You can define and update default inventory and costing parameters for your current organization in the following areas:

  1. Inventory Parameters
  2. Costing Information
  3. Other Account Parameters
  4. Revision, Lot, Serial, LPN Parameters
  5. ATP, Pick, Item–Sourcing Parameters
  6. Defining Inter–Organization Information
  7. Defining Warehouse Parameters
  8. 1. Enter an organization code for which you want to set up the organization parameter. 2. Select an Item Master organization. Oracle Inventory only defines items in the Item Master organization of the organization from which you enter the Items window. 3. Select a workday calendar. This is required when Oracle Master Scheduling/MRP and Oracle Supply Chain Planning is installed. 4. Optionally, select a demand class. Demand classes segregate scheduled demand and production into groups, allowing you to track and consume those groups independently. Oracle Master Scheduling/MRP and Oracle Supply Chain Planning uses this demand class during forecast consumption, and shipment and production relief. 5. In the Move Order Timeout Period field, enter the number of days a move order requisition can wait for approval. The workflow approval process sends a notification to the item planner when a move order requisition requires approval. After the first timeout period, if the recipient has not approved or rejected the order, a reminder notice is sent. After the second timeout period, the order is automatically approved or rejected, depending on whether you select Approve automatically or Reject automatically in the Move Order Timeout Action field. If you want to bypass the move order approval process and automatically approve move order requisitions, enter 0 days in the Move Order Timeout Period field and select Approve automatically in the Move Order Timeout Action field. 6. Select a move order timeout action Approve automatically: After the second timeout period, move order requisitions are automatically approved. Select this option and set the Move Order Timeout Period to 0 if you want to bypass the move order approval process and automatically approve move order requisitions. Reject automatically: After the second timeout period, move order requisitions are automatically rejected. 7. Select a locator control option: None: Inventory transactions within this organization do not require locator information. Prespecified only: Inventory transactions within this organization require a valid, predefined locator for each item. Dynamic entry allowed: Inventory transactions within this organization require a locator for each item. You can choose a valid, predefined locator, or define a locator dynamically at the time of transaction. Determined at subinventory level: Inventory transactions use locator control information that you define at the subinventory level.

  • Indicate whether to allow negative balances. Determines whether inventory transactions can drive the inventory balance of an item negative.
    Attention: If insufficient quantity on hand exists in a supply subinventory to satisfy backflush demand, Oracle Work in Process forces the supply subinventory balance negative, ignoring this option setting.
  • Auto delete allocation at Move Order cancellation
  • Indicate whether this organization is an Oracle Warehouse Management enabled organization. You can use WMS features such as LPNs, task management, warehouse execution rules and cost
    groups in this organization. Locator control must be enabled in order to enable WMS. Once this has been enabled and transactions have been entered in this organization, this box cannot be unchecked.
  • Indicate whether this organization is enabled for Quality inspection.
  • Indicate whether this organization is an Oracle Enterprise Asset Management enabled Organization.
  • Enter a total load weight and unit of measure for this organization.
  • Enter a total volume and unit of measure for this organization.  

New Features in R12
1. Select a Default On-hand Material Status tracking option. This step is optional.
Attention: You cannot update this field for existing organizations. To enable this field, you must submit the Activate Onhand Level Material Status Tracking concurrent program.
2. Indicate whether locator aliases must be unique across the organization.

You can specify which organizations a responsibility can access by mapping responsibilities to organizations. Once this mapping is set up, a user logging into an Oracle Manufacturing product is restricted to the organizations mapped to the responsibility chosen. The Change Organization window is restricted as well.
Attention: Until you assign an organization to a responsibility in this window, all responsibilities have access to all organizations. Once you have restricted any responsibility to an organization, you must then explicitly define the organizations which all responsibilities can access.
Attention: This feature does not restrict access once the user is in the product. Users with access to functions that cross multiple organizations (such as ATP, Inter–organization Transfers, Item Search, Multi–organization Quantity Report, and so on) can still specify any valid organization when running these functions.

Designates the subinventory as a receiving subinventory, and links it to a receiving location. This subinventory type is used only for receiving material. Material in this type of subinventory cannot be on-hand, or reserved.
You can not enable status attributes (Include in ATP, Allow Reservation, Nettable).
Quantity tracked, Asset Subinventory and Depreciable fields are also not applicable for receiving sub inventory.

Select a source type for item replenishment.

1. Enter a unique alphanumeric name.
2. Indicate the material status of this subinventory, which controls the enabled transactions for all material in this subinventory. The status is not overridden by the status of any locator, lot or serial, within this subinventory. The statuses of those objects will be considered when determining transactions that are not enabled. This field is
used if you have Oracle Warehouse Management installed.
3. Indicate the default cost group for this subinventory. If the cost group assignment rules fail to identify a cost group for newly received material, this cost group will be assigned. This cost group will remain with the material, even through subinventory transfers, until you perform a cost group change transaction. This feature is available if you have Oracle Warehouse Management installed, and you are working with a WMS enabled organization.
4. Select the subinventory type from the drop down list. The available choices are as follows:
Storage: Designates the subinventory as a Storage subinventory.
Receiving: Designates the subinventory as a receiving subinventory, and links it to a receiving location. This subinventory type is used only for receiving material. Material in this type of subinventory cannot be on–hand, or reserved.
Null: No subinventory designation
Following are the important parameters that we must define
1.  Quantity tracked Indicate whether each transaction for this subinventory updates the quantity on hand for the subinventory (Quantity Tracked).
If you leave this option unchecked, on–hand balances are not maintained and you cannot check or update the Asset Inventory, Include in ATP, Reservable, or Nettable options. You can update this value only if there is no on–hand quantity, no pending transaction, or no uncosted transaction for the subinventory.
2. Asset Subinventory: Indicate whether to maintain the value of this subinventory on the balance sheet (Asset Subinventory). You can update this value only if there is no on–hand quantity for the subinventory.
3. Include in ATP: Indicate whether to include items in this subinventory in ATP calculations.
4. Depreciable: Indicate whether to designate items in this subinventory as depreciable.
This data is needed to support depreciable and location information in the Subinventory Setup from the Oracle Network Logistics product.
5. Allow Reservation:  Indicate whether to include this subinventory when you perform available–to–reserve calculations.
6 Nettable:  Indicate whether the planning process uses the on–hand balance of these subinventory items as available inventory (Nettable).
7. LPN Controlled: Indicate if material may be packed into an LPN in the subinventory. If this is unchecked, all LPNs transacted into this subinventory will be automatically unpacked, and LPNs cannot be packed into this subinventory. This feature is available if you have Oracle Warehouse Management installed, and you are working with a WMS enabled organization
8. Select a type of locator control.
You can select an option only if you selected locator control as Determined at subinventory level in the Locator Control field in the Organization Parameters window. You can only update this option if there is no on–hand quantity for the subinventory.
None: Inventory transactions within this subinventory do not require locator information.
Prespecified: Inventory transactions within this subinventory require you to enter a valid predefined locator for each item.
Dynamic entry: Inventory transactions within this subinventory require you to enter a locator for each item. You may choose a valid predefined locator, or define a locator dynamically at the time of transaction.
Item level: Inventory transactions use locator control information that you define at the item level.
9. Optionally, enter an inactive date for the subinventory.
10. Enter a location for the subinventory. If the Subinventory type is Receiving, this field is mandatory.
Lead times
Optionally, enter pre–processing, processing, and post–processing lead times for items in this subinventory.
These lead times are used when you use min–max planning at the subinventory level.
Inventory: Replenish items internally, from another organization.
Supplier: Replenish items externally, from a supplier you specify in Oracle Purchasing.
Subinventory: Replenish items internally, from another subinventory in the same inventory organization.Navigate to the Subinventories Summary folder window. Choose New. The Subinventories window appears.

subinventory account information
Enter the general ledger accounts.The default accounts are those defined for the organization in the Organization Parameters window. If you are using average costing, you may enter the valuation accounts, but they are not used. Average costing uses only the Expense and Encumbrance accounts. If you use standard costing, and Oracle Bills of Material is installed, all asset accounts are required. If you use standard costing, and Oracle Bills of Material is not installed, you are only required to enter the Material and Material Overhead accounts.

Subinventories are unique physical or logical separations of material inventory, such as raw inventory, finished goods, or defective material. All material within an organization resides in a subinventory. There are two types of subinventories within Warehouse Management, storage and receiving.
Storage subinventories are intermediate or final put away locations for material. Material that resides in a storage subinventory appears in on hand quantity, and is tracked by the system. The system can book orders against, and use manufacturing processes on material that resides in a storage subinventory. You must define at least one storage subinventory for your implementation.
Optionally, you can create receiving subinventories to track material in the receiving area. You use receiving subinventories when you want to track the material as soon as it enters the warehouse before an operator puts it away. Receiving subinventories enable managers to see where the material resides as soon as it enters the warehouse. Material located in a receiving subinventory does not appear in on hand quantity, and the system cannot reserve the material.
An operator can also only specify a receiving subinventory if they are using a mobile device to receive the material.
Note: Operators cannot transfer material from a storage subinventory to a receiving subinventory.
All material within an organization is held in a subinventory therefore, you must define at least one subinventory.
When you create a new subinventory the subinventory is only available to the inventory org(M1 in above pic) where you are creating it.
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