To run or execute the Oracle API from the back-end, we need to Initialize the Apps first.
We have API to Initialize the Apps.
To initialize apps using the API, we need to pass few IN parameter values.
The following is the script prepared to initialize apps based on the
Application, User-name and Responsibility name given.
l_appl_id NUMBER;
l_appl_name VARCHAR2 (100) := 'PA';
l_user_id NUMBER;
l_user_name VARCHAR2 (100) := 'OPERATIONS';
l_responsibility_id NUMBER;
l_resp_name VARCHAR2 (200)
:= 'Projects, Vision Operations (USA)';
-- To get the Application ID of given Application.
SELECT application_id
INTO l_appl_id
FROM fnd_application
WHERE application_short_name = l_appl_name;
-- To get the User ID information of given user
SELECT user_id
INTO l_user_id
FROM fnd_user
WHERE user_name = l_user_name;
-- To get the Resp ID information of the given responsibility.
SELECT responsibility_id
INTO l_responsibility_id
FROM fnd_responsibility_tl
WHERE responsibility_name = l_resp_name AND application_id = l_appl_id;
--Initialixze the Application to use the API.
fnd_global.apps_initialize (l_user_id, l_responsibility_id, l_appl_id);
I Hope the above script would help understanding about the Initializing the Apps API.
SELECT UPPER(sys_context(‘USERENV’,’DB_NAME’)) “Instance”
select instance_name from v$instance;
Applications base tables.
Note:- You may need to modify the query to match with your instance conditions and your requirements.
NVL(substr(org.organization_code, 1,3), ‘ ‘) orgcode
,NVL(substr(msi.segment1, 1, 8), ‘ ‘) seg11
,NVL(substr(msi.segment1, 9, 8), ‘ ‘) seg12
,NVL(substr(msi.segment1, 17, 4), ‘ ‘) seg13
,NVL(moq.subinventory_code, ‘ ‘) sub_inv_code
,NVL(to_char(round(sum(moq.transaction_quantity))), ‘ ‘) trans_qnty
FROM mtL_system_items msi
,org_organization_definitions org
,mtl_onhand_quantities moq
,hr_organization_units hou
WHERE moq.inventory_iteM_id = msi.inventory_item_id
AND moq.organizatioN_id = msi.organizatioN_id
AND moq.organizatioN_id = org.organizatioN_id
AND moq.organization_id = hou.organization_id
— AND hou.type = ‘DC’
GROUP BY org.organization_code
, moq.subinventory_code
, msi.segment1;
I hope the above information would be helpful to you.
Lot many times we would not be known if the client has the specific application license or not.
We can ask the client is one way. If you have access to the back-end for the production Instance. Then you could know with following query. This is the Other way.
All the applications which are Installed status are license one.
SELECT application_name
, application_short_name
,DECODE (status, ‘I’, ‘Installed’, ‘S’, ‘Shared’, ‘Not Installed’) status
, a.application_id
FROM fnd_application_all_view a
, fnd_product_installations i
WHERE a.application_id = i.application_id
Note:- The following Flexfields are avilable in the 11.5.8 Oracle Application Version.
You may find more flexfield in the new Oracle apps versions.
To check all the Flexfield avilable for your Oracle Apps version, use the Flexfield Query
Application Name
Flex-field Name
Application Description
CRL Financials Assets
Super Group
CRL Financials – Assets
CRL Financials Assets
Group Asset
CRL Financials – Assets
Oracle Advanced Service Online
Oracle Advanced Service Online
Oracle Advanced Service Online
AHL Operation
Oracle Advanced Service Online
Oracle Assets
Location Flexfield
Oracle Assets
Oracle Assets
Category Flexfield
Oracle Assets
Oracle Assets
Asset Key Flexfield
Oracle Assets
Oracle General Ledger
Accounting Flexfield
Oracle General Ledger
Oracle Human Resources
Soft Coded KeyFlexfield
Oracle Human Resources
Oracle Human Resources
Job Flexfield
Oracle Human Resources
Oracle Human Resources
Grade Flexfield
Oracle Human Resources
Oracle Human Resources
CAGR Flexfield
Oracle Human Resources
Oracle Human Resources
Competence Flexfield
Oracle Human Resources
Oracle Human Resources
Item Contexts Keyflex
Oracle Human Resources
Oracle Human Resources
Personal Analysis Flexfield
Oracle Human Resources
Oracle Human Resources
Position Flexfield
Oracle Human Resources
Oracle Inventory
System Items
Oracle Inventory
Oracle Inventory
Sales Orders
Oracle Inventory
Oracle Inventory
Item Categories
Oracle Inventory
Oracle Inventory
Account Aliases
Oracle Inventory
Oracle Inventory
Item Catalogs
Oracle Inventory
Oracle Inventory
Oracle Inventory
Oracle Inventory
Stock Locators
Oracle Inventory
Oracle Payroll
People Group Flexfield
Oracle Payroll
Oracle Payroll
Bank Details KeyFlexField
Oracle Payroll
Oracle Payroll
Cost Allocation Flexfield
Oracle Payroll
Oracle Public Sector Budgeting
PSB Position Flexfield
Oracle Public Sector Budgeting
Oracle Receivables
Territory Flexfield
Oracle Receivables
Oracle Receivables
Sales Tax Location Flexfield
Oracle Receivables
Oracle Receivables
ARTA-Receipt Prof Ident
Oracle Receivables
Oracle Training Administration
Training Resources
Oracle Training Administration
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