layout add the total field  give the source of the summary column to that field  save the report -ftp the rdf file create concurrent program with required parameter as per original report attach that program to the Oracle Inventory or your responsibility group. This customize Internal Requisition status report shows total for quantity order.
Use the Subinventory Quantities Report to show inventory item quantities by subinventory.
Report Submission
Use the On-hand Quantity Reports or Submit Requests window and enter Subinventory quantities report in the Name field to submit the report.
Report Parameters
Item Range
Choose one of the following options:
Full listing   :    Report all subinventories.
Partial list by :  Report only those subinventories for a inventory item  partialrange of items.
Specific          :  Report only the subinventory you subinventory  specify.
Items From/To
Enter a beginning and ending item to restrict the report to a range of items. You can enter an item here only if you enter Partial list by inventory item in the Item Range field.
Enter a subinventory for which to report on-hand quantity. You can enter a value here only if you enter Specific subinventory in the Item
Range field.
The original report has the following columns:
Add the price of every item.
Calculate the price*qty=total
Add the subinventory total
This would give us the value of the sub inventory.
Tables Used:
The tables added:
MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_B is the definition table for items. This table holds the definitions for inventory items, engineering items, and purchasing items. You can specify item-related information in fields such as: Bill of Material, Costing, Purchasing, Receiving, Inventory,
Physical attributes, General Planning, MPS/MRP Planning, Lead times, Work in Process, Order Management, and Invoicing. You can set up the item with multiple segments, since it is implemented as a flexfield.
Use the standard ’System Items’ flexfield that is shipped with the product to configure your item flexfield. The flexfield code is MSTK. The primary key for an item is the INVENTORY_ITEM_ID and ORGANIZATION_ID. Therefore, the same item can be defined in more than one organization. Each item is initially defined in an item master organization. The user then assigns the item to other organizations that need to recognize this item; a row is inserted for each new organization the item is assigned to.
Many columns such as MTL_TRANSACTIONS_ENABLED_ FLAG and BOM_ENABLED_FLAG correspond to item attributes defined in the MTL_ITEM_ATTRIBUTES table. The attributes that are available to the user depend on which Oracle applications are installed. The table MTL_ATTR_APPL_DEPENDENCIES maintains the relationships between item attributes and Oracle applications. Two unit of measure columns are stored in MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS table.
PRIMARY_UOM_CODE is the 3-character unit that is used throughout Oracle Manufacturing. PRIMARY_UNIT_OF_MEASURE is the 25-character unit that is used throughout Oracle Purchasing. Items now support multilingual description. MLS is implemented with a pair of tables: MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_B and MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_TL.
Translations table (MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_TL) holds item descriptions in multiple languages. DESCRIPTION column in the base table (MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_B) is for backward compatibility and is maintained in the installation base language only.
MTL_ONHAND_QUANTITIES stores quantity on hand information
by control level and location.
MTL_ONHAND_QUANTITIES is maintained as a stack of receipt
records, which are consumed by issue transactions in FIFO order. The quantity on hand of an item at any particular control level and location can be found by summing TRANSACTION_QUANTITY for all records that match the criteria. Note that any transactions which are
committed to the table MTL_MATERIAL_TRANSACTIONS_TEMP are
considered to be played out as far as quantity on hand is concerned in Inventory transaction forms. All our Inquiry forms and ABC compile are only based on MTL_ONHAND_QUANTITIES.MTL_ONHAND_QUANTITIES has two columns, CREATE_TRANSACTION_ID and UPDATE_TRANSACTION_IDs to join to MTL_MATERIAL_TRANSACTIONS.TRANSACTION_ID the
transactions that created the row and the transaction that last updated a row.
MTL_SECONDARY_INVENTORIES is the definition table for the
subinventory. A subinventory is a section of inventory, i.e., raw material, finished goods, etc. Subinventories are assigned to items (in a many to one relationship), indicating a list of valid places where this
item will physically exist in inventory.
Other attributes include general ledger accounts, demand picking order, locator type, availability type, and reservable type. You can also specify whether this subinventory is an expense or asset subinventory (ASSET_INVENTORY), or whether quantities are tracked
MTL_ITEM_LOCATIONS is the definition table for stock locators. The associated attributes describe which subinventory this locator belongs to, what the locator physical capacity is, etc.
The locator is a key flexfield. The Flexfield Code is MTLL.
CST_ITEM_COSTS stores item cost control information by cost type.
For standard costing organizations, the item cost control information for the Frozen cost type is created when you enter a new item. For average cost organizations, item cost control information is created when you transact the item for the first time.
You can use the Item Costs window to enter cost control information.
Where clause of the original report: = moqd.subinventory_code(+) = moqd.organization_id (+)
3.moqd.organization_id = msi.organization_id(+)
4.moqd.inventory_item_id = msi.inventory_item_id (+)
5.moqd.locator_id = mil.inventory_location_id(+)
6.moqd.organization_id = mil.organization_id(+)
Additional where clause added for the customized report:
1.cs.inventory_item_id = msi.inventory_item_id
2.cs.organization_id = msi.organization_id