When ever, I have to create new package, I normally code a procedure to write any information in the log or Out files of the program.

The following is the Procedure which I use it in any package. This is standard in some companies coding. This save a lot of time and this makes easy to other people who goes through your program.

PROCEDURE write(p_type IN VARCHAR2, p_message IN VARCHAR2)
Purpose : Procedure writes to the log file or output file
based on type.O=Output File, L=Log File

IF p_type = ‘L’

fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.log, p_message);

ELSIF p_type = ‘O’

fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.output, p_message);

END write;

The above write procedure can be used in other Procedure/Function in the package to write any information in the Log or Out files. 

, retcode OUT NUMBER
, p_par1 IN NUMBER
v_errbuf VARCHAR2(1000) := NULL;
v_retcode NUMBER := 0;
v_file_name VARCHAR2(100);

v_retcode := 0;

v_file_name := fnd_profile.value(‘XYZ’);

IF v_file_name IS NULL
write(‘O’,’Profile XYZ is not defined or the value is not set’);
retcode := 2;

Note:- In the above Procedure, I am using the write Procedure and returning 2 for the retcode (0 – Complete, 1- Warning and 2 will be for Error).

Note:- This is one time process and you will realise, how much helpful it will be when ever you have to right something in log or out file.

More then information, this post is more of suggestion. Hope this post will help you make your code easy. 

With the following query you can know what all the permissions you have for any Specific Application User.

I have used this query when working on some custom page. Based on the permissions given to the User, you can provide some additional functionality to the Users.

Note:- I have commented out the permission name. in the below query. You can use this condition if you want to search specific to the permission name.

SELECT fnd.user_id
, fnd.description
, p.permission_name
FROM jtf_auth_principals_b u
, jtf_auth_principal_maps pm
, jtf_auth_role_perms rp
, jtf_auth_permissions_b p
, fnd_user fnd
WHERE fnd.user_id=’Your USER ID’
AND fnd.user_name=u.principal_name
— AND p.permission_name =’CSI_SEARCH_PRODUCT_VIEW’
AND u.jtf_auth_principal_id = pm.jtf_auth_principal_id
AND pm.jtf_auth_parent_principal_id = rp.jtf_auth_principal_id
AND rp.jtf_auth_permission_id = p.jtf_auth_permission_id

Note:- You can know the USER ID of specific to some USER from the following Query.

select * from fnd_user where USER_NAME like ‘User Name’;

On Release 12.0, the “Import Standard Purchase Orders” concurrent program fails with the following error:

ORA-01422: exact fetch returns more than requested number of rows in Package po.plsql.PO_PDOI_PVT.
Procedure init_sys_parameters.0
ORA-01422: exact fetch returns more than requested number of rows in Package
po.plsql.PO_PDOI_PVT. Procedure init_startup_values.10
ORA-01422: exact fetch returns more than requested number of rows in Package po.plsql.PO_PDOI_PVT.
Procedure start_process.50
User-Defined Exception in Package po.plsql.PO_PDOI_Concurrent. Procedure POXPDOI.30

Steps To Reproduce:
1. Populate the interface table with the PO details.
2. Navigate to Requests -> Run -> Single request.
3. Select ‘Import Standard Purchase Orders’.


The multi_org_category flag was not set correctly.

Verify by running the following script:

Select multi_org_category
from fnd_concurrent_programs
where concurrent_program_name=’POXPOPDOI’;

Ideally, the above script should return a value ‘S’, which indicates it is set to single org. In problematic case it returns no rows.


To implement the solution, please execute one of the following set of steps:

1. Ensure that you have taken a backup of your system before applying the recommended solution.

2. Run the following scripts in a TEST environment first:

Update fnd_concurrent_programs
set multi_org_category = ‘S’
where concurrent_program_name=’POXPOPDOI’;

3. Commit the transaction using ‘commit’ command.

4. Once the scripts complete, confirm that the data is corrected.
You can use the following SQL to confirm:
Select multi_org_category from fnd_concurrent_programs where concurrent_program_name=’POXPOPDOI’;
— should return a value ‘S’.

5. Confirm that the data is corrected, run the “Import Standard Purchase Orders” concurrent program.

6. If you are satisfied that the issue is resolved, migrate the solution as appropriate to other environments.
*** Alternately, this can be achieved via the application with the following steps:
1. Assign yourself the responsibility System Administration. (note it is not system administrator).

2. Navigate to responsibility System Administration – Concurrent Programs form
– Search on POXPOPDOI as short name
– Choose Update
– Move to Request tab
– Off to the right it shows – Operating Unit Mode
– Ensure this is single

Make sure it is S – using this sql –

Select multi_org_category from fnd_concurrent_programs where concurrent_program_name=’POXPOPDOI’;

After saving.

3. Retest the import and confirm if that has properly corrected the problem.

The following select statement would extracts all on-hand inventory information from Oracle
Applications base tables.

Note:- You may need to modify the query to match with your instance conditions and your requirements.

NVL(substr(org.organization_code, 1,3), ‘ ‘) orgcode
,NVL(substr(msi.segment1, 1, 8), ‘ ‘) seg11
,NVL(substr(msi.segment1, 9, 8), ‘ ‘) seg12
,NVL(substr(msi.segment1, 17, 4), ‘ ‘) seg13
,NVL(moq.subinventory_code, ‘ ‘) sub_inv_code
,NVL(to_char(round(sum(moq.transaction_quantity))), ‘ ‘) trans_qnty
FROM mtL_system_items msi
,org_organization_definitions org
,mtl_onhand_quantities moq
,hr_organization_units hou
WHERE moq.inventory_iteM_id = msi.inventory_item_id
AND moq.organizatioN_id = msi.organizatioN_id
AND moq.organizatioN_id = org.organizatioN_id
AND moq.organization_id = hou.organization_id
— AND hou.type = ‘DC’
GROUP BY org.organization_code
, moq.subinventory_code
, msi.segment1;

I hope the above information would be helpful to you.

Know license applications:-
Lot many times we would not be known if the client has the specific application license or not.

We can ask the client is one way. If you have access to the back-end for the production Instance. Then you could know with following query. This is the Other way. 

All the applications which are Installed status are license one.

SELECT application_name
, application_short_name
,DECODE (status, ‘I’, ‘Installed’, ‘S’, ‘Shared’, ‘Not Installed’) status
, a.application_id
FROM fnd_application_all_view a
, fnd_product_installations i
WHERE a.application_id = i.application_id