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The great aspect of Metalink is that it allows one to find resources for troubleshooting purposes. I have resolved many issue ranging from functional setup to complex database issues.
Another, great feature is Oracle Support via Metalink. You can raise an SR or Support Request (previously known as a TAR) to Oracle Support for issues. As an Orace customer you can send an SR on almost every topic. I have taken advantage of this, for example I once submitted an SR on how to find a particular patch.
Standard Request Submission is a feature that works with concurrent processing to provide a common interface for running your Oracle Applications reports and programs.
Standard Request Submission provides you with a set of windows for running reports and programs and a set of windows for creating groups of reports and programs to run together. These windows give you control over the submission and output of your reports and programs.

Attention: Some Oracle Applications products provide, in addition to the Standard Request Submission windows, product-specific windows to submit certain reports and programs. Such a window automatically runs a report or a program as a concurrent process when you choose a specific button or save your work in the form.

The Post Journals window in the Oracle General Ledger application is an example of a window that submits a concurrent program to post journal entries when you choose the Post button. You should refer to the user’s guide for your Oracle Applications product to learn if your product uses any product-specific windows to submit reports or programs.

  • Provides standard interface for running and monitoring reports.
  • Single form to submit any request, concurrent program. Another form to see report’s progress and to review report online.
  • Submit Request form: easy-to-use interface.
  • Automatic Resubmission.
  • Request Sets: define sets of reports, Submit an entire set at same time.
  • Request Set options: Run order, printer, no. of copies etc.
  • Request Set Log File:Single log file containing the completion status of all reports in set.
  • Viewing Requests: Monitor report’s progress using View Request form.
  • Child Request: or a sub-request submitted by any other concurrent request(Parent Request)
  • Parameter: A value you specify when you run a request.

* A request set is parent request and all reports in set are child requests
Value Set: A set of values against which AOL validates values, the end user enters when running a concurrent program.
Controlling Access to Reports:

  • Create related group of reports and request sets.
  • Define responsibility and assign a report security group to that responsibility.

Request Sets:

  • A collection of reports/programs that are grouped together. Allow to submit reports or programs in a request set all at once using a single transaction.
  • Request set can be defined to submit requests depending on the completion status of previously submitted requests in the set.


  • Component of a request set used to group requests within a set. All requests in a stage are executed in parallel. Request set executes one stage at a time., following links from stage to stage.
  • Links that are followed depend on the completion status of the individual stages. A stage completes when all the requests contained in the stage have completed.
  • PL/SQL functions calculate the completion status of a stage
  • Three status of a stage:
  1. Success
  2. Warning
  3. Error

Stage Evaluation function:

  • Provided by AOL, computes the stage completion status from the completion statuses of the specified requests in set.
  • Function returns a
  1. Success: If all requests completed with a status of “Success”.
  2. Warning: If one or more requests in set completed with warning and no request completed with error.
  3. Error: If any request in set completed with error.

1. What are the different ways of adding assets in FA?
2. How do we depreciate Assets in Oracle Applications?
3. What is the significance of asset books in FA? Types?
4.What is ment by retire asset? How do we retire assets in Oracle applications?
5. What are the various Journal Entries generated through fixed assets
6.At what level FA is implemented?
7.What is the profile used to secure asset register?
8.What are the asset types in FA Module?
9.What are the different calendars used in FA Module?
10.Is FA Supports Multi _org?

11.What is ment by Roll back depreciation?
12.What are the mandatory flexfiels used in FA?
13.What are the depreciation methods used in FA module?
14.What is ment by prorate convention?
15.What is the use of allow amortized changes check box?
16.What is the difference between Quick addition and detail addition?
17.What is ment by projection?
18.What is ment by what-if analysis?
19.What is ment by leased asset?
20.What is ment by depreciation override? Can we override depreciation?
21.What is ment by physical inventory reconciliation?
22.Tell me something about asset insurance?
23.What is ment by asset revaluation?
24.In prepare mass additions window what are available Q names?
25.what is the difference between initial mass copy and periodic mass copy?
26.what is internal retairment?
27.What experience do you have in FA Module Implementation?
28.What do you know about FA to GL cycle?
Define recurring journal formulas for transactions that you repeat every accounting period, such as accruals, depreciation charges, and allocations. Your formulas can be simple or complex. Each formula can use fixed amounts and/or account balances, including standard, end-of-day, or average balances, actual or budget amounts, statistics, and period-to-date or year-to-date balances from the current period, prior period, or same period last year. You can quickly create new recurring formulas by copying and modifying existing formulas.
You can use recurring journals to create three types of journal entries:
Skeleton Journal Entries: Skeleton entries affect the same accounts each period, but have different posting amounts. After you generate skeleton journal entries, you can edit the unposted journal batch using the Enter Journals form and enter the journal line amounts.
Skeleton journal entries are useful with statistical information whenever you want to record journals for actual transactions based on statistical amounts, such as headcount, units sold, inflation rates, or other growth factors. For example, if you want to enter headcount for each cost center every period, you can define a skeleton entry with your headcount accounts. After you generate the skeleton entries, enter the actual headcount amounts before posting the batch. 
Standard Recurring Journal Entries: Standard recurring journal entries use the same accounts and amounts each period.
Recurring Journal Formula Entries: Formula entries use formulas to calculate journal amounts that vary from period to period.

        Important: If you use summary accounts in your recurring journals, General Ledger maintains references to those summary account templates, even if you delete then recreate the summary accounts.

        1. Define Requition?
        2. What are the types of requitions?
        3. What is the use of requition template?
        4. What is the procedure for qequition import?
        5. What is ment by RFQ?
        6. What are the types of RFQ”S?
        7. What is ment by quatation and quotation analysis?
        8. What is ment my PO?
        9. What are the types of PO?
        10. What are the types of receipts?

        11. What is ment by receipt routing?
        12. What is the purpose of receiving transactions?
        13. What is ment by receipt routing? Types?
        14. What is the use of auto creat?
        15. What is ment by pay on receipt auto invoice?
        16. What do you mean by controlling buyers workload?
        17. What is Matching? What are the various methods of matching?
        18. What is the use of defining security hierarchy?
        19. What is the difference between accrue at period end and accrue on receipt?
        20. Why are expenses items typically accrued at period end, and why are inventory items always accrued on receipt?