Below are the steps to create Supplier contacts in Oracle EBS R12.
AP_SUP_SITE_CONTACT_INT interface used in 11i for loading supplier contact. Currently in R12 contacts can not be loaded using the interface table.

ap_vendor_pub_pkg.create_vendor_contact API is used in R12 and the program has to be registered as a concurrent program.

### Sample R12 Code

v_party_usg_assignment_id := NULL;
v_relationship_id := NULL;
v_directional_flag := NULL;
v_rel_rowid := NULL;
fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG,
‘Vendor code :’
|| rec.vendor_name
|| ‘  Vendor site code :’
|| rec.vendor_site_code
|| ‘  Person Last Name : ‘
|| rec.person_last_name
l_vendor_contact.vendor_id := rec.vendor_id;
l_vendor_contact.vendor_site_id := rec.vendor_site_id;
l_vendor_contact.org_id := rec.org_id;
l_vendor_contact.person_first_name := rec.person_first_name;
l_vendor_contact.person_middle_name := rec.person_middle_name;
l_vendor_contact.person_last_name := rec.person_last_name; :=;
l_vendor_contact.email_address := rec.email_address;
p_init_msg_list := fnd_api.g_true;
p_commit := fnd_api.g_false;
x_return_status := NULL;
x_msg_count := NULL;
x_msg_data := NULL;

IF rec.process_flag = ‘I’
fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, ‘Creating contacts….’);
(p_api_version             => p_api_version,
p_init_msg_list           => p_init_msg_list,
p_commit                  => p_commit,
x_return_status           => x_return_status,
x_msg_count               => x_msg_count,
x_msg_data                => x_msg_data,
p_vendor_contact_rec      => l_vendor_contact,
x_vendor_contact_id       => l_vendor_contact.vendor_contact_id,
x_per_party_id            => l_vendor_contact.per_party_id,
x_rel_party_id            => l_vendor_contact.relationship_id,
x_rel_id                  => l_vendor_contact.rel_party_id,
x_org_contact_id          => l_vendor_contact.org_contact_id,
x_party_site_id           => l_vendor_contact.party_site_id
error_handling (rec.r_id, x_return_status, x_msg_count, x_msg_data);
fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, ‘*************’);

How to create RMA in Oracle Order Management:

I am taking the case of creation of Return Sales Order with Receipt and Credit Memo.

1.Create New Sales Order with Order Type = “Return Only . ( we can take Mixed or any other that allow return line)

2.Since Header Order Type is “Return Only”, based on the transaction Type Setup ,  System will default Line Type .In transaction type set the Default RMA = “Return (Receipt)” , with this Setup system will populate the Line Type = “Return (Receipt)”  , enter other details like
Item #
Qty etc.

3.Go to Return tab ( Lines) and Enter Return Reason (There is LOV for Return Reason select any relevent value from LOV ).
4.Book the RMA.

5.Requery the RMA , check the Line Status , It should be “Awaiting Return”.

6.Select Receipt (Purchasing Responsibility) 

7.Goto Customer Tab and Enter the RMA Num .

8.Press Find Button.

9.Ignore the receipt Header , and go to Receipts form 

10.Select the line

11.Press Save,System will ask for the Sub Inventory.Best bet is enter “Stores” ( Here I am taking the case Routing = Direct Delivery)

12.Press Save Button. Save action will automatically submit the “Receiving Transaction Processor (RTP) concurrent Program.

13.Check Order line status , it should be “Returned”.

14.Go to View > request . Submit Concurrent Program “Workflow background Process”
              with Item Type = OM Order Line
              Process Deferred = Yes
              Process Timeout = No.

Query Order line again , Status Should be “Closed”

15.Step # 14 also submit “Autoinvoice” concurrent Program.
16.Goto Transaction (Receivable Responsibility)

            Go to Find Window
             Enter Sales Order # in Sales Order Number Field
             Press Find
System should display your Invoice (Credit memo)

Examine the Invoice and you are good to go.
This Post is about Oracle applications RFQ to Receipt Cycle.In this Post I will explain the Cycle from RFQ to PO Receipt with screen shots.

High -Lights of this Cycle is  to Create:

  • RFQ
  • Quote
  • Purchase Order
  • Receive against PO.

Once RFQ is created , Submit concurrent job “Request to Print the RFQ” for a supplier. On completion this job will increment print count for that supplier as shown below.

In below  Oracle Apps UIs we can see
  1. RFQ # 308,
  2. Supplier Info from Supplier List and
  3. Price Breaks.
Print RFQ for all the Suppliers by means of Concurrent Program available in Oracle Apps

Once we print the RFQ , status of RFQ become Printed , and print count will increment for all suppliers .Since we got response from the Office Supplier , Inc Site – OFFICESUPPLIER , Responded field populated for this supplier only . 

From the RFQ , Select Tools > Copy Doc .It will Create Quotations as shown below.
  1. Enter the Supplier Name for whom you want to create Quote.
  2. Press OK and it will Create Quotation.
  1.  Query for Quotation # 502.
  2. Create Purchase Order Agreement from Quotation by selected Tools > Copy Doc
  3. Press Ok and it will Create Purchase Order Agreement. 
 Query for PO Agreement and Approve it
Once Oracle Purchase agreement got approved , creates the releases for Blanket PO Agreement .In our example PO Agreement Release we have item Test001 , BUT Item Test001 has restricted to be ordered from supplier from “Approval Supplier list”, and as  our Supplier is not part of any Approve Supplier list , system will throw Error.
For my test , I just remove the Item Test001 and Approve the Oracle Purchase Order Release and finally did the receipt against PO.

Back Orders

·         The Oracle “term” backorder is a “status” on the order line or delivery line indicating that you have tried to release an order for picking in your warehouse, but that the pick release was UNSUCCESSFUL because there was no available inventory.(Backorder can be partial or complete). The Oracle term backorder does NOT mean that you have open purchase orders for the out-of-stock item from your vendors.

·         The term backorder is also used in business a little differently than in Oracle. The term “An item is on backorder” usually means that the item is not in stock, but the shipping company has already placed purchase orders from their suppliers to restock the item.

·         Back Order is when you do not fulfill the Sales Order, or if the inventory is out of stock for delivery to customer.

Back to Back Orders (B2B)

In Drop-ship items are directly shipped to customer from the supplier and only logical receiving is performed in Oracle. In B2B orders items are physically received to Oracle from supplier and later they are shipped to customers.

Ex: When an order for Laptop is placed, you cannot send laptop and charger differently to the customer. If the company is not interested in maintaining the inventory of chargers, B2B is perfect solution as laptop charger order will go out when ever an order is created for laptop.And the charger is received to oracle and can be shipped with the Laptop.

Flow status code of the order line –FSC
Item reservation type ….IRT

1. Enter sales order …source code Internal
2. Book the order, at this time FSC – Supply Eligible
3. Perform progress order … and FSC –PO Req. Requested & IRT inventory
4. Req. Import –FSC –PO Req. Created & IRT external requisition
5. Auto Create PO –FSC – PO created & IRT PO order
6. Perform receiving transaction— FSC Awaiting shipping& IRT Inventory
After this complete the order as normal sales order.

Important Notes:
Items used in Back to back order should be ATO enabled, Build in WIP flag checked and in general planning set the Buy flag.
In B2B order at some point we will physically receive goods before shipping them out, where as in Drop ship goods are directly shipped to Customer
Drop ship order may connect to more than one PO but B2B is connected to single PO.

YOur Work Flow mailer is triggering Mail often when you clone your Instance and you are unable to test the New stuff using work Flow Mailer 

Here is the solution for the Work flow mailer to stop sending older mails in the Test Instance 


where status =’OPEN’;
where status =’OPEN’;

Simple , but very Effective steps to Control your work flow mailer , sending old mails

Check this Steps:

Application Manager — > Application Dashboard ->

Application System– > Dev–> service Components –> Component Details

Set override Address : Dev: Work Flow Notification Mailer

Enter the Over Ride Address : *******. Mail .Com

Update the scripts:

update fnd_svc_comp_param_vals fscpv
set fscpv.PARAMETER_VALUE = ‘<override email address>’
where fscpv.parameter_id in (select fscpt.parameter_id
from fnd_svc_comp_params_tl fscpt
where fscpt.display_name = ‘Test Address’);

If this is Entered he/She will receive all the notification mails which has been triggered in the DEV or UAT 

Step 1Login to “Workflow Administrator Web Applications”

Step 2
Ensure that Notification Mailer is running, and then click on icon as below

Step 3
Click on “View Details”

Step 4.
Click on “Set Override Address”

Step 5.
Finally you can change the email address here. Please read the instructions in red carefully.