1.    Order on Hold
  2.     Inventory Period NOT open
  3.     No enough on-hand quantity
  4.     No enough quantity to reserve/transact
  5.     No on-hand quantity in required sub-inventory
  6.     The Lot from which items are selected is inactive/expired
  7.     Lot control Item Lot Divisible Option not enabled
  8.     Specified Lot is Disallowed Transaction (Applied on Material Status)
  9.     Item On-Hand to Disallowed Transaction (Applied on Material Status)
  10.     Wrong Item reservation (even inventory have enough quantity)
  11.     Inventory reserved for other sales orders
  12.     Inventory picked-up by other sales orders
  13.     Previously done return to stock not properly performed
  14.     Cycle Count Adjustments
  15.     Serial Control Item Serial number not allocated or not assigned 
  16.     Manually Backordered 
  17.     Move order is in pending state       


1. Check in Shipping Transaction Form, make sure the order still in “Ready to Release”.
2. There might be a lot of possibilities for this problem:
A) Order on hold
B) Do not have enough qty
C) Lot expired
D) Wrong reservation (even inventory have enough qty)
E) Inventory reserved for other orders.
F) Inventory picked up by other orders
G) Previously return to stock not done properly.
3. Case A,
Check if the order is on hold. Check the order type in Shipping Transaction Form → “Detail” →“Source”.
4. There is another way to check the order type. That is go to WMS Control Board → “Picking”.
5. Or go to OM Shipping View to see the order type.
6. Go to the correct “Sales Order View” instant accordingly by keying in the order# and order type.
7. Click on “Open Order” → “Action” → “Additional order info”.
8. Do the same for order level and line level.
9. Case B & C,
-Go to Material Workbench to check if the lot has expired or not having enough inventory for this order.
10. We can check if any lot is reserved for other order as well.
11. In Material Work Bench, go check for each lot in the physical locator by clicking on the “Attribute” button. (lot level reservation)
12. Alternatively, go to Shipping Transaction Form → OM Shipping View,
-or go to “Lot Number” (Ctrl + L), click on Attribute column to check the SO reservation of the lot.
13. Compare the SO info with the order that are having problem.
14. Case D,
-Go “Reserve Supply” form (Ctrl + L) to check if the order is wrongly reserved.
15. Case E,
-in the “Reserve Supply form, we can check if the qty is being picked up by other order as well. (order level reservation regardless of lot)
16. Also, can go to Material Workbench → Availability, to check for the available to reserve.
17. Case F,
-it might have high possibility the qty is taken up by order with different line, or other orders which have been auto launched.
18. If this is the case, must do backorder.
19. Go to Transact Move Order Form → tab “Pick Wave” → View/Update allocation → Lot/Serial.
20. Click on the checkbox for order which need to be backordered, then go to Tool → Back Order Line.
21. Case G,
-Ask the user if the order has done return to stock previously.
22. If yes, it might has high possibility that the return to stock not done properly.
23. Check the lot state, must be in “Resides in inventory”.
24. Check in Material Workbench to see if the lot is still packed with LPN or not.
25. Check also if the lot is in physical locator rather than logical locator.
1 Back Orders

  • The Oracle “term” backorder is astatus on the order line or delivery line indicating that you have tried to release an order for picking in your warehouse, but that the pick release was UNSUCCESSFUL because there was no available inventory.(Backorder can be partial or complete). The Oracle term backorder does NOT mean that you have open purchase orders for the out-of-stock item from your vendors.
  • The term  backorder is also used in business a little differently than in Oracle. The term “An item is on backorder” usually means that the item is not in stock, but the shipping company has already placed purchase orders from their suppliers to restock the item.
  • Backorder is when you do not fulfill the Sales Order, or if the inventory is out of stock for delivery to customer.

2 Drop Shipment

  • Drop shipment on the other hand is a method of order fulfillment where the organization taking the order does NOT maintain their own inventory for the drop-shipped product, but fulfill their orders through 3rd party vendors who directly ship to the end customer ordering the product.

For example,

  • A orders item x from B
  • B orders item x from C
  • C ships Item x to A.
  • B bills A for the order, C bills B for the order

A – Customer
B – Oracle Processing Company
C – Supplier

3 Back to Back Orders

In Back to Back Order the shipment process is also completed through OM as a standard order after the item is received against a PO.

What is the major difference between drop shipment and back to back order ?

  • In B2B the source will be internal but the item would be procured after the order is created or after the demand is made.
  • In Drop Ship the source will be external
  • In Drop Ship orders, material is directly shipped to the customer from the supplier. Thus, inventory is not affected. In this case, only logical receiving is done. But in the case of Back-to-Back orders, material is taken from inventory.
  • Drop Ship orders may have many Purchase Orders connected to them. In Back-to-Back orders one PO is tied to one Sales Order.
More on Drop Shipment & Back to Back Orders(Functional)
High Points for EBS Base Functionality for Drop Shipment
  • Drop shipment order processing in EBS is managed using workflow
  • Drop ship functionality is based on source type of an order line (Internal/External)
  • You can automate your PO/BPA release creation based on ASL/sourcing rule information
  • Drop ship process uses standard OM workflows.
  • You can use Sales order Purchase order discrepancy report to identify discrepancies between the OM and the PO
  • There is a links OM and PO to provide visibility through entire supply chain Flow.
The entire Drop shipment process flow can be best understood as figure below: 
drop shipment
Points for Implementation Considerations
  • Order line attribute: Source Type (need to be external). You can be defaulted from item or order type
    • Menu -> Responsibility Order Entry Super User/setup/Orders/Types
    • Setup an order type using the cycle defined in the previous step (a),an order number source, a valid standard value rule set.
  • Item attributes (OM and Purchasing)

You need to do the setup for these attributes:

-Purchased (PO) Enabled
-Purchasable (PO) Enabled
-Transactable (INV) Enabled
-Stockable (INV) Optional
-Reservable (INV) Optional
-Inventory Item (INV) Optional
-Customer Ordered (OE) Enabled
-Customer Orders Enabled (OE) Enabled
-Internal Ordered (OE) Disabled
-Internal Orders Enabled (OE) Disabled
-Shippable (OE) Optional
-OE Transactable (OE) Enabled

  • Setup requisition import parameters
  • You can also use grouping by Vendor
  • You can also set the multiple distributions set to No
  • ASL and/or Sourcing rule relationship need to be setup for Automatic PO creation
  • Oracle recommends using a logical organization for drop shipment. Exclude this organization for planning purposes. It can be worked around using non nettable Dropship subinventory

 Back to Back Order
As mention above this is ability to create specific supply orders for customer sales orders.
These are main features avaible in EBS

  • Designate specific items as B2B orderable
  • Enter sales order lines for these items, and have the supply automatically created via a requisition
  • Have the requisition converted into a Purchase Order or a release of a blanket Purchase Order
  • View the requisition number or PO number and its status from the Sales Order (using reservation details window)
  • Reserve the supply from the Requisition to the PO and finally to the Sales Order once the PO is received
  • Pick, ship and finally invoice the customer for the product.
  • Note to Buyer’s field in the requisition captures the Sales order information
  • Line status information shows the progress of the order
    PO Req Created
    PO Req Requested
    PO Created
    PO Received
  • If line is manually reserved it progresses to “Awaiting Shipping”
  • Changes and Cancellations on sales orders:
    • Reservation is changed
    • Notification sent to Buyer

Back to Back orders

Miscellaneous Shipments

Miscellaneous Shipments enable you to ship confirm deliveries that are not tied to (or did not originate from) a sales order, or have been sent via XML Shipment Request from a legacy order management system to Oracle Shipping Execution. XML support enables Oracle Shipping Execution to return an XML Shipment Advice message back to a legacy OM system to confirm the shipment.
XML Shipment Request is an XML message that is sent to Oracle Shipping Execution. It is the equivalent of the EDI transaction 940 Inbound. Oracle XML Gateway is used to generate the XML messages (both Shipment Request and Shipment Advice). Miscellaneous shipment deliveries can be combined in a trip with OM-originated deliveries.
The functionality of miscellaneous shipments is the same as Oracle Order Management-originated deliveries.
The following restrictions exist when using miscellaneous shipments with Oracle Shipping Execution:

  • Cannot assign delivery lines to a delivery
  • Cannot unassign delivery lines from a delivery
  • Cannot reopen deliveries
  • Partial shipment of a delivery will result in the cancellation of the remaining quantity or line(s)
  • Cannot run pick release

Oracle XML Gateway, along with Advanced Queuing, must be installed. The WSH organization must be defined as a Trading Partner. (The supplier site Shipping organization must be defined as a Distributed organization).
Oracle Workflow is required for notifications.

XML Used with Miscellaneous Shipments

Shipment Request: Shipment Request transaction (the XML equivalent of the ASC X12 940 transaction) is a modified version of the Open Applications Group (OAG) document type definition (DTD) show_shipment_005. This DTD is used to send shipment information from Oracle Shipping Execution to a 3rd party order management system (or legacy system). These transactions contain all pertinent information for the delivery.
Shipment Advice: Shipment Advice transaction (the XML equivalent of the ASC X12 945 transaction) is a modified version of the OAG DTD show_shipment_005. This DTD is used to send shipment information from a 3rd party order management system (or legacy system) to Oracle Shipping Execution. The Shipment Advice transaction sends all pertinent information for the delivery.

Data Flow

The following graphic describes the data flow when Shipment Request is used to send information from a third-party order management system to Oracle Shipping Execution.

The following graphic describes the data flow when Shipment Advice is used to send information from Oracle Shipping Execution to a third-party order management system.

“Error: The action can not be performed because the selected records are not eligible.”.


There are several ways to resolve this, depending on how you want the order to progress:
A. If you want to ship the delivery lines , do the following:
1. Query the Order in Shipping Transaction form
2. Navigate to Delivery tab. From the Actions button, choose Reopen Delivery>Go. Re-query order to confirm Delivery status is now “Open”.
3. From the Actions button again, choose Unassign Trip>Go
4. Re-query order to confirm the Trip has been removed, then from the Actions button again, choose Confirm Order>Go
5. Enter required information (such as Ship Method, quantity, Inventory Control)
6. Confirm the Order as usual.

B. If you want to cancel the order or order line, the delivery must be closed to do this, so do the following:
1. Query the Order in Shipping Transaction form
2. Navigate to Delivery tab. From the Actions button, choose Reopen Delivery>Go. Re-query order to confirm Delivery status is now “Open”.
3. From the Actions button again, choose Unassign Trip>Go
4. Once the Trip is removed, navigate to Delivery Line tab and remove the Shipped Quantity.
5. Once the Shipped Quantity field is null, go back to Delivery tab>then Actions button, choose Confirm Order>Go
6. Choose the Backorder All.
7. Once the delivery is closed and delivery lines are in backordered status, then navigate to Sales Order and cancel as needed.

C. To close a stop manually please follow steps below: To implement the solution, please execute the following steps:: You will need to manually close the stops

1. On the test instance, please click on the Path by Stop tab and manually close all of
the sequences:
Query order on Shipping Transaction form > Path by Stop tab > Actions > Update
Stop Status >Close
Also be sure to check the ‘Defer Interface’ checkbox on the form.

2. Then submit the Interface Trip Stop – SRS program

3. The line should now progress to ‘Interfaced’.

Price list and Modifier to be restricted against the OU level
QP: Security Control                                                      —         OFF to ON

Impacting Profile Options


1.Discounting Privilege
It should be set to full or unlimited.
   The button Add Adjustment is displayed based on the combination of the profile “OM: Discounting Privileges” and the “enforce List price” flag for the Order Type. If the order type is not entered then we do not consider the “Enforce List Price” flag and assume it to be false. We look at the profile OM: Discounting Privilege to see if the user has the privilege to apply the manual adjustments. Also if this privilege is FULL, then if the Order Type has Enforce List Price, a manual adjustment cannot be applied. If the privilege is None the user can never apply a manual adjustment. If the profile is

Ref: Master Note: Common Reasons for Error APP-ONT-250274 – No Manual Discount Available, Online Discounting Is Not Allowed; Order Type Enforce List Price [ID 1105868.1]

OM: List Price Override Privilege                         —         Unlimited Access
SO Price Override
ASO : Discounting Privilege                                —         None to Full       (Site)
OE: Discounting Privilege                                   —         Null to Unlimited            (User)
OM: Discounting Privileges                                 —         Null to Unlimited            (User)
QP: Blind Discount Option                                  —         No to Yes          (Site)
OM: Preinsert Manual Adjustments                     —         No to Yes          (Site)
1. Create Modifier (Discount) and Uncheck Automatic flag to both header and line,
2. Line level Enable Override check box then Header qualifier to add the price list  à Save
Now try to create the sales Order à go the lines enter the Item & Qty save or Book SO after change unit selling price now allow the manual override.